Sumerian Star Gate |
The picture above is taken
from a Sumerian Cylinder Seal. Notice the "water"
represented on both sides of the gateway and the
stairs receding into the entry. The God emerging is
obviously represented as being in the distance by
perspective, coming out of the gate. This is one of
the better examples of a "stargate" in historical
documentation. Following is an excerpt from E.
Vegh's E-Book "The Anunnaki and the Abyss". Her
books are very interesting and thought provoking
by E. Vegh - Excerpt
Abyss = Abzu Many scholars have translated the word "Abyss" to mean, a deep body of water. Likewise, Assyriologists assume the sumerian "Abzu" is a mythological deep body of fresh water, an underground water source. However, considering the ways in which both the Abyss and Abzu are described in ancient texts and depicted on cylinder seals, it's highly unlikely that any such translation is completely revealing or entirely accurate. In this book, I will describe how and why such translations are incorrect and provide a feasible set of alternative viewpoints for your consideration. According to biblical texts, there's a hidden door to the "Abyss" and "Bottomless Pit" in the vicinity of the Euphrates river, a star gate of sorts. It has been there, buried under the ruins of the ancient Mesopotamian city of Eridu, for thousands of years. [1] It's my contention, that this Abyss mentioned in the bible, is also referred to in sumerian texts as the "Abzu," and is associated with a sumerian god known as "Enki-Ea." The Abzu or Engur, is further described as a doorway from which Enki-Ea arrived on the Earth and over which he built the Temple of E. ABZU at Eridu, to facilitate its usage. Yes, you heard me right: usage. |
To read the rest of the story go to The Star*Gates by E. Vegh | ||||
This relief in the
British Museum show the Anunnaki King Ninurta in a
Gateway. He is very clearly using a finger to push
something on the wall of the Gate (3).. Is he
activating the Portal? His bracelet looks very
similar to a modern wrist watch (2) and the emblem
around his neck matches the design for Mount Meru
and is very similar to our modern radiation symbol.
This symbols has been identified as also
representing the power of the "Dark Star" {The other
five symbols will be identified as soon as we find a
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