What's in a Name? |
![]() When doing research into the
Ancients one often comes across references that seem
to speak about the same event, only have a different
name for it. This is oft times confusing to people
who are not avid researchers. Sometimes the names
are not so different at all and you can clearly
trace the origins. We will use this page to
consolidate such words and names, and where possible
show the root and/or how they are linked. This will
be an on going process as new data is uncovered and
added. Some of these are fact, some are
coincidences, some are opinions, the reader has to
do a little thinking of their own here.
Abydos also known as Abtu or Abdju Abzu Sumerian name for the Abyss... Abyss Biblical watery gateway... Abyss = Abzu = Abtu =
Abdju = Abydos |
Mount Meru![]() Sumeru (Sanskrit) or Sineru (Pâli) is the name
of the central world-mountain in Buddhist cosmology.
Other Names denoting the same mountain.
Mt. Kailash is also called Kang Rinpoche, or the Precious Mountain, in Tibetan.This peak is the earthly manifestation of Mount Sumeru, or Meru as it is also known. Sumeru is believed to be the axis of the universe. The point about which the entire cosmos spins is Mount Meru. |
Aramu Maru(Muru)
Peru gateway named after a priest that vanished through gate... Inca priest called Aramu Muru who belonged to the Seven Rays Monastery... Marduk (Sumerian spelling in Akkadian/Elamite; Amarutu) |
Marduk From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Sumerian spelling in Akkadian/Elamite; Amarutu, "solar calf" Biblical: Merodach Marduk was the name of a late generation God from ancient Mesopotamia and patron deity of the city of Babylon, who, when Babylon permanently became the political center of the Euphrates valley in the time of Hammurabi (18th century BC), started to slowly rise to the position of the head of the Babylonian pantheon, a position he fully acquired by the second half of the second millennium BC. Nabu, god of wisdom, is a son of Marduk. LINKS |
Tablets of Destiny
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In Mesopotamian mythology, the Tablets of Destiny are a work of carved stone covered in writing of great significance. It has been said that this writing describes the destiny of the universe and all things in it. In the Lugale, Imdugud (known in Assyrian as Anzu) stole the tablet(s) from Enlil. Supposedly, whoever possessed the tablets ruled the universe. |
Enűma Elish
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Enűma Eliš is the creation epic of Sumerian Babylonian mythology. It was first discovered by modern scholars (in fragmentary form) in the ruined library of Ashurbanipal at Nineveh (Mosul, Iraq). Enűma Elish has about a thousand lines and is recorded in Akkadian on seven clay tablets. The majority of Tablet V has never been recovered, but aside from this lacuna the text is almost complete. This epic is one of the most important sources for understanding the Babylonian worldview, centered on the supremacy of Marduk and the existence of mankind for the service of the gods. Its primary original purpose, however, is not an exposition of theology or theogony, but the elevation of Marduk, the chief god of Babylon, above other Mesopotamian gods. Enűma Elish has existed in various versions and copies, the oldest probably dating to at least 1700 B.C.E. Outside links: |
adam [HABITATION] (37x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. a2-dam "habitation" Akk. namű
1. habitation (37x/100%) ~ LEX/Ur III/Nippur a2-dam = na-ma-šum PBS 05, 136 [OBGT XI] v 20'. Akk. namű "living in the steppe, steppe-dweller". See ETCSL: a2-dam=habitation. |
Nibiru From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ![]() Nibiru, to the Babylonians, was the celestial body or region sometimes associated with the god Marduk. The word is Akkadian and the meaning is uncertain. Because of its use in opposition to the phrase itebbiru "who used to cross," Landsberger and Kinnier Wilson suggest that it refers to a stationary point in the heavens.1 In a reconstruction of Tablet V of the Enűma Elish by Landsberger and Kinnier Wilson, the word ni-bi-ri (variant: ni-bi-ru and ni-bi-a-na) is translated as "pole star."1 The authors add in the footnotes that "Applied to Marduk, there is no question that in the late periods n?beru is a planet, whether Jupiter or Mercury" however for the referenced translation of Tablet V, "pole star" is used.1 According to Zecharia Sitchin and Burak Eldem, Nibiru in Sumerian records referred to an undiscovered planet, but these claims are not thought to be accurate by others in the fields of archaeology and astronomy. Notes * Note 1: "The Fifth Tablet of Enuma Eliš", B. Landsberger and J. V. Kinnier Wilson, Journal of Near Eastern Studies: Vol. 20, No. 3. (Jul., 1961), pp. 174-176. Outside links:
Planet X is a large hypothetical planet with an orbit beyond that of Neptune. The X mentioned in the name represents an unknown, as opposed to the Roman numeral for ten; at the time of its conception there were only eight known planets in the solar system. Its existence, first as a ninth planet, then, after 1930, as a tenth, and once again a ninth planet after Pluto was demoted in 2006, was postulated on the basis of apparent discrepancies in the orbits of the gas giants, especially those of Uranus and Neptune. Those discrepancies have largely been resolved by modern measurement, removing the basis for Planet X. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Word meaning, of course, is determined by context. “Nibiru” (more technically and properly transliterated as “neberu”[5]) can mean several things. I have underlined the form of Nibiru for the reader: “place of crossing” or “crossing fee” – In the Gilgamesh epic,[6] for example, we read the line (remarkably similar to one of the beatitudes in the sermon on the Mount): “Straight is the crossing point (nibiru; a gateway), and narrow is the way that leads to it.” A geographical name in one Sumero-Akkadian text, a village, is named “Ne-bar-ti-Ash-shur” (“Crossing Point of Asshur”). Another text dealing with the fees for a boatman who ferries people across the water notes that the passenger paid “shiqil kaspum sha ne-bi-ri-tim” (“silver for the crossing fees”). “ferry, ford”; “ferry boat”; “(act of) ferrying” – For example, one Akkadian text refers to a military enemy, the Arameans: “A-ra-mu nakirma bab ni-bi-ri sha GN itsbat”[7] (“The Arameans were defiant and took up a position at the entrance to the ford [gate, crossing point]”). In another, the Elamites are said to “ina ID Abani ni-bi-ru u-cha-du-u” (“[to] have cut off the ford [bridge, crossing way] of the river Abani”). I think the “root idea” of the nibiru word group and its forms as meaning something with respect to “crossing” is clear, and so we’ll move on.[8] Source - Micheal
Heiser |
Lemuria is often called Mu ![]() The exact location of Lemuria varies with different researchers and authors, though it is part of the mysteries of the Pacific region flowing into the American continent, just as Atlantis is linked to the Atlantic land areas that stretch to the Mediterrean Sea. Wherever you believe the location of Lemuria to be, it is linked with the Ring of Fire. There are various dates for the Lemurian timeline - some placing it millions of years ago - while others define the Lemurian era as roughly 75,000 to 20,000 B.C. - prior to Atlantis. Others speculate that Atlantis and Lemuria co-existed for thousands of years. The idea of the Lemurian continent first appeared in the works of Augustus Le Plongeon, (1826-1908) a 19th century researcher and writer who conducted investigations of the Maya ruins in the Yucatan. He announced that he had translated ancient Mayan writings, which allegedly showed that the Maya of Yucatan were older than the later civilizations of Atlantis and Egypt, and additionally told the story of an even older continent of Mu, whose survivors founded the Maya civilization. Later students of the Ancient Maya writings argue that Le Plongeon's "translations" were based on little more than his vivid imagination. Some speculate that the Lemurians were at some
point telepathically linked to the Dolphins. Lemurian Seed Crystals Another theory is based on the notion of 'seed crystals' in which the knowledge and story of Lemuria was encoded and stored in seed crystals just before Lemuria fell. Later - in our timeline - the crystals would be discovered and their messages revealed helping those who find them reember their fated destiny and how it parallels our experience. Are these crystals linked to the Mayan or other Crystal Skulls? In conclusion - I believe that the story of Lemuria - and other lost and ancient civilizations - and religious ideologies are part of humanity's quest to remember that we are not physical beings searching for our spiritual selves - in as much as we are soul sparks of light having a physical experience - which is about the end / evolve back into higher frequencies of consciousness and total understanding of the nature of reality. Lemuria - Crystal Links Japan's underwater site at Yonaguni, Possible Physical Evidence of Lemuria |
Chinese and modern english Many western explorers, hearing tales of a "golden city" of Shambhala, sought to find it in the frozen wastes of northern Tibet. This resulted in the present-day term "Shangri-la," which, like El Dorado, signifies an unattainable goal. This is an unfortunate misunderstanding, for ultimately Shambhala is a place accessible to anyone, if only one can be free of karmic attachments. Shambala
Tibetan legends describe a "Golden City" once inhabited by gold skinned giants. This city is now buried partially by ice in a rift valley of the Himalyan Mountain range... Olmolungrung According to legend, somewhere in the northwest region of Jambudvipa lies a land called Shambhala. This is a magical land which is shaped like an eight-petalled lotus flower. It has been ruled by priest-kings for many thousands of years; in fact, the legend of Shambhala predates the introduction of Buddhism into Tibet. In the aboriginal Bon religion, Shambhala is known as Olmolungrung, and is based on the square instead of the circle... [Research Note] |
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