The UFO Files |
Some of you may remember the story of the purported April 24, 1964 landing of a UFO at Holloman AFB in New Mexico. This story was presented as a hypothetical scenario of alien contact in the book "UFOs: Past, Present & Future" as well as in the documentary UFOs: It Has Begun. If you recall, at around 5:30 am on that day, three UFOs flew into Holloman's airspace and were tracked on radar. One of the saucers appeared to be wobbling and in trouble. This lone saucer landed at Holloman and the aliens disembarked the craft to communicate with the Air Force Base officials! It is claimed that this landing never really took place and is an urban legend of sorts, based on a training film that new officers were shown when stationed at Holloman. But some say that this training film looked incredibly real! It is alleged that the film was the "real thing" and shown to the officers as a psychological experiment. Many of those stationed at Holloman remember this "training" film they were shown entitled "What If They Land?" This film depicted this same scenario of a UFO landing at the base and aliens emerging from the craft. The officer who was in charge of ordering all training films and other equipment does not recall ordering the film. He also does not recall of disposing of the film either, which is exactly what happened to it! The original film was reported as "missing" in the 1970s and remains as such to this present day. A copy of the film was apparently made, because a still image made from a frame of that film was sent to the training officer in charge of the original film. The frame was cut from a very new was not yellowed and the sprockets weren't tattered as they were on the original film when it was last seen. The training officer does verify that the image of the UFO on the frame matches that of the original film. In February, The Learning Channel used this frame within part of their documentary on the UFO phenomenon. As far as I know, this is the first time it has been seen on any website and identified as a frame of the "missing" Holloman AFB film.
From Thread: Holloman
AFB UFO Landing and the ‘Large-Nosed’ Aliens…
Posted by Strawberry_Icecream, on October 29, 2006 at 05:19 GMT You've all probably heard of the alleged Holloman AFB UFO landing which occurred in 1954 or 1964 or (well, there have been a couple of dates when this is claimed to have happened). What seems to have been overlooked with this particular event is the appearance of the entities that reportedly disembarked from the craft – the so-called 'Large-Nosed' Aliens or 'Large-Nosed' Grays. According to the descriptions (and artist's impressions), these entities don't look anything like 'Grays' at all. Only a handful of UFO researchers over the years have mentioned these 'Large-Nosed' Aliens. Some speculated they come from Betelgeuse in the constellation of Orion. Some speculate that a treaty was signed with these visitors and that three (or more) humans left the earth with them. Some also speculate that the more commonly known Grays are manufactured by and are subservient to another alien species - possibly these 'Large-Nosed' Aliens. No doubt you have heard some of these theories before… Where did the 'Large-Nosed' Aliens legend all begin? The Emenegger/Sandler Affair - see this article 'Disclosure Pattern' for more information: The Holloman AFB UFO landing event was featured in Robert Emenegger's/Alan Sandler's 1974 documentary 'UFO's: Past, Present and Future', and in an updated 1979 version 'UFOs: It Has Begun'. These documentaries were both narrated by Rod Serling. Towards the end of the documentary, a 'what if' scenario was presented to the viewer about a landing that could happen in the future, or perhaps already could have happened… "Let us look at an incident that might happen in the future, or perhaps could have happened already. The premise is that contact is made by extraterrestrial beings with representatives of the United States Air Force at Holloman Air Force Base in the deserts of New Mexico." Rod Serling goes on to narrate the Holloman landing event which consisted of illustrations of the landing and the aliens meeting Air Force officials. These illustrations were inter-cut with actual footage from the base. At one point in the re-enactment there is footage of a strange white-yellowish object descending towards the base, with the mountains in the background (some people have suggested it is part of the authentic UFO landing tape that slipped though). Years later, Robert Emenegger appeared with Paul Shartle on the 'UFO Cover-Up Live' program back in 1988. Paul Shartle, who was the audio-visual director of Norton Air Force claimed that he actually saw the authentic Holloman footage… "I saw footage of three disc-shaped crafts. One of the craft landed and two of them went away. It appeared to be in trouble because it oscillated all the way down to the ground. However, it did land on three pods. A sliding door opened, a ramp was extended, and out came three aliens. They were human size. They had odd gray complexions and a pronounced nose. They worn tight-fitting jump suits, thin headdresses that appeared to be communications devices, and in their hands they held a translator, I was told. The Holloman base commander and other Air Force officers went out to meet them." Further descriptions given by Paul Shartle of the Holloman aliens: "big-nosed" tall humanoids with gray complexions and eyes with vertical slits, similar to cat eyes. They had thin, slit-like mouths and no chins. Did any researcher ever look into the veracity of Paul Shartle's account or has it just been forgotten about? Real, false or an entertaining dose of dis-information? |
I received the following image and background information from Sentinel, who has been in contact with an anonymous source of UFO related materials. One of the other gems we received through this source is the Hill Top Memo, supposedly a manufactured secret document. Again, as with all information from anonymous source, each reader must decide if the material present could be further support and evidence of UFOs and in this case, Alien Contact by humanity in the past as demonstrated by the mask you see above. For some reason, when I see this mask, I keep thinking of the Fish Gods talked about in Sumerian/Abyssian legends ... ala Zecharia Sitchin ... oh well ... "ALIEN MASK?" What the viewer sees in the image is a picture of a wooden "MASK:" The actual wooden "Mask" was leaked to one of our sources in 1994 by an agent of Gorden Liddy's. The other images show what has been determined to be "National Security Agency" (NSA) and USAF labels on the bottom and lower back bottom of the wooden mask. At this writing we have not determined what this "Mask" represents: But, if it is "Alien" in nature then the question is it ancient or modern? If it is modern then could it represent the helmets worn at the reported 1964 landing at Holloman AFB in New Mexico or some other contact? If ancient then perhaps a rendition of a far distant "Alien" contact or something else? One source reported that he saw this same mask at NSA in 1982. The important question here would be is why would NSA or USAF collect such items? Have they started an archeology division at either of these two agencies?? Further investigation is proceeding but for now it just a fascinating curiosity from your local government agencies? |
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.. Jun 24, 2007
This documentary came out in 1979 and features Dr. Jacques Vallee and is presented by Rod Serling. Written by Robert Emenegger.Yes, its the same person who was pretty close to uncovering the reality behind the alleged reports about the landing of a UFO at Holloman AFB. He also appears shortly in the one about the Presidential knowledge about UFO's, part of the History Channel's UFO Files Series! It's a pretty good video, and should definitely go into the video library of anyone interested in the scientific study of UFOs. |
From Thread: Seeking
1964 Hollowman UFO information
Posted by Condorcet, on February 19, 2004 at 15:25 GMT On April 24, 1964 three flying saucers were reportedly seen over Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico. Rumor has it that one saucer landed on the tarmac and extraterrestrials disembarked from the craft to communicate with government officials. The photo below is supposedly a still frame from a film made of this event. I'm seeking evidence and testimony to support or refute the authenticity of these stories and this photograph. Can any reader also confirm or deny that this is a still shot from an Air Force training film titled "What If They Land?,? as is claimed on the following website: Anyone hesitant to post for fear of revealing his/her identity could use an anonymous Internet terminal at a public library, school or university.
From Thread: Seeking
Hollowman UFO information
Posted by All Seeing Eye, on June 4, 2005 at 09:08 GMT While I was stationed at Cannon AFB a old retired NCO came by selling insurance. At the end Of the pitch It was obvious I wasn't interseted. I decided to get rid of him by asking him if he ever saw a UFO, what follows is his story During his assignment at Holloman AFB he was assigned to take a truck and go down to the remote end of the base to look for a drag shoot cone that had come off one of the aircraft. While in this area he and his buddy drove past the back side of a old hanger and the hanger door was half way open. He said as he drove past they both looked in and saw a parked disk. By the time they drove back around to the other side of the hanger, two black sedans came tearing up to them and stop his truck. The occupants came up to the truck and began to tear the two of them a new A$$ hole (His Words). He said they threatened them with everything in the book if they ever said anything about it. So he didnt, until he told me. His age at the time would indicate that he was there in the mid 60s. So, yea, the story might be true............... |
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