Mars Spirit Mission
Is It Real?
By Ted Twietmeyer
Update - Static Electricity Is NOT Cleaning Rover's Panels
It has been said that you get the most flack when you're
right over target - and apparently my original report about a fake Mars
rover mission has struck a nerve somewhere. This update to my original
report was intercepted and bounced back to me apparently by the government
several times today while trying to send the following update to Jeff Rense.
Here is the bounce message I received numerous time when
trying to email Jeff. Regular test messages were not returned.
The following message to <_____> was
undeliverable. The reason for the problem: 5.x.0 - Message bounced by administrator
My internet provider, Frontier cannot find the reason
for this happening nor can they find the reason for it. I told the ISP
representative that this probably happening at one of the internet NSA
router sites. I was assured they would look into it but I won't be holding
my breath for answers. It is clear from the tests performed that the following
update is HOT, and the content causes it to be bounced.
With that said, here is the update:
Update for solar cell feature piece:
To address the comments of several readers I'd like to
add the following about static electricity. It gets a bit technical but
this is necessary. Static was actually one of my first thoughts. It wasn't
really very thrilling to discover this information about the solar panel
issue, and I'd rather discount it if possible. Then I looked at the odd
dust distribution and ruled static out. Yes, it is true that solar panels
have insulating coatings that *might* create some static from a dry wind
blowing over them. (We haven't yet heard the official statement about humidity
on Mars yet, which would have to be extremely low for this to happen. With
the presence of water on Mars often just below the surface, one must question
just how low the humidity on Mars really is.) However, mysterious periodic
cleaning of rover solar panels has been seem in previous NASA images. Please
visit my website , click on the "Radio Show Images"
button on the left side, then scroll down to the solar panel images. Though
not as good as the newer color images, I show two images taken just 7 minutes
apart. One where one panel is dusty and dirty, and another one which is
What tends to rule static out is this: We see a thin coating
of red dust on metal surfaces attached to clean hinge mechanisms. Yet the
hinge mechanism doesn't have a speck of dust on it? Certainly after more
than THREE YEARS some dust would be present on these hinges, and visible
down in the deep recesses of them. It's also quite likely that these hinges
are not simple bare metal, but are anodized (more on that later.) On the
outside of the cell wiriing between panels along the hinge line of adjacent
panels, we don't see a heavy layer of dust present there either. We also
clearly see dirty solar cells near other colar cells which are very clean.
Static charges are affected by various geometries as some readers have
pointed out. But even wiring which is separated from metal doesn't show
any heavy dust accumulation. How can that be?
As for wiring - NASA loves Teflon coated wiring. After
all, it's still the best insulation available and it's quite damage resistant.
White is the native color of Teflon and also Teflon insulated wire, even
though it is available from suppliers in various colors. I know this because
I've used it in the past for various aerospace projects. It also quickly
dulls tool edges such as wire-strippers, too. Teflon has strong static
properties (triboelectric effects) and it is a great insulator. Yet much
of the insulated white wiring has no dust on it! Only wiring packed around
dirty solar cells is coated with dust.
NASA also has apparently a fascination with the solar
cells - DOZENS of images were taken of the solar panels from various angles,
instead of imaging the ground for gathering science. Why?
As for metal surfaces and static, anodized aluminum is
quite commonly used in both aircraft and spacecraft. Anodized metal is
formed by a chemical coating made in a tank of process chemicals, which
oxidizes the outer surface of the metal and changes it's color. These coatings
can be made in black, green and clear and are scratch resistant. For example,
Boeing airplanes are strange, almost lime-green inside and out in their
natural, unpainted state as a result of anodizing. Anodizing is important,
as it prevents surface oxidation and helps paint adhesion. It appears that
JPL used black as their color for the solar cell mounting plates. Black
is a good color for this. Black anodized aluminum both absorbs heat (far-infrared
radiation) and also radiates it. Black anodized aluminum heat-sinks are
widely used in electronic systems as well. It is my understanding that
there also exists a conductive anodized metal process. I doubt that JPL
used that here because of the bare solar cell connections and the risk
of having a short circuit.
Most anodized metal is also an excellent electrical insulator,
similar to the clear coatings on solar cells. Yet we see great differences
in these images with the amount of accumulation of dust and dirt on the
metal solar cell backing plates, which are mounted side by side.
There is so much evidence here that doesn't add up to
support the case for static electricity attracting dust.
Solar cells become quite hot while operating. The heat
comes from two sources: Absorption of almost all solar energy striking
it (far- infrared energy) and heat from resistance heating as a result
of the electric current passing through the cell. A solar cell has considerable
internal electrical resistance and becomes quite warm when operating. Resistance
heating is the same principle as the heating elements in an electric toaster,
a filament in an incandescent light bulb or an electic stove element, except
that solar cells will never become that hot. With solar cells the heating
principle is still the same - resistance.
Solar cells used in the sun also require a heat-sink backing
plate, and are also very brittle mechanically since they are actually a
form of glass. The black anodized aluminum backing plates are quite rigid
and protect the cells during liftoff on Earth and the rough, bouncing landing
cycle of the rover. These plates and also have great thermal conductivity
which removes excess heat for maximum lifetime of the solar cells.
When used outside in the sun, solar cells have a known
lifetime during which the output from the cells slowly decreases to a point
where the voltage and current becomes unusable. (Something to consider
before you invest about $50K to cover your rooftop and power your home
with them.) Solar cell failure will be the ultimate fate of both rovers,
if the batteries, electronic and mechanical systems of the rovers continue
to operate to reach that point. Fewer and fewer images will be sent to
Earth, and each rover will be able to travel less distance each day. Eventually,
both rovers will stop functioning altogether. One rover will probably outlast
the other, which will be the result of various factors such as sun exposure
and local temperatures. Internal batteries may fail before this point is
reached. Each rover has a sleep cycle which is the period when the batteries
are recharged. Solar panels do not generate enough power directly to power
the motors.
Ted Twietmeyer
Selective dust and dirt accumulation on a Mars rover tell
an intriguing story. Using relatively recent NASA images, at least one
of the two rovers on Mars are not transmitting images from Mars. Whether
or not this has always been happening remains to be seen. The following
photographic evidence clearly shows SOMETHING very, very strange is happening
on Mars. Dust devils which have been photographed (supposedly) on Mars
are thought to be responsible for cleaning solar panels. However, it stretches
credibility to think that these broad swirling vortices of air (Martian
air that is) which are several meters across could perform the selective
cleaning we see in these images.

FIG. 1 - SOL 1229
White arrow: low gain antenna shaft on Spirit Rover
Red Arrow: Low gain antenna mounting plate - CLEAN of
all dirt as well as most surrounding solar cells.
Blue circles: Surrounding dirty solar cells. Blue arrow:
Dust and dirt finds its way into the smallest places, in this example its
packed in-between solar cell wiring.

FIG 2 - SOL1229
Here is another amazing "selective cleaning" example.
The white arrow points to a small area where something
has apparently touched the panel, removing the thin layer of dust and exposing
the metal underneath. Also visible is the hinge mechanism (red arrows)
showing the hinge plates and actuator completely cleaned of dust. Also
- there is evidence that the top hinge plate may have recently been attached
to this dirty solar panel. Note the tool marks around the top edge of the
hinge ears, and the disturbance of the dust around those ears. This is
similar to the disturbed dust where the white arrow is.
The yellow arrow points to what may either be dust or
rust on the drive shaft. Yet the solar cells are incredibly dirty?

FIG. 3 - SOL1229
Not a speck of dust or dirt found in "nooks and crannies"
Here we clearly see that the dust has not entered an EXPOSED
mechanism. Red arrows point to small areas where it would be sure to penetrate.
Even on Earth, it would require the use of a brush or compressed air to
remove dust from tiny crevices like these. Yet on Mars these tiny spaces
are CLEAN? How?

FIG. 4 - SOL1220
Dirty panel and clean mechanism side by side
If this wasn't documented as all ONE image from Mars,
anyone would certainly have to think it is a collage of two images joined
together. How could a "dust devil" which NASA has claimed to photograph
on Mars so perfectly clean one panel and NOT the other?

FIG. 5 - SOL1229
Dirty Panels attached to a clean hinge
In this example, the red arrows point to two areas. The
red arrow on the left points to the intricate wiring used to collect power
from the solar panels. On the right, just inches away from the first red
arrow another arrow points to a perfectly clean hinge pin, in pristine
condition like the day it supposedly left Earth.

FIG. 6 - SOL1229
Amazing sundial that cleans itself!
Here we see the sundial as mounted on the rover. Notice
how the Sundial is surrounded by very dirty solar cells. Yet the Sundial
is almost completely clean! How is this possible? The natural color of
the top of the knob is black. The reference picture (insert) shows what
the sundial looked like THREE YEARS AGO when the rover landed, under high
and low sun conditions. This color image and the previous five images in
this report are color-corrected. In most NASA color images the blue color
reference tab on the sundial is actually PURPLE as NASA strived to make
the colors on Mars match the mentality of Mars being a "red" planet.
What more can I say about this? The evidence is overwhelming
for one of four possible arguments:
1.. ENTIRE MISSION WAS FAKED - None of the thousands of
images for past three years were ever sent from Mars, and were all created
on Earth in a studio. Such a studio with the right video editing would
fool scientists - because they would see and believe what they want to
see and believe.
2.. HYBRID REAL AND FAKE MISSION - Images were at first
sent from Mars and later images were manufactured on Earth. This could
explain why NASA falsified the color on so many images. When these false
color images are corrected, we see the same color scheme as Earth - a blue
sky and tan-colored desert.
3.. EXTENDED FAKE MISSION - Someone is selectively cleaning
just enough of the solar panels to keep the rover batteries charged and
functional. This would require a detailed knowledge of the interconnections
between the panels to know which cells and panels to clean, and which ones
are to be left dirty. In all solar panels, some cells are wired in parallel
(to generate more current) and others are wired in series to generate higher
voltages. It is well known that for any solar panel which consists of groups
of solar-cells, covering up certain cells will result in no current or
voltage generated.
4.. MISSION IS 100% REAL - Everything is real, the rover
is on Mars and all is well. And none of this can be explained in any rational
Ted Twietmeyer
Article reprinted by Permission