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Skyfloating's Collection
Aliens of Ancient China Posted by Skyfloating, posted on 29-4-2009 @ 12:05 PM This thread is a collaborative effort by Skyfloating and TheWayISeeIt. We authored these opening posts together. It is also a sub-topic of my previous thread Ancient Extraterrestrials. Enjoy. The first time I considered in the possibility of Extraterrestrial Visitation in ancient China was when I was reading a book on Chinese Mythology more than a decade ago. There it said that the “Gods” came out of the belly of flying Dragons. Contrary to the popular notion of the Dragons themselves being deities to worship, these references clearly implied that they are only vehicles. The image of fire-spitting, flying dragons landing and “Gods” getting out of their “belly” comes up again and again throughout Chinese Mythology. This is how our ancestors would most likely describe air- and spacecraft if they had no word for or concept of them. Was the first Chinese Emperor an Extraterrestrial? Huang-Di (2697-2598 B.C.) or “The Yellow Emperor” is considered to be the first emperor of China and the ancestor of all Chinese. Chinese scholars have always argued whether Huang-Di was “real” or “mythical”. Depending on the source you can either read that he was a god-king, a mythical-king, a real king, a god-like-king, a “son of the heavens” or a half-god. I would like to suggest that the solution may lie somewhere in between: He was real but not human. We know from other ancient cultures and especially from ancient Egypt that those kings and rules that descended from the skies were referred to as “Gods” and their offspring (from relations to humans) as “half-gods”. Chinese accounts are no different in this respect. According to legend, before Huang-Di was born there was “a radiance from the great star Chi and the Dipper Constellation (Ursa Major). His conception was marked by a “thunderclap on a clear day in the skies”. Huang-Di then begins his unification of China and is also credited with being a culture-hero, having brought traditional Chinese Medicine (including acupuncture) to the country. His wife taught the Chinese how to make silk. (this is consistent other ancient legends that also attributes a woman “who came from the skies” to have taught silk manufacture. More on this later). He was said to live in the Kunlun-Mountains which are in the heart of Tibet. After he lived and ruled for over 100 years he is said to have prepared his “return to the skies”. Then a metallic Dragon “descended from the sky and took Huang-Di away”. Some sources say that he did not die then but lived another 200 years in the Syuan Yuan stars (the Leo Constellation). Huang-Di is also said to have authored a book called “Bai Ze Tu” which describes 11520 types of “shapeshifters, monsters, spirits, beings” in the Universe. This book is considered lost. A book of his that was not lost is titled “Handbook on Sex” and is probably the oldest known book on Sex known to us. Some sources also cite Huang-Di as having instructed Lao Tzu…the originator of Taoism. Of course everything involving space-travel is considered “mythical” by modern scholars. But another reason Huang-Di himself is said to be “mythical” is because he reigned prior to the Shang-Dynasty (1766 – 1122 B.C.) which is the first era that was thoroughly documented. Seeing everything pre-Shang-Dynasty as purely “mythical” came to an abrupt halt when Chinese Archaeologists discovered evidence that the complex Chinese system of writing was already fully developed at the beginning of the Shang-Dynasty and that it indeed dates back at least to 2000 B.C. Many ancient accounts on Huang-Di keep referring to him as an inventor or developer of odd mechanical devices. A machine called “the south pointing chariot” helped him win various battles. Another odd device which Huang-Di is supposed to have invented is what is translated as “a tripod”. This “tripod” was 4 meters in height and “100s of energies filled its inside” and made “odd noises”. According to legend this tripod depicted “dragons flying in the clouds”. Furthermore, the tripod was set up at the “Summit Lake Mountain” (one of Chinas most famous mountains because of this legend) and “had to be pointed at the Syuan Yuan star” (our name for the brightest star in this Constellation is Regulus). This is also the star Huang-Di is said to be from. Apparently this “tripod” was also able to store data, as they say it recorded the life and times of Huang-Di. Huang-Di’s “Dragon” is not described as some mythological creature but as a device to ascend to “the suns”, as a means of transportation and that this dragon is more than three thousand years old. The Biography of Huang-Di states that the Changhuan covers an extreme distance in only one day and that a human who “rides” it can reach and age of two thousand years. This is quite consistent with many other global myths and religious accounts of time dilation in regards to the “vehicles of the Gods”. If these descriptions, straight from books on Chinese Mythology sound like so many other ancient accounts of Gods and Half-Gods around the globe, then its probably because there is some truth in them. Source: Chinese Mythology The Beginnings were more Advanced than later Periods From Ancient Egypt we know that earlier dynasties appear to have been more advanced than later ones. Later Pyramids for example, were always less elaborate and grand as the original Pyramids of Giza. This, of course, contradicts conventional thought that supposes an upward evolution of all ancient cultures. The same type of De-Evolution can also be seen in parts of ancient South America. It can also be seen more recently in that our middle ages were in many ways less knowledgeable than their ancestors (The Greeks knew the earth was round wheras middle age doctrine said the earth is flat). We could discount De-Evolution as an oddity, a rare anomaly…except that we also have the same thing in China. Aliens or Ancestors? The Mysteries of Sichuan Excerpts only (for more, see linked source):
Source: Aliens or Ancestors? The Mysteries of Sichuan What follows are a few other unexplained mysteries picked up while researching the topic. The Case of Lady Dai In 1972 three burial mounds were found, quite unexpectedly, in Changsha, South Central China. The three tombs contained all sorts of artefacts, art and mummies from the Han Dynasty (200 B.C. – 24 A.D.) One of them contained a female corpse called Lady Dai. To the archaeologists great astonishment, Lady Dai lacked the usual signs of decay. 'No one's found anything remotely equivalent to this. If she'd only been buried a year I would be amazed at how well-preserved she was.All indicators – smooth skin, body fat, strong muscles – made the impression of a very fresh corpse and not one that was buried for more than 2200 years. Back then this corpse was considered a sensational find among scholars. Meanwhile it has been hushed-up, covered-up by a media-blackout – to the extent that nobody goes into detail on it. Why? Because the body was preserved by a [i]liquid substance[/i] that indicates advanced technology. The corpse has now been deteriorating since it was excavated and exposed because we lack the technology to preserve it as the ancients did. A recent news item: CHANGSHA: The bones of an ancient female mummy excavated from the Mawangdui Tombs in Central China more than 30 years ago, are starting to disintegrate. According to Luo Xuegang, head of the human anatomy research centre with Xiangya Medical Sciences College, the bones of the female mummy of Western Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 24) have started to decalcify. The discovery was made through a recent X-ray observation. "The decalcification might be caused by the fluids used to preserve the body being too acid. We can adjust the pH to ensure the ...
Some scientists suspect the real key to her preservation, however, may lie in the reddish liquid in which the body was immersed. If so, the secret may have died with her. Tests have revealed it is mildly acidic and contains magnesium and salt, but have so far failed to identify all the contents. ...So there you have it: Scientists have discovered a liquid that is capable of better corpse preservation than our own and they do not know what the liquid consists of. The Qufu Mystery This is the Tomb of the mythical chinese emperor ShaoHao located at a town/place called Qufu. It's the only known stone-pyramid in China. What's odd about the Chinese name "Qufu" is that the ancient Egyptian Khufu is said to be the builder of the Great Pyramid of Giza (although there is not much evidence for this). I stumbled upon the name-sync by chance while surfing around for Pyramids in China. Is this just a coincidence? Or did Chinese travellers copy the name from Egypt? Or is there a more mysterious and forgotten story behind this?
Silk: An Extraterrestrial Import? The Ancient Chinese are not the only ones to say that silk came from outer space. This is what ancient Khmer (of Cambodia) oral traditions say about the origins of silk: Five female “superhumans” flew down from the sky to earth for no other purpose than to “have fun”. One of them Sota Chan cannot resist the Temptation and steals six good smelling twigs from a poor Chinese Peasant Loem-Sang. After the girls return home to the “heavens” God Indra is enraged by the ladies interference in human affairs and, as punishment, orders Sota Chan to spend six years on earth as Loem-Sangs wife! Sota chan reluctantly (“without hope in her heart”) returned to earth. Surprisingly Loem-Sang is not willing to marry her so she has to persuade him to. She promises to teach him skills and arts that “nobody else here knows”. So he marries her and she teaches him how to weave and process a type of silk “not seen on earth before” and that silk is admired by all. After a year she gets pregnant and gives birth to a child which is “half human, half Demi-God”. His non-human mother gives him the name Preah Pisnokar. The first years of his life he spends eagerly drawing and painting animals, humans and geometrical figures. By the time he is five Sota Chans exile on earth is over and she flies back to the heavens.So how do modern day scholars interpret this story? They say it "symbolically" means that the Sota Chan returned to the Chinese "Emperors Court". Its interpretations bereft of any logic or sense that make me prefer the original ancient sources over those of the modern "scientific community" sometimes. Why would anyone have to "fly" to the Emperors Court? Continued in next post by TheWayISeeIt... Pegasus Additions
Stone age craftsmen in China were polishing objects using diamond 2,000 years before anyone else had the same idea, new evidence suggests. Quartz was previously thought to be the abrasive used to polish ceremonial axes in late stone age, or neolithic, China. But the investigations of a Chinese-US team of scientists indicate that quartz alone would not have been able to achieve such lustrous finishes. The team reports its diamond findings in the journal Archaeometry.Harvard University physicist Peter Lu and colleagues studied four ceremonial burial axes, the oldest of which dates to about 4,500 years ago. The team used X-ray diffraction and electron microprobe analysis. This determined that the most abundant mineral in the axes was corundum, known as ruby in its red form and sapphire in all other colours. Hard case The majority of prehistoric stone objects are traditionally thought to have been fashioned from rocks containing minerals no harder than quartz. But corundum is one of the hardest minerals known to science, second only to diamond. What the researchers found even more intriguing were the finely polished surfaces of the axes, which reflect an image like a mirror. To test their ideas, the researchers took a small stone sample from one of the axes, an artefact from the Liangzhou culture, and subjected it to polishing with diamond, alumina and silica, following modern techniques. Using an atomic force microscope to examine the polished surfaces on a nanometre scale, the scientists found the diamond-polished surface most closely matched the surface from the ancient axe. Quartz could not have been the abrasive used by the ancient craftsmen. "Our understanding of the first use of diamond is based on textual evidence from 500 BC in India. But even that - though probably right - is speculative. This is physical evidence a couple of thousand years earlier," Dr Lu told the BBC News website. "Any experiment does not give you 100% certainty, but this is the only possibility that makes sense." However, even with the best modern polishing technologies available, the research team could not achieve a surface as flat and smooth as that on the ancient axe. The ancient craftsmen must have used highly sophisticated techniques.
The authors speculate that the use of diamond and corundum abrasives could be linked to an explosion in finely polished jade artefacts during the Chinese neolithic. The use of corundum could have slashed production times while diamond could have added the finishing touches, they suggest. Quartz, previously thought to have been the neolithic lapidary's abrasive of choice, is only slightly harder than jade. Story from BBC
Published: 2005/05/17 22:12:42 GMT © BBC 2011 |
Qufu -- Hometown of Confucius
Qufu can be reached by a half hour bus ride from Yanzhou, which is a stop in Shandong Province halfway on the Beijing Shanghai Railway. The city has a long history. It is said to be the ruin of the capital of Shan Hao (one if the five legendary rulers before recorded history in China); five kilometers northeast of the city is Shan Hao's tomb, the only pyramid in China built with square stones. Qufu was the hometown of Confucius (551-479 B.C.), the celebrated thinker, philosopher and educator of the Spring and Autumn Period. For twenty-five centuries, he has exerted profound influence on Chinese society with his ideas right up to the present century. As the para-religious cult which came to embrace his thinking grew, shrines and temples were erected to his memory in Qufu. Among more than three hundred historical sites here, the most famous are Temple of Confucius (Kongmiao), Confucius Mansion (Kongfu), and Forest of Confucius (Konglin). Temple of Confucius One year after Confucius' death (478 B.C.), Duke Ai of the State of Lu had and Confucius's former residence rebuilt into a temple to worship and offer sacrifice to Confucius. As the temple was repeatedly renovated and enlarged by emperors from the Western Han Dynasty onwards, it gradually became a huge group of ancient buildings. In the front part of the temple, which consists of nine courtyards, visitors pass through a number of gates, the Pavilion of the Constellation Scholars (Kuiwenge), and Thirteen pavilions of Imperial Steles (Shisanyuebeiting). From Great Achievement Gate (Dachengmen), visitors can continue the tour along one of three routes. In the middle route, they can see Terrace of Apricot Tree (Xingtan), Great Achievement Hall (Dachengdian), Confucius' Bedroom (Qindian), and Hall of Memories of the Sage (Shengjidian). To the east of these halls is the former residence of Confucius, where tourists can visit Hall of Rites and Poetry (Shilitang), Wall of Lu (Lubi), Confucius' Well (Guzhaijing), Worship Ancestors Temple (Chongshengsi), and the Confucius Family Temple (Jiamiao). Along the west route are Hall of Heralding the Sage (Qishengwangdian), used for worshipping and offering sacrifice to Confucius' parents, and Hall of Private Apartments (Qishengwangqindian). The walled temple, with towers at its corners, is composed of many buildings with carved beams and painted eaves, extending for more than one kilometer from south to north. Inside the wall, ancient cypresses and pines provide the buildings with shade. The temple houses more than two thousand stone tablets with inscriptions in various styles of calligraphy. The towering Great Accomplishment Hall, the major structure of the temple, is 54 meters long, 34 meters wide and 32 meters high. Its roof is supported by twenty-eight stone columns standing on pedestals shaped like lotus flowers. The front ten columns standing on pedestals shaped like lotus flowers. The front ten columns are carved with dragons cavorting in a rolling sea with clouds floating above. A statue of Confucius stands inside the hall. Confucius Mansion Right next to the Temple of Confucius, the mansion was the residence of Confucius' descendants. As generations of emperors advocated the worship of Confucius, his descendants were given the hereditary title of "Lord of Learning." Therefore, the mansion is also called "the Mansion of Lords of Learning." Covering a vast area and containing a total of 463 rooms of buildings, this architectural group represents the largest landlord manor in Chinese history. The richly decorated mansion served a triple function: it was a feudal government office, a family temple, and a residence. Forest of Confucius Located to the north of the town of Qufu County and occupying two hundred hectares, the forest serves as the cemetery of Confucius and his descendants. The ancient trees in the cemetery are said to have been brought here by Confucius' disciples from their hometowns after his death. There are more than twenty thousand trees inside the cemetery, which shade the tombs and tombstones. There are many historical sites in the forest commemorating the visits of emperors of various dynasties who came to pay tribute to Confucius and his descendants. There are many historical sites in Qufu as well, including Duke of Zhou Temple (Zhougongmiao), Mother of Mencius Woods (Mengmulin), Duke of the State of Liang Woods (Lianggonglin), and the ruins of the old city of the Ducal State of Lu. All are now open to visitors after undergoing renovation. Qufu has fairly complete tourist facilities, and an increasing number of visitors come here every year. (
The city has a long history. It is said to be the ruin of the capital of Shan Hao (one if the five legendary rulers before recorded history in China); five kilometers northeast of the city is Shan Hao's tomb, the only pyramid in China built with square stones. | |||
Guilin Seven
Star Rock (Qixing
Guilin, China The Seven-Star rocks of Zhaoqing resemble Ursa Major. Description
At the
entrance gate there is
an inscription by the revolutionary Zhe De. In
Stone Chamber Rock (Shishi)
lies a cave containing 270 carved stones.
Seven Star Park
Seven Star Park (Qi xing Gongyuan), is located on the eastern side of the Li River, 1 kilometer from the city center. Deriving its name from a cave called Seven-Star Cave. Seven-Star Park covers an area of 40 hectares. Being the largest comprehensive and most beautiful park in Guilin , it features fantastic hills, rivers, caves and rocks. Located in the center, Seven-Star Hill consists of Putuo Hill with four peaks and Crescent Hill with three peaks. The southern entrance straddles the ancient Floral Bridge . Dragon Retreat Cave near the southern gate houses great numbers of stone tablets. This delightful park that has been landscaped to
encompass hills and
natural waterways is a great favorite with the local
people and tourists
alike. At the end of Jiefang Donglu ( Jiefang Road, East
) and approximately
one kilometer from the downtown. Seven Star Park got its
name from the
seven peaks that are supposed to resemble the star
pattern of the Big Dipper
constellation nearby - four peaks in the north are
called Putuo Hill, three
in the south are called Lunar Hill. The famous Seven
Star cave is located
at the Putuo Hill.
A visit to Guilin would not be complete without a visit to this cave and Reed Flute Cave -- the two largest, most fascinating, and best-known caves in China . Seven-Star Cave is more than one and a half kilometers long. It penetrates several main peaks of Putuo Mountain and can accommodate tens of thousands of people. About a million years ago, it was an underground river channel, which, with the movement of the earth's crust, rose above the surface to become a cavern. The cave is divided into three rock strata. The top stratum is eight to twelve meters higher than the middle stratum, with traces still somewhat visible. The lower stratum is an underground river course, ten to fifteen meters lower than the bottom of the middle stratum. It is this middle stratum that has become a tourist attraction -- an underground gallery of stalactites and stalagmites in formations suggestive of forests or animals. The tunnel is 814 meters long, 43 meters at its widest point, and 27 meters at it's highest. In-cave temperature is about 20 oC. Taking the shapes of stone column, curtain, stalagmite and animals, the cave leads visitors into a marvelous world. The cave has been equipped artificial with a lighting system to fully display the enchanting scenes to visitors. The cave has been a sightseeing spot since the Sui and Tang dynasties more than 1,300 years ago. Over the centuries many poems and other inscriptions have been left behind on its walls by visitors. |
![]() This pot was made in 1663 A.D during the Qing Dynasty. It is 1.5m in diameter, 0.8m in depth and weighs 1000kg. It can cook 300 jins, (1 jin = 604.79g), of rice to feed 1000 men. |
Reed Flute
Cave, Guilin, China
[quote][i]Originally posted by rapunzel222[/i]
Thought id post some pics of japanese kofun. they always strike me as a bit odd, especially the stone coffin and precisely cut massive stones. [url=]stone coffin[/url] [url=]precisely cut massive stone[/url] For anyone who hasnt seen the ishibutai, its amazing: [url=]ishibutai[/url] Better photos: [url=]more ishibutai[/url] (the stone coffin reminds me a bit of egyptian stone coffins like in the serapeum). Kofun:
[img][/img] [url=]more pics[/url]
[/quote] |
![]() This is an artistic reproduction of a relief found in a
labyrinth on
the island Jotuo in the Toengt'ing lake. An expedition
took place in 1957
(two years before an earthquake in that region). The
expedition was led
by professor Tsj'i Pen-Lai. They found various reliefs
showing "humans"
in strange clothes which looked like astronaut suits
(hose like objects
attached to the clothes). They also found a painting
which apparently resembled
the solar system. The third and fourth circle (planet)
were connected with
a line. Also there were ten planets (excluding the sun
as planet). This
connects easily to the theories about Nibiru, planet X,
[quote][i]Originally posted by jkrog08[/i]
[i]reply to [url=]post by TheWayISeeIt[/url][/i] [more] [quote]If I am not mistaken, wasn't there even a
sitting Japanese minster
who said recently in the news that ET's were a
You mean this? :) [ex]Do Extraterrestrials live among humans? Chinese scientists also say that aliens live among humans. This includes Sun Shili, a retired foreign ministry official who is now president of the Beijing UFO Research Society who also concludes that waixingren (extraterrestrials) are living among us. Sun’s first close encounter occurred in 1971, when he was sent to the remote countryside during the “cultural revolution” (1966-76) to perform the grueling task of rice planting. One day while toiling in the field, his attention was diverted to a bright object in the sky, which rose and fell repeatedly.[/ex] [img] [/img] [i]Former Minister showing depictions of "aliens disguised as humans among us"[/i] [url=][/url]
About the real image from the cave,good luck,lol.I
doubt one exists,as
is all to often the case in these matters**sigh**. |
[quote][i]Originally posted by jkrog08[/i]
Some more interesting ancient accounts…… [quote] According to a report on China Economic Net, a story in the book entitled "In Search of the Supernatural" by Gan Bao of the East Jin Dynasty (317 AD - 420 AD) tells of contact with Martians. In the Wu Kingdom during the Three Kingdoms Period (222 AD - 280 AD), the ancients wrote of child possessing a strange appearance appearing among a group of playing children. He was 1.3 meters tall, dressed in blue and had shining eyes. The other children had never seen this newcomer before, so they surrounded him to ask questions. "I am not from the earth, but from the Mars," said the child dressed in blue, "I saw that you are playing so happily so I came down to see you." ... When the adults rushed over, the Martian child bid the goodbye and immediately shrank his body and jumped into the air. When people raised their heads to watch him, they could
only see a white
silk cloth dragging a long belt, flying rapidly towards
the sky. Nobody
dared to spread the bizarre event at the time.
Well the evidence is everywhere isn’t it?I highly doubt all this,with its chilling similarity to modern UFOs and aliens is a “myth” or a “lie”.If all this information was presented in a courtroom we would have a ruling in favor of ancient ET contact.So why don’t some people take this ‘for real’?They say the evidence doesn’t exist,but all you have to do is look!How much longer can we as a race deny these facts?To deny them is in reality to deny ourselves.
[quote][i]Originally posted by beebs[/i]
[i]reply to [url=]post by jkrog08[/url][/i] [more] Yes you have a good point. So I checked it out. It appears that the Theosophical Glossary, from the same site, regards the Sidereal year as the same amount as the precession. So, it is not so much an error, as a shift of meaning for the term 'sidereal'. It seems they deal with longer periods of time: [ex]Great Age. There were several “great ages” mentioned by the ancients. In India it embraced the whole Maha-manvantara, the “age of Brahmâ”, each “Day” of which represents the life cycle of a chain—i.e. it embraces a period of seven Rounds. (See Esoteric Buddhism, by A. P. Sinnett.) Thus while a “Day” and a “Night” represent, as Manvantara and Pralaya, 8,640,000,000 years, an “age” lasts through a period of 311,040,000,000,000 years; after which the Pralaya, or dissolution of the universe, becomes universal. With the Egyptians and Greeks the “great age” referred only to the tropical or sidereal year, the duration of which is 25,868 solar years. Of the complete age—that of the gods— they say nothing, as it was a matter to he discussed and divulged only in the Mysteries, during the initiating ceremonies. The “great age” of the Chaldees was the same in figures as that of the Hindus.[/ex] :up: [/quote] |
[quote][i]Originally posted by Exuberant1[/i]
[i]reply to [url=]post by bigfatfurrytexan[/url][/i] [more] Nice find BFT! It is known as theHarashagahama object?
It washed ashore in what is now Ibaraki, and it
contained an occupant;
A young woman who spoke a strange language and who
carried a strange box....
it is all very strange ;-)
Here are a few pics of the occupant and the craft: [atsimg][/atsimg] [atsimg][/atsimg] [atsimg][/atsimg] *Here is another image of the Edo UFO and the occupant
with her "strange
gold box".
"Edo-period documents describe variations of this mysterious encounter. Toen Shousetsu (1825), a book by Kyokutei Bakin (who is
most famous
for his 106-volume samurai epic Nansou Satomi Hakkenden)
tells the story
of the same encounter, referring to the strange vessel
as the utsuro-fune
(”hollow ship”). Another variation of this tale appears
in Ume no Chiri
(1844), penned by a relatively unknown author named
Nagahashi Matajirou.
A thorough analysis of these two variations of the story
can be found in
a translated article by Kazuo Tanaka titled “Did a Close
Encounter of
the Third Kind Occur on a Japanese Beach in 1803?”"
[b]Tibet is close enough to China for this next example to be relevant;[/b] Here is a UFO that was drawn into this Tibetan artwork. It is from a 10th Century Tibetan translation of the Sanskrit text "Prajnaparamita Sutra", held at a Japanese museum: [atsimg][/atsimg] [atsimg][/atsimg]
[b] How about some Examples From Indochina - Vimanas![/b] Vimanas - from the Mahabharata, which has been interpreted as being a flying craft utilized by a highly developed civilization that existed several millennia ago and during a period whose records have some conventional researchers interpreting the data as being mythology..... Information concerning ancient flying machines can be
also be located
in the Hakatha and the Chaldean Sifrala, which contains
over one hundred
pages of technical details on building a flying machine.
It also
contains words which translate as graphite rod, copper
coils, crystal indicator,
vibrating spheres, stable angles, vertical stabilizer,
-Here are some examples of the various interpretations of the Vimana craft- A more 'primitive' representation:
Technological interpretation of Vimana data from the
early 1900's:
Technological interpretations from the 1920's:
[atsimg][/atsimg] From the latter half of the Twentieth century - we are
finally starting
to reach parity with some of the technology described in
the ancient texts:
[edit on 1-5-2009 by Exuberant1] [/quote]
![]() cloudbreak Not wanting to sound like a broken record or divert the conversation...while these ancient scripts hold alot of peculiar information and deserve alot of research, another building to be finished in 2010 for the world expo is below; basically what looks like a huge UFO. So, only kilometres apart, Shanghai will have not just a huge inverted pyramid, but also a huge UFO-shaped building. In my mind this is kind of like an overt, or almost sub-conscious display, of the importance of pyramids and UFOs. Perhaps somehow linked to China's ancient history? I
don't know...
[quote][i]Originally posted by HiAliens[/i]
There are rich pickings in the wikipedia entry on [url=]Chinese Mythology[/url] if you know how to read it. Skyfloating, it seems there were a lot of celestial beings, and 'contactees' in China before HuangDi. I'm not sure if you found the story of [url=]The Jade Emperor[/url] too apocryphal? The story mentions wars in heaven and a lot of other interesting things that tie in with other ancient accounts. The interesting thing about these Chinese "Gods" is that many of them seem confined to a specific geographic locale, a mountain, a city etc. It seems strange that gods should be restricted to a certain area. Here's some examples of Celestial beings and ancient contactees, bold mine: [b]Qibo[/b] [ex] Qibo (Chinese: 岐伯; pinyin: Qíbó; Wade-Giles: Chi Bo), was a mythological Chinese doctor, employed by Huangdi (the Yellow Emperor) as his minister. It is said that he was [b]enlightened with the knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine by an ethereal being from the heavens.[/b] [/ex]
[url=]Wikipedia entry on Qibo[/url] [b]The Cowherd and The Weaver Girl[/b] [ex]
[/ex] [url=]Yu Huang, The Cowherd and The Weaver Girl[/url] Modern Sinologists maintain that this story is a metaphor for Altair, Vega, and the creation of the Milky Way. But it seems strange that a culture that was in many ways so advanced should resort to strange metaphors for celestial occurences... the explanation seems pretty forced to me. Perhaps there are alternative explanations. [b]Fu Xi[/b] Half man, half snake, suppossed cretor of the human race, recreated humans after a great flood, apparently lived to 197, believed to have created the I Ching after being contacted by a dragon that arose from the Yellow River. [ex] Fu Xi was born on the lower-middle reaches of the Yellow River in a place called Chengji (possibly modern Lantian, Shaanxi or Tianshui, Gansu).[1] According to legend, the land was swept by a great flood and only Fu Xi and his sister Nüwa survived. They retired to Kunlun Mountain where they prayed for a sign from the Emperor of Heaven. The divine being approved their union and the siblings set about procreating the human race. It was said that in order to speed up the procreation of humans, Fu Xi and Nüwa found an additional way by using clay to create human figures, and with the power divine being entrusted to them, they made the clay figures to come alive. [ [/ex] [url=]Wikipedia on
[quote][i]Originally posted by HiAliens[/i]
I must say that the similarities in myths, legends and
religious scripts
from numerous societies throughout the world and history
suggests that
there is probably an element of truth in all this and to
dismiss it outright
seems fool hardy and maybe indicative of entrenched and
conditioned thought
Hi Freeborn,
between Myths and Monuments[/b]
When you analyse myths there's a lot of conjecture, true. I'm not 100 per cent sure what I believe, just putting things out there for people to have a look at. As far as massive archaelogical sites go, they're out there, no mistake. It's a case of looking at both in tandem and seeing if
there's any matches.
[b]The Fish in the Picture[/b]
[quote][i]Originally posted by HiAliens[/i]
True, not proof positve but some massive coincidences. You're right, it's a mammoth task, but a lot of fun. I don't so much feel daunted, but pleased there's a massive load of information to wade through. The trick is not so much making a dry, exhaustive study but a few really interesting links that make people go hmmmm.... Anyway... I was flicking around and I found [url=]this essay[/url], which links the design of the Great Wall to that of certain constellations in the Milky way. Now that could be so much nonsense. It's pretty tenuous, and could be easily ripped apart, but I'm putting it up anyway. I stand behind the other info I've posted but with this one, I just don't know. It's either one of the most profound essays ever written or a complete waste of bandwidth. Do we nominate the writer for a Nobel prize or lock him up? :lol: [ex]
[url=]This book looks
[quote][i]Originally posted by TheWayISeeIt[/i]
What is the date assigned to the "Man riding a dragon" pic you posted above? And nevermind the fish, what is that saucer like thing lying over his head? :) As to the carvings on tortoise shells, here's another anomaly found on tortoise shells -- it predates our current timeline in this thread by a few thousand years, but it is pretty compelling in that you can see the researchers unable to deny what they are finding -- and really struggling with that :lol: . [ex]
First attempt at writing on a tortoise shell
They predate the earliest recorded writings from Mesopotamia - in what is now Iraq - by more than 2,000 years. The archaeologists say they bear similarities to written characters used thousands of years later during the Shang dynasty, which lasted from 1700-1100 BC. But the discovery has already generated controversy,
with one leading
researcher in the field branding it "an anomaly".
[url=]Source[/url] [/quote] [edit on 15f20096amSat, 02 May 2009 09:40:32 -050032 by HiAliens] [/quote] [quote][i]Originally posted by HiAliens[/i]
I don't know, I wanted to see what other people thought. It's a 6th century piece from a tomb in Changsha... looking for more corroborating info now. - The
of Changsha... Oh! Lady Dai from the OP. It's unclear if
this picture is
from those tombs, I think it's just nearby.
[edit on 15f20096amSat, 02 May 2009 10:11:26 -050026 by HiAliens] [edit on 15f20096amSat, 02 May 2009 10:36:27 -050027 by HiAliens] [/quote] |
[quote][i]Originally posted by debris765nju[/i]
[i]reply to [url=]post by TheWayISeeIt[/url][/i] [more] If you are referencing the iron pipes at e.t. relics, the source you are quoting is tainted. The relics are 25 miles sw of delingha city which is among other things a prison farm for between 60 to 80 thousand political prisoners. I t is also where there mobile nuclear ICBM's are located. The pipes that were found irradiated was because of dumping nuclear waste in the salt lake. All these researchers go there but no one takes a camera. I think that is because they are afraid people will photograph the positions where they park their nuclear deterrents. [/quote] [quote][i]Originally posted by debris765nju[/i]
Home >> Sci-Edu
Mount Baigong is located in Huaitoutala County, 40 kilometers southwest of Delingha City, the capital of the Haixi Mongolian and Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in northwest China's Qinghai province. To the southwest of the mountain are two shimmering lakes on a plateau, one called Tuosuo and the other, Keluke. The incredible thing is that the former is a salt water lake, and the latter is composed of fresh water, despite their connection with the Bayin River. Upon arrival at Mount Baigong, a rare heavy rain that had been ravaging the area for a couple of days had just stopped, giving way to the scorching heat of the sun and ultraviolet rays pouring down on one's head. The place looked just like the surface of Mars depicted in an American science fiction film: flame-colored rocks were dazzling under the sun and clusters of stiff-necked desert plants stood in the sweeping wind. At more than 2,800 meters above sea level, the air is thin and crisp. The legendary "iron pipes" are scattered around the foot of the mountain, rusted and weathered. Who made them and brought them to this barren site? What is known is that this place has never seen industrial development in any real sense, and no construction has ever been conducted around Tuosu Lake. Thus, the news of an "Extra-Terrestrial (ET) relic site" immediately roused much attention, especially from scholars. Investigations by experts resulted in the following hypotheses: --Relics of prehistoric human beings. It is believed that prehistoric men held higher industrial and cultural achievements than existing human beings. Relics of their achievements remained after they disappeared with changing glacier conditions. However, no sign of glacier activity was evident around Mount Baigong. --Fossils of plants with tube-shaped stems formed under high pressure. Scientific analysis tells us that fossils of fauna and flora can only remain the same; fossils could not change into forms such as iron pipes positioned in different ways. In addition, there has neither been any report of iron in the surrounding area, nor is there any evidence of fossils. --A unique geological phenomenon. After an investigative tour of the area, Zheng Jiandong, a geology research fellow from the China Earthquake Administration said he favors the possibility that when underground magma rose to the surface ferric materials froze to form the tube-like objects. "There is indeed something mysterious about these pipes," he explained, "for example, the size of the pipes tends to be small and some of them are highly radioactive." --A decision of ET beings. The Qaidam Basin of Qinghai is high in altitude, there are few clouds and air is transparent; while Mount Baigong is very close to the lakes. If an ET being entered our planet in an aircraft, the mountain would be the most eye-catching landmark, and the area would be ideal for landing. Are the pipes used for research into the chemical elements of the Tuosou Lake? Educated guesses and hypotheses have been piling up. However, one thing is certain: stronger evidence and closer scientific analysis are needed before any of the hypotheses can be proven. By People's Daily Online
Comment on the story Tell a friend Print friendly format Save this The first paragraph states that the e.t. relics
is located 40
kilometers from Delingha city, the capitol of the
prefecture. Not
quite 500 hundred miles. The prison farm has
between 60-80,000 political
prisoners. This is not counting the indigenous
populations, government
and military and the infrastructure to support such a
large number of people.
Copyright by People's Daily Online, all rights
[quote][i]Originally posted by SLAYER69[/i]
[b]PART 1[/b] OK here we go. Sorry for being late. I wanted to post a good reply earlier but real life has a way of creeping in. I wonder what they keep trying to tell us we have stories of Dragons, Amphibians, and Fish Gods All supposedly teaching us in our ancient prehistory. Enjoy. [img][/img] [url=]Dagon
[url=]FUXI[/url] The Chinese have maintained that their civilization was
founded by [b]amphibious
[/b]beings that had a man's head and a fish tail. The
entity, named Fuxi,
has been depicted as both male or female. The date
traditionally ascribed
to him is 3,322BC. In Chinese mythology, Fu Xi or Fu Hsi
was the first
of the mythical Three Sovereigns of ancient China. He is
a culture hero
reputed to be the inventor of writing, fishing, and
Kind of reminds me of the
story of their [b]"Amphibian"[/b] god. It gets repeated
all over the world.
[quote][i]Originally posted by HiAliens[/i]
Now if we look at some of the Olmec, Mayan and Aztec
art we find other
similarities. Mythic Olmec figure riding on
Quetzalcoatle "Dragon", sculpture
from the ancient Olmec site of La Venta (Mexico). Olmecs
are considered
to be the oldest Meso American Culture.
Notice what the figure has in his hand lets take a look now at this one. Here we have a figure from the other "cradle of
Here are some more "[b]amphibian gods[/b]"
I found these few years ago on a web page that was auctioning these ancient Olmec figure of "[b]Amphibians[/b]". They belong in a museum not hidden away in some private collection IMO [img][/img][img][/img]
I don't know what the deal was with those, They look like they could be amphibians or dragons they have tails etc. Now here are a couple of interesting figurines. Both are from Ancient Olmec finds. This next one I cant imagine what they were trying to
Here is a "Terracotta" example of one of their earliest
[edit on 3-5-2009 by SLAYER69] [/quote]
[quote][i]Originally posted by SLAYER69[/i]
To the Babylonians, Draco was Tiamat, a dragon killed by the sun god in the creation of the world. To the Greeks, Draco guarded the Golden Apples of the Sun in a magical garden. Greek lawgiver
How about ancient Egypt flying on winged serpents? More
[img][/img] [img][/img] And whats the deal with [url=]Sobek?[/url] Another Reptilian/Amphibian god? [ex]Egyptian creation myths, it was Sobek who first
came out of the
waters of chaos to create the world.[1] As a creator
god, he was occasionally
linked with the sun god Ra.[1][/ex]
More about the Dogons [url=]The Nommo[/url] are ancestral spirits (sometimes referred to as deities) worshipped by the Dogon tribe of Mali, Africa. The word Nommos is derived from a Dogon word meaning, 'to make one drink'. The Nommos are usually described as amphibious, hermaphroditic, fish-like creatures. Folk art depictions of the Nommos show creatures with humanoid upper torsos, legs/feet, and a fish-like lower torso and tail. The Nommos are also referred to as Masters of the Water, the Monitors, and "the Teachers. [img][/img]
[edit on 3-5-2009 by SLAYER69] [/quote]
[quote][i]Originally posted by SLAYER69[/i]
Now [i]that[/i] is one good looking structure. See what happens when you take something that works and "improve" on it? [/quote] There is only one problem with that logic. [ex]The Great Pyramid of Cholula, also known as Tlachihualtepetl (Nahuatl for "artificial mountain"), is a huge complex located in Cholula, Puebla, Mexico. It is the world's largest monument and largest Pre-Columbian pyramid by volume. Main article: Great Pyramid of Cholula Cholula is most famous as the site of the Great Pyramid of Cholula, the largest man-made pyramid and monument by volume in the world. The temple-pyramid complex was built in four stages, starting from the 3rd century BCE through the 9th century CE, and was dedicated to the deity Quetzalcoatl.[/ex] It is the Oldest and Largest it is more advanced than all the rest that followed. This small section here is only the small base entrance into the great pyramid here are some pictures of the whole thing. [img][/img] Now if you consider that this is just the small first steps of the pyramid it then really becomes amazing when you consider the age. [img][/img] Here is what some believe the complex looks like if it
would be completely
Now compare the above to this well known pyramid also
located in the
area supposedly from a much later period.
of the
The name Pyramid of the Sun comes from the Aztecs, who visited the city of Teotihuacán centuries after it was abandoned; the name given to the pyramid by the Teotihuacanos is unknown. [/ex] [edit on 3-5-2009 by SLAYER69] [/quote]
[quote][i]Originally posted by Skydancer[/i]
If any of you subscribe to the science channel their airing a great program titled "Secret Towers of the Himalayas" In this documentary there is a discussion on the folk lore of the monkey people breeding with the Gods/Goddesses from the sky, saying its a variation on the Dragon theme. It sounded like Bigfoot/Yeti meets/mates with the Flying Sky Gods to me. Wait until you see the towers dotting the side of the
high mountains.
[quote][i]Originally posted by bigfatfurrytexan[/i]
No, Ive never heard of them......Can you link something? [/quote] It isn't much, but here is a one page review in .pdf
form:]The Secret
Towers Of The Himalayas[/url]
JKrog, it is nice to see you back here. You said you were taking a 3 month hiatus, and it was more like 6 months. :D But I am glad you have returned. This thread has prompted me to begin re-reading some of the sutras. No real just got me to thinking about Chinese culture again. There are scant bits of information on the web about the towers (and it is the first I have heard of them). Very interesting story. Glad it was shared by Skydancer. Here is an article that summarizes the towers in brief (but not as brief as the 1 page .pdf): [url=]Associated Content page on the towers[/url] [/quote] Secret towers of the Himalayas
[quote][i]Originally posted by TheWayISeeIt[/i]
On the topic of Tibet, it does tend toward being a part of many of the anicent alien/God 'myths'. I am going to post some pics and links, make of them what you will. In summary there has been a contingecy of Russian scholars who have been researching, and putting forward the concept, that Mt. Kailash (sacred to the Tibetans) is at least partially ... well, if not 'man-made', not naturally occurring. The first group came out in 2000 saying that Kailash was the center pf a 'pyramid complex', with pyramids dotted all around the mountain in this most remote of regions. The Chinese countered a couple of years later, saying
it was not true..
and in turn tried to squelch further research there
:@@:. Take a
look and see what you think:
[b]Sacred Mt. Kailash[/b] [atsimg][/atsimg]
"In shape it (Mount Kailas) resembles a vast cathedral…
the sides
of the mountain are perpendicular and fall sheer for
hundreds of feet,
the strata horizontal, the layers of stone varying
slightly in colour,
and the dividing lines showing up clear and
distinct...... which give to
the entire mountain the appearance of having been built
by giant hands,
of huge blocks of reddish stone. (G.C. Rawling, The
Great Plateau, London,
This is the layout the Russian researchers in 2000 proposed. [atsimg][/atsimg] [atsimg][/atsimg] As I said, the Chinese then responded a few years later saying it is not true, there are no pyramids in that most remote region. (It's also with noting that Kailash is one of the worlds few peaks that has never been officaily 'climbed'... It is considered too sacred and sacrosanct to the Tibetans. ) Another group of Russian geologists made a report last August at the 2008 Intl. Geological Congress where they, in my opinon, academically tip-toed around some interesting data they found and reported there: [ex]
This boundary lies in the same horizontal plane at a
number of rock
formations around Kailash. It is supposed that in the
valley of the so-called
inner cora there earlier existed the highland ancient
lake, surrounding
the Kailash. [b]There has been discovered the link, to
be yet analyzed,
between the pyramid-like formations in the Kailash area
and the pyramids
of the ancient city of Teotiuakan, Mexico, situated
practically exactly
at the 180 degrees of longitude. [/b]There has been
revealed a number of
geometrical regularities in the Kailash's location,
focal planes of the
concave stone formations around it and ancient ritual
places of pilgrimage.
[url=]Source[/url] They go on to say that other researchers (presumably
geologists) are
finding corresponding data that raises more questions
than it answers,
but supposes that it will eventually all prove-out to be
a geologically
natural process... they just don't know how quite yet.
[edit on 6-5-2009 by TheWayISeeIt] [/quote]
Vastu Shastra and Sacred Architecture Vastu, Temples and Pyramids
The Whereabouts of the Tibetan Manuscripts from
Bai Ze The Baí Zé was encountered by the Yellow Emperor or Huáng Dì while he was on patrol in the east. Thereafter the creature dictated to Huáng Dì a guide to the forms and habits of all 11,520 types of supernatural creatures in the world, and how to overcome their hauntings and attacks. The emperor had this information written down in a book called the Bái Zé Tǘ (白泽图/白澤圖). This book no longer exists, but many fragments of it survive in other texts. Chinese Physics Professor 'convinced ETs exist',
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