Abandoned Secret Brain Lab
Posted on October 26, 2007
These guys penetrated the abandoned
and sealed science lab of Russian Army which conducted sophisticated
experiments studying human and animal brains. They got a lot photos of
many test samples in an abandoned state but still excellent condition.
You can see even the last Soviet leader Gorbachev that was left in rush -
it was the time of his rule when the lab was closed and sealed from
Once upon a time, these preserved human and animal brains were
once lovingly studied by Soviet-era neuroscientists. But when the lab
was abandoned — perhaps in a hurry — these lonely brains were left
There are few details on this abandoned neuroscience lab, so
we'll have to take the photographer's word that it's the real deal.
Supposedly, this former Soviet laboratory sits in Moscow, where it was
operated by the army. Some time after the lab was hastily abandoned, it
was sealed off. But civilians who venture inside will see skinned animal
heads, slides depicting brain cross-sections, and lots and lots of
actual brains amidst the more mundane dirty dishes and glassware. Head
over to the Russian blog brusnichka for more macabre photos from the
Photos by Alex Klochkov. - SOURCE