Other Abstracts dating backwards...
Title: Thermal Measurements of
the 1-METER RC Telescope at MT.SANGLOCK Using a Radiation Thermometer
Authors: Sheglov, P. V.; Rejeman,
Y. M.; Anton, Y. A.; Irkaev, B. N.; Krasnovaev, A. N.; Litvak, A.; Tarasov,
K. V.
TSIRKULYAR NO.1521/NOV, P. 5, 1987
Publication Date: 11/1987
Bibliographic Code: 1987ATsir1521....5S
Title: Psm Seeing Measurements
at MT.SANGLOCK and Byurakan Observatories
Authors: Mouradyan, R. A.; Sheglov,
P. V.
TSIRKULYAR NO.1515/OCT, P. 6, 1987
Publication Date: 10/1987
Bibliographic Code: 1987ATsir1515....6M
Status: Not Available
Title: Atmospheric Degradation
and Stellar Image Diameter at the 1-METER RC Telescope at MT.SANGLOCK
Authors: Guriyanov, A. E.; Pekur,
M. S.; Petenko, I. V.; Shurygin, E. A.; Kiselev, N. N.; Irkaev, B. I.;
Ismailov, R. M.; Tarasov, K. V.; Sheglov, P. V.
TSIRKULYAR NO.1514/OCT, P. 5, 1987
Publication Date: 10/1987
Bibliographic Code: 1987ATsir1514....5G
Status: Not Available
Title: Results of double-beam
site testing at Mt. Sanglock for one and a half years.
Authors: Bagrov, A. V.; Nikitin,
N. F.; Novikova, G. V.; Novikov, S. B.; Sheglov, P. V.
Publication: Astron. Tsirk.,
No. 574, p. 2 - 4
Publication Date: 00/1970
Origin: ARI
Comment: A&AA ID. AAA004.082.071
Bibliographic Code: 1970ATsir.574....2B
Status: Not Available
Title: On seasonal variations
of seeing and meteorological conditions at Mt. Sanglock.
Authors: Novikova, G. V.
Publication: Astron. Tsirk.,
No. 573, p. 7 - 8
Publication Date: 00/1970
Origin: ARI
Comment: A&AA ID. AAA004.082.069
Bibliographic Code: 1970ATsir.573....7N
Status: Not Available
Title: On observations of temperature
inhomogeneities at Mt. Sanglock.
Authors: Bagrov, A. V.; Ovchinnikov,
A. A.
Publication: Astron. Tsirk.,
No. 558, p. 7 - 8
Publication Date: 00/1970
Origin: ARI
Comment: A&AA ID. AAA003.082.089
Bibliographic Code: 1970ATsir.558....7B
Status: Not Available
Title: Results of one year double-beam
site testing at Mount Sanglock.
Authors: Bagrov, A. V.; Nikitin,
Yu. F.; Novikov, G. V.; Sheglov, P. V.
Publication: Astron. Tsirk.,
No. 556, p. 7 - 8
Publication Date: 00/1970
Origin: ARI
Comment: A&AA ID. AAA003.082.088
Bibliographic Code: 1970ATsir.556....7B
Status: Not Available
Title: Results of double-beam
site testing at Mt. Sanglock during 6 month.
Authors: Abramenko, N. A.; Bagrov,
A. V.; Nikitin, Yu. F.; Novikova, G. V.; Novikov, S. B.; Sheglov, P. V.
Publication: Astron. Tsirk.,
No. 518, p. 4 - 6
Publication Date: 00/1969
Origin: ARI
Comment: A&AA ID. AAA002.082.026
Bibliographic Code: 1969ATsir.518....4A
Status: Not Available
Title: Preliminaty results of
double-beam site testing at Mt.Sanglock.
Authors: Novikov, S. B.; Sheglov,
P. V.
Publication: Astron. Tsirk.,
No. 491, p. 3 - 5
Publication Date: 00/1968
Origin: ARI
Comment: A&AA ID. AAA001.082.102
Bibliographic Code: 1968ATsir.491....3N
Status: Not Available
Title: The optical structure of the mobile laser "Krim"
at the Simeiz station of the Astronomical Council of the USSR Academy of
Authors: Shtirberg, L. S.
Publication: Nauchnye Informatsii, Vol. 66, p.107
Publication Date: 00/1990
Origin: ADS
Bibliographic Code: 1990NInfo..66..107S
Title: Book-Review - the Early
Universe / Australia - USSR Workshop / MT.STROMLO / 1989JUN
JNL. V.100, NO. 5/OCT, P.258, 1990
Bibliographic Code: 1990JBAA..100..258.
Title: Australia / USSR Workshop
on the Early Universe Held at MT.STROMLO Observatory Canberra 1989JUN28-29
Authors: Freeman, K. C.
OF PHYSICS V.43:2, P. 121, 1990
Publication Date: 00/1990
Bibliographic Code: 1990AuJPh..43..121F
- [Archived]
New Facility Tunnel Entrance
+38° 17' 31.53", +69° 13' 58.21"
New Buildings on old image
+38° 16' 43.94", +69° 13' 39.13"
Small Power Station beside ring of domes
+38° 16' 51.30", +69° 13' 24.64"
New road and construction to the south #1
+38° 16' 35.05", +69° 13' 41.99"
New onstruction to the south #2
Main huge power station
+38° 16' 16.31", +69° 13' 32.41"
New or Old construction/? Small power station
+38° 15' 45.35", +69° 13' 21.98"
Unknown Facility
+38° 15' 41.77", +69° 13' 4.52"
Lots of cleared areas
+38° 15' 30.79", +69° 13' 21.98"
New cleared Area
+38° 15' 49.90", +69° 13' 28.24"
Power Transmition Towers
+38° 15' 54.87", +69° 13' 59.29"
from small power plant at
+38° 15' 46.14", +69° 13' 19.97"
Stop into mountain here
+38° 16' 4.58", +69° 14' 25.56"
Power Tower from Large Station
+38° 16' 34.47", +69° 13' 53.52"
Mount Stromlo and Siding Spring Observatories
Sep 30, 2008 ... Research, technology, observing facilities,
news, and gallery.
Mount Stromlo
-35° 19' 0.00", +149°
1' 0.00"
Title: Book-Review - the Early
Universe / Australia - USSR Workshop / MT.STROMLO / 1989JUN
JNL. V.100, NO. 5/OCT, P.258, 1990
Bibliographic Code: 1990JBAA..100..258.
- [Archived]
Title: Australia / USSR Workshop
on the Early Universe Held at MT.STROMLO Observatory Canberra 1989JUN28-29
Authors: Freeman, K. C.
OF PHYSICS V.43:2, P. 121, 1990
Publication Date: 00/1990
Bibliographic Code: 1990AuJPh..43..121F
- [Archived]
Title: Capabilities of the DUMAND
II Phase I 3-String Array
Authors: Stenger, V. J.
Publication: 23rd International
Cosmic Ray Conference, Vol. 4, held 19-30 July, 1993 at University of Calgary,
Alberta, Canada. Edited by D.A. Leahy, R.B. Hickws, and D. Venkatesan.
Invited, Rapporteur, and Highlight Papers. Singapore: World Scientific,
1993., p.527
Publication Date: 00/1993
Origin: ADS
Bibliographic Code: 1993ICRC....4..527S
Status: Not Available
Need to check the following
documents for other observatories
States Space Surveillance Network
Electro-Optical Deep Space Surveillance
Socorro, New Mexico: 33.8172N 106.6599W
Maui: 20.7088N 156.2578W
Diego Garcia: 7.41173S 72.45222E
Title: Capabilities of and Results From the SPEAR Ionospheric
Heating Facility
Authors: Yeoman, T. K.; Robinson, T. R.; Dhillon,
R. S.; Wright, D. M.; Baddeley, L. J.
AA(University of Leicester, University Road, Leicester,
LE1 7RH, United Kingdom ; tim.yeoman@ion.le.ac.uk), AB(University of Leicester,
University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH, United Kingdom ; txr@ion.le.ac.uk),
AC(University of Leicester, University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH, United
Kingdom ; rsd6@ion.le.ac.uk), AD(University of Leicester, University Road,
Leicester, LE1 7RH, United Kingdom ; dmw7@ion.le.ac.uk), AE(University
of Leicester, University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH, United Kingdom ; ljb14@ion.le.ac.uk)
Publication: American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting
2007, abstract #SA53C-05
Publication Date: 05/2007
Origin: AGU
AGU Keywords:
6944 Nonlinear phenomena (4400, 7839), 7803
Active perturbation experiments, 7836 MHD waves and instabilities (2149,
2752, 6050), 7867 Wave/particle interactions (2483, 6984), 7894 Instruments
and techniques
Abstract Copyright: (c) 2007: American Geophysical
Bibliographic Code: 2007AGUSMSA53C..05Y
The SPEAR (Space Plasma Exploration by Active Radar)
high power radio frequency system at 78 degrees north on Svalbard started
operations in 2004. Several campaigns coordinated with the EISCAT Svalbard
Radar (ESR) have been run since that time. The capabilities of the SPEAR
system have been extended during each campaign, and the current capabilities
of the system will be described, along with the plans for the development
of the system over the next few years. The results of high power ionospheric
modification experiments performed with SPEAR in coordination with both
the ESR, the CUTLASS HF coherent radars and HF Doppler experiments during
the first years of operations will be summarised, and future experimental
plans outlined.
Plasma Exploration by Active Radar (SPEAR)
STP Facilities supported by STFC
SPEAR (Space Plasma Exploration by Active Radar) is
a revolutionary new concept in ground based radar design intended to provide
a versatile high frequency (HF) system for STP (Solar-Terrestrial Physics)
research in the polar cap. SPEAR is not only a radar system in its own
right, which provides a major capability for diagnosing plasma dynamics
in the polar ionosphere by means of HF scatter, but also, by exploiting
high power radio technology in a new way, has an active capability of artificially
stimulating VLF and ULF electromagnetic waves and short scale electrostatic
plasma density waves and irregularities in the ionosphere and magnetosphere.
These artificially generated waves and irregularities, once injected into
the space plasma, can be detected by other ground-based radars and magnetometers
and by satellite-born instruments in a controlled and co-ordinated manner.
+78° 8' 60.00", +16°
4' 0.00"
SPEAR is a high power radar currently being constructed
adjacent to the ESR at Longyearbyen, Svalbard.
Eiscat radar station on the mountain Breinosa
by Asbjørn
