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Burntheships' Collection
Originally posted by Violater1 ATS Post ID This is the best patch of them all!
The 411th Flight Test Squadron (411 FLTS) is part of the 412th Test Wing based at Edwards Air Force Base, California. It performed competition testing for the YF-22 and YF-23 aircraft. The 411th performed flight testing and evaluation to select the Air Force's advanced tactical fighter of the future. On March 25, 2009 an F-22 operated by a squadron pilot, David P. Cooley, crashed 35 miles northeast of Edwards Air Force Base during a training flight. Lineage
Originally posted by Violater1 Yes, we flew F-22 and 23's like the 4452nd flew the
A-7 :D
Just a little clarification.
DEFENDERS OF THE DOMAIN One of the most compelling pieces from Schriever AFB
is this next badge below.
The real Grid is not made of a square pattern like this, but is otherwise extremely similar -- including the spherical 'nodes' where the lines cross. We also see a Knight Templar in full royal regalia: SOURCE: Originally posted by burntheships Zorgon, seriously dark. DEFENDERS OF THE DOMAIN... This is a Subgroup of the NSA Information Assurance group. It is composed of individuals who are on the front lines in developing the strategy, the concepts, the planning and the technical implementation in the Information Assurance domain. They are the true leaders in the world of Cybersecurity. SOURCE: Yeah, we are not allowed to lookie there. But, I found it here too. INFORMATION ASSURANCE DIVISION
Information Assurance is said to be "an inch deep but
a mile wide."
THOUGHTFORM ENTITIES AND PROTECTING EARTH The nasty-looking hooded being on the 23D Space Operations HQ badge, second over from the bottom left, clearly seems to represent the "Thoughtform Entities" I have been told these guardians of Earth are actively defending us against. Notice the being has at least two faces -- one made by the two winglike eyes in the middle, and another in profile view on the left-hand side, where a pointy nose, brow and chin are all clearly visible. The rear of the head, in profile view, suggests pointy ears. I have indeed heard from an insider, recently, that at least one ET group does in fact have pointy ears -- and looks very similar to certain 'gargoyle' faces we see on many Templar-designed buildings. SOURCE: Emblem of the 23d Space Operations Squadron (23 SOPS), a squadron of the United States Air Force, which operates New Boston Air Force Station in New Hampshire, a remote tracking station of the Air Force Satellite Control Network. Blazon: Sable, a demi-globe issuing from base Azure land masses Or and issuant therefrom a spectral figure of the first eyed of the third and garbed Gray between in dexter a flight symbol ascending palewise Argent and in sinister a mullet of four of the like; all within a diminished bordure Blue. Significance: Blue and yellow are the Air Force colors. Blue alludes to the sky, the primary theater of Air Force operations. Yellow refers to the sun and the excellence required of Air Force personnel. The globe in a black disc suggests the earth in space and reflects the squadron's theater of operations. The flight symbol represents a satellite in earth orbit and signifies the unit’s functions of telemetry, tracking, and command of satellites. The spectral figure embodies the ever watchful efforts of the unit personnel in the performance of their duties. The polestar symbolizes true north and implies the squadron's dedication to its mission. SOURCE: 23rd Space Operations Squadron |
One thing I forgot to add... A lot of people, skeptic especially, always ask where all these 'secret space programs' could operate out of without many prying eyes Deep Space Surveillance" errr just WHO are we watching out there? "NASA Space Operations and Experiments" Don't recall ever seeing THIS image on a NASA site...
SOURCE: Reagan Test Site, Kwajalien Atoll Launch Site, US Army SMDC |
Midway Island ..
US Naval Security Group Activity Midway Island SOURCE: |
VINDICATOR Built by Lockheed Martin's Skunk Works, the Vindicator system was a highly classified project (rumored to be "more secret than the F-117A," the stealth fighter program) from the 1980s. This patch includes the Lockheed Advanced Development Projects skunk mascot wearing a helmet and scarf. The device emanating a lightning bolt is a laser. The patch depicts a laser anemometer optical air data system, which takes the place of conventional pitot-static probes on stealth or high-speed aircraft where physical protrusions are undesirable. The device is a velocity indicator (or, in aviation parlance, a v-indicator). SOURCE: This technology has perhaps reached the limits of its secrecy? High-technology company Catch the Wind is commercialising a nacelle-mounted, forward-looking system capable of sensing both wind speed and direction, as well as rapid wind variations.In December 2009, the company released striking trial test results for the innovative lightweight technology, claimed as unique and named the Vindicator Laser Wind Sensor (LWS). Building upon 19 years of aerospace research know-how and experience, Catch the Wind, which was founded in September 2008, acquired a technology license from OADS for all its commercial (non-aviation) applications. The Vindicator LWS uses advanced laser technology combined with Doppler radar techniques to analyze air particle movement and determine wind speed and direction. SOURCE: |
LO FLIGHT TEST The words "LO Flight Test" describe a "Low Observables" flightiest, in all probability a radar measurement test for a stealth aircraft using the radar measurement range at Groom Lake, Nevada. The date of this particular flight test is unknown, but the test reportedly involved a B-2 stealth bomber. The sigma symbol in the middle of the patch refers to the unknown value of the aircraft's radar cross section (sigma/zero being the ideal radar cross section measurement for a stealth plane). "Huge deposit" indicates the bomb load deposited by the bomber on its target, while "no return" refers to the absence of a radar-return, meaning that the aircraft was undetectable to radar. It is unclear why there is a star on the tail of the sigma, though it may simply be an artistic touch. |
RED HATS Red Hats was the nickname of the 6513th Test Squadron, whose mission was to test fly a collection of Soviet military aircraft surreptitiously acquired from foreign sources. The 6513th was based at Groom Lake, Nevada in a collection of hangars on the northern end of the base that became known as "Red Square." The program to test Soviet MiGs at Groom Lake began in the late 1960s as a joint CIA/USAF effort under the code names HAVE DRILL and HAVE DOUGHNUT. Again, note the collection of six stars on the patch, which may refer to Groom Lake's nickname, Area 51. The 6513th was deactivated in 1992 and transformed into the 413th Flight Test Squadron. |
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