Intelligence Gathering |
Information Gathering and Other Offices Page One |
Information Awareness Office (IAO) The Information Awareness Office is a branch of the Department of Defense's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency whose mission is to "imagine, develop, apply, integrate, demonstrate and transition information technologies, components and prototype, closed-loop, information systems that will counter asymmetric threats by achieving total information awareness." The IAO is headed by John Poindexter, former National Security Advisor in the Reagan Administration and chief architect of the Iran-Contra Affair. The DARPA Information Awareness Office (IAO) is the focal point for DARPA’s effort to develop and demonstrate information technologies and components, and prototype closed-loop information systems. These information systems will counter asymmetric threats by achieving total information awareness useful for preemption, national-security warning, and national-security decision-making. Extensive criticism of the IAO in the traditional media and on the Internet has come from both the left and the right—from civil libertarians and libertarians—who believe that massive information aggregation and analysis technologies lead to a form of dataveillance that can threaten individual liberties. To some, these developments are seen as another step down the slippery slope to a totalitarian state. Others believe that development of these technologies is inevitable and that designing systems and policies to control their use is a more effective strategy than simple opposition that has resulted in research and development projects migrating into classified programs. SOURCE: Wikipedia |
Intelligence Community (IC) Definition of the Intelligence Community (IC) The IC is a federation of executive branch agencies and organizations that work separately and together to conduct intelligence activities necessary for the conduct of foreign relations and the protection of the national security of the United States. These activities include:
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Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) (ODNI) The Director of National Intelligence (DNI) serves as the head of the Intelligence Community (IC). The DNI also acts as the principal advisor to the President; the National Security Council, and the Homeland Security Council for intelligence matters related to the national security; and oversees and directs the implementation of the National Intelligence Program. The President appoints the DNI with the advice and consent of the Senate. The Director is assisted by a Senate-confirmed Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence (PDDNI), appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate.
Undersecretary of Defense for
Office of the National Counterintelligence Executive (ONCIX) The Office of the National Counterintelligence Executive (ONCIX) is part of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and is staffed by senior counterintelligence (CI) and other specialists from across the national intelligence and security communities. The ONCIX develops, coordinates, and produces: * Annual foreign intelligence threat
assessments and other analytic CI products.
Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance
and Reconnaissance Agency
The Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Agency, headquartered at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas, was activated June 8, 2007. Formerly known as the Air Intelligence Agency, the new Air Force ISR Agency reports to the Air Force Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance as a field operating agency. The agency organizes, trains, equips and presents assigned forces and capabilities to conduct intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance for combatant commanders and the nation. It also implements and oversees the execution of Air Force policies intended to expand ISR capabilities. The agency's 12,000 people serve at about 72 locations worldwide. SOURCE: Wikipedia AIR FORCE ISR AGENCY Fact Sheet
US Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) INSCOM Mission The U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM), a major Army command, conducts dominant intelligence, security and information operations for military commanders and national decision makers. Charged with providing the warfighter the seamless intelligence needed to understand the battlefield and to focus and leverage combat power, INSCOM collects intelligence information in all intelligence disciplines. INSCOM also conducts a wide range of production activities, ranging from intelligence preparation of the battlefield to situation development, SIGINTanalysis, imagery exploitation, and science and technology intelligence production. INSCOM also has major responsibilities in the areas of counterintelligence and force protection, electronic warfare and information warfare, and support to force modernization and training. INSCOM is a global command with four brigades that tailor their support to the specific needs of different theaters. Eight other groups or activities located worldwide focus primarily on a single intelligence discipline or function. They are available in a reinforcing role, enabling any combat commander to use INSCOM's full range of unique capabilities. |
National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) The NRO designs, builds and operates the nation's reconnaissance satellites. NRO products, provided to an expanding list of customers like the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Department of Defense (DoD), can warn of potential trouble spots around the world, help plan military operations, and monitor the environment. As part of the 16-member Intelligence Community, the
NRO plays a primary role in achieving information superiority for the
A DoD agency, the NRO is staffed by DoD and CIA personnel. It is funded through the National Reconnaissance Program, part of the National Foreign Intelligence Program. Our Vision:
Our Mission:
In recent years, the NRO has implemented a series of actions declassifying some of its operations. The organization was declassified in September 1992 followed by the location of its headquarters in Chantilly, VA, in 1994. In February 1995, CORONA, a photoreconnaissance program in operation from 1960 to 1972, was declassified and 800,000 CORONA images were transferred to the National Archives and Records Administration. In December 1996, the NRO announced for the first time, in advance, the launch of a reconnaissance satellite. |
Secrets and signs Those obsessed with Freemason
conspiracy theories would probably go into orbit after learning that in
2000 the secretive National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) launched a satellite
into space whose official mission patch featured a symbol nearly identical
to the one on the dollar bill. While this was probably not a Freemason
satellite, the “all-seeing eye” was undoubtedly intended to serve the same
symbolic function as an observation satellite does in reality. More interesting
to those obsessed with the NRO is the fact that the patch also features
four stars hovering in the sky. Independent observers claimed that the
classified satellite launched into orbit was actually the fourth of its
type. Four stars. Four satellites.
Military patches and logos—simply
the latest examples of heraldry dating back thousands of years—are by definition
symbolic, so it is no surprise that they contain symbols. What is surprising
is that these symbols often reveal information about the satellites’ identities
and missions that are otherwise classified.
National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) The most recent issue of Cabinet Magazine has a really good article by artist and CIA expert Trevor Palgen about the iconography of military insignia, particularly of those branches of the military that "don't exist." How do you celebrate your work with traditional military regalia, Palgen asks, while retaining the secrecy which defines it? It's an interesting question. Well, sometimes you don't. Take for example this embroidered patch, distributed by the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), the US "black" space agency primarily responsible for the operation of military reconnaissance satellites (and God-knows-what-else). The patch was released by the NRO to commemorate the launch of a Titan 4B from Vandenberg Air Force Base -- one that boosted, according to the Air Force, a classified payload into orbit. Classified, that is, unless you can read into the NRO's weird symbolism. Apparently, the patch -- right down to the angles of those boomerang shapes -- is a dead giveaway about the launch payload, that, it has now been confirmed, were four "Lacrosse" recon-satellittes, which give the U.S. military the ability to monitor problem spots around the world and accurately target weapons in almost real time. Yikes, that is a whole other ball of yarn entirely that I am not going to tangle with now. On a more abstract level, these kinds of patches betray the U.S. military's deep-rooted love of insignia and symbolism. So profound was their desire to reduce, stylize, and graphically compartmentalize the event that they couldn't contain themselves from nearly giving away really classified information. It's baffling, though. Who is this highly-coded symbolism, this "formal doctrine of signs," as Charles Sanders Pierce had it, for? The people that fly the covert experimental CIA jet-planes? Most of the time, the visual rhetoric is so obscure, and yet so clearly steeped in a formal methodology of signifiers, that it's hard to see who might have the pleasure of "getting" it. SOURCE: |
A program patch for the once-secret
National Reconnaissance Office.
An embroidered patch, distributed
by the National Reconnaissance Office, may have revealed the classified
Molczan, who tracks classified satellites as a hobby, posted his suspicions to the Internet after seeing the patch on a Website. "Assuming that this will not be a launch of a new type of payload," wrote Molczan, "then the available clues point to a Lacrosse payload." NRO spokesman Art Haubold, in an telephone interview with, was unable to comment on Molczans findings. The Lacrosse satellites, also known by the code name Onyx, are believed to give the U.S. military the ability to monitor problem spots around the world, as well as help accurately target weapons in almost real time. Molczan has been following the NROs launches since the first Lacrosse satellite was allegedly launched aboard the space shuttle in 1988. "I helped organize the network of observers who began tracking Lacrosse 1 within hours of deployment, when it was still very near the shuttle," Molczan said in an e-mail interview with "Hobbyists tracked the object throughout its life." Molczan and his colleagues also documented the launch and orbit of two other Lacrosse satellites and had their suspicions that the August 17, 2000, launch of the Titan would be adding a fourth. But it wasn't until Molczan saw the patch that he was certain. Sewn into the patch is a pair of eyes presumably belonging to the launch mascot, an owl surrounded by mesh frames. Also depicted are four boomerang-shaped objects, three white and one black, orbiting Earth. The slogan "We Own the Night" wraps around the bottom of the gold and black badge. SOURCE: |
National Security Agency/Central Security Service (NSA/CSS) The National Security Agency/Central Security Service is America’s cryptologic organization. It coordinates, directs, and performs highly specialized activities to protect U.S. government information systems and produce foreign signals intelligence information. A high technology organization, NSA is on the frontiers of communications and data processing. It is also one of the most important centers of foreign language analysis and research within the government. Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) is a unique discipline with a long and storied past. SIGINT's modern era dates to World War II, when the U.S. broke the Japanese military code and learned of plans to invade Midway Island. This intelligence allowed the U.S. to defeat Japan's superior fleet. The use of SIGINT is believed to have directly contributed to shortening the war by at least one year. Today, SIGINT continues to play an important role in keeping the United States a step ahead of its enemies. As the world becomes more and more technology-oriented, the Information Assurance (IA) mission becomes increasingly challenging. This mission involves protecting all classified and sensitive information that is stored or sent through U.S. government equipment. IA professionals go to great lengths to make certain that government systems remain impenetrable. This support spans from the highest levels of U.S. government to the individual warfighter in the field. NSA conducts one of the U.S. government's leading research and development (R&D) programs. Some of the Agency's R&D projects have significantly advanced the state of the art in the scientific and business worlds. |
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) About CIA The Central Intelligence Agency was created in 1947 with the signing of the National Security Act by President Harry S. Truman. The act also created a Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) to serve as head of the United States intelligence community; act as the principal adviser to the President for intelligence matters related to the national security; and serve as head of the Central Intelligence Agency. The Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 amended the National Security Act to provide for a Director of National Intelligence who would assume some of the roles formerly fulfilled by the DCI, with a separate Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. General Michael V. Hayden, USAF, became Director of the Central Intelligence Agency on May 30, 2006. The Director of the Central Intelligence Agency serves as the head of the Central Intelligence Agency and reports to the Director of National Intelligence. |
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) Director’s Message This 2007 Statement of Strategic Intent describes our vision, goals and objectives for the next five years for the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) and the National System for Geospatial Intelligence. It has been helped considerably by input from throughout NGA and the Community. Integration and collaboration across the community is our pathway to success. GEOINT plays a critical role in virtually every Intelligence Community and Department of Defense mission; we will not fail to partner as closely as possible with our counterpart agencies and ensure that GEOINT is effectively utilized whenever and wherever it is needed. Affixed to this SSI are two seals, the NGA seal and a seal representing the National System for Geospatial Intelligence. The NSG seal represents our broader GEOINT community of practice and our commitment to collaboration, shared values and unity of effort. The seal will be used initially on documentation that governs or guides the NSG, and evolve to include GEOINT products that are produced under the framework of NSG Unified Operations. The goals and objectives presented in this Statement of Strategic Intent fully align with priorities of both the Director of National Intelligence’s National Intelligence Strategy and the Secretary of Defense’s Defense Intelligence Guidance. It emphasizes that we must focus outward and increase our operational tempo, for we are a nation at war. As such, we will support our partners with a heightened sense of urgency as a unified GEOINT community. |
Joint C4I Staff and Operations Course (JC4ISOC) Description In order to better support today’s high OPTEMPO, the Joint Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence Staff and Operations Course (JC4ISOC) now offers a three-week operational level resident course sponsored by the Joint Staff J6. The mission of the JC4ISOC is to educate and train joint C4I decision makers in C4I concepts in the joint/coalition/interagency environments, the DoD’s organization and how it supports the C4I process, and the management and operation of current joint C4I systems and joint operational procedures associated with both strategic and theater/tactical systems. Students are required to demonstrate their learning by means of successfully completing an end of course examination and through participation in a C4I planning practical exercise. |
Army Intelligence DCS G-2 Welcome to the Army G-2 Homepage Army Intelligence Vision:
Our Mission:
US Army Intelligence Support Activity (USAISA) Intelligence Support Activity The US Army Intelligence Support Activity (USAISA), frequently shortened to Intelligence Support Activity or ISA, and nicknamed The Activity) is a United States Army Special Operations unit originally subordinated to the US Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) but now part of the Joint Special Operations Command. It is tasked to collect actionable intelligence in advance of missions by other US special operations forces, especially Delta Force and SEAL Team Six/DEVGRU in counter-terrorist operations. USAISA was the official name of the unit from 1981 to 1989 ; previously it was known as the Field Operations Group (FOG), created in September 1980. In 1989, the then USAISA commander sent a telex "terminating" the USAISA term and his Special Access Program GRANTOR SHADOW, but the unit continued under a series of different codenames which are changed every two years ; known codenames include CENTRA SPIKE, TORN VICTOR and GRAY FOX. SOURCE: Wikipedia |
Defense Integrated Military Human Resources System (DIMHRS) In preparation for the October 1, 2008, implementation of the Defense Integrated Military Human Resources System (DIMHRS), ALARACT 276/2007 Warning Order (WARNO) 08-01 was released November 29, 2007. This is the first in a series of official orders which will prepare the Army for implementation of the Congressionally-mandated personnel and military pay (per/pay) system. The purpose of this WARNO is to alert the Army not only of the upcoming DIMHRS implementation, but to also provide guidance on training, a list of the affected human resource systems, business process changes, and initiatives to assist with the change to the revolutionary integrated per/pay system that will include all components of the Army. Familiarization with the Army DIMHRS training plan and change management program within each organization and installation are vital to the successful implementation of DIMHRS throughout the Army for this new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). |
U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Information Sharing & Analysis The Department of Homeland Security is responsible for assessing the nation's vulnerabilities. It takes the lead in evaluating vulnerabilities and coordinating with other federal, state, local, and private entities to ensure the most effective response. The collection, protection, evaluation and dissemination of information to the American public, state and local governments and the private sector is central to this task. Homeland Security Information Network The Homeland Security Information Network provides a nation-wide platform to share essential homeland security information with the proper stakeholders. This information sharing is accomplished both horizontally across the government and vertically among federal, state and local governments, private sector and citizens as outlined in the President's National Strategy for Homeland Security. |
Coast Guard Intelligence (CGI) Coast Guard intelligence came into existence in 1915 by the assignment of a "Chief Intelligence Officer" in Headquarters. Article 304 in the first set of Coast Guard Regulations provided for the establishment of a Chief Intelligence Officer who was to be attached to the Office of Assistant Commandant. The Chief Intelligence Officer's duties were spelled out in Article 614 of those same Regulations: "securing of information which is essential to the Coast Guard in carrying out its duties; for the dissemination of this information to responsible officers, operating units of the Coast Guard, the Treasury Department and other collaborating agencies; and the maintenance of adequate files and records of law enforcement activities." The office was relatively unknown until the enactment of the Prohibition Act when CGI grew to a cadre of 45 investigators. CGI was extremely successful during prohibition and an Intelligence Division was established at Headquarters in 1930, followed by district intelligence offices in 1933. During World War II, CGI was concerned with internal and domestic intelligence and counterintelligence. It was charged with conducting all necessary investigation of Coast Guard personnel, and all applicants for positions therein, as well as investigations of applicants for merchant marine documentation. Further, Coast Guard Intelligence was charged with conducting investigations in connection with the Coast Guard's regulatory functions, except Marine Inspection Regulations. In 1948, CGI became the primary investigative arm of the service. This mandate for an "investigative service" required that special agents conduct criminal, counterintelligence and personnel security investigations within the Coast Guard's area of responsibility. The majority of these investigations involved those criminal offenses which are in violation of the UCMJ. In 1996, in compliance with the President's Council on Integrity and Efficiency, the Coast Guard reorganized all criminal investigative and protective-services functions into the Coast Guard Investigative Service, or CGIS. The centralization of CGIS meant reorganization from the top down. Special agents now worked for a regional Special Agent-in-Charge (SAC). The SACs were located in seven regional offices in Boston, Portsmouth, VA, Miami, Cleveland, New Orleans, Alameda, CA, and Seattle. The SACs, in turn, reported to the director of CGIS at Headquarters who reported to the Chief of Operations and the vice commandant. At this time, CGIS was comprised of 282 special agents and support personnel.
Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Overview: The Defense Intelligence Agency is a Department of Defense combat support agency and an important member of the United States Intelligence Community. With over 11,000 military and civilian employees worldwide, DIA is a major producer and manager of foreign military intelligence. We provide military intelligence to warfighters, defense policymakers and force planners, in the Department of Defense and the Intelligence Community, in support of U.S. military planning and operations and weapon systems acquisition. The Director of DIA is a three-star military officer who serves as principal adviser to the Secretary of Defense and to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on matters of military intelligence. The Director also chairs the Military Intelligence Board, which coordinates activities of the defense intelligence community. DIA is headquartered at the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., with major operational activities at the Defense Intelligence Analysis Center (DIAC), Washington, D.C., the Armed Forces Medical Intelligence Center (AFMIC), Frederick, Maryland, and the Missile and Space Intelligence Center (MSIC), Huntsville, Alabama. Our workforce is as diverse as our missions. We possess a workforce skilled in the areas of military history and doctrine, economics, physics, chemistry, world history, political science, bio-sciences, and computer sciences to name a few. Our mission is challenging and rewarding. We respond to the needs of our customers from the President of the United States to the soldier in the field. We cover all aspects of military intelligence requirements – from highly complex missile trajectory data to biographical information on foreign military leaders. Our employees travel the world, and meet and work closely with other professionals from foreign countries. We offer our employees personal development through many education and training programs. We provide our employees with state-of-the-art computers and technical equipment needed to perform our mission. We offer worldwide assignments within DIA, to other U. S. agencies and to military centers of excellence. |
Missile and Space Intelligence Center (MSIC) WARNING: MSIC's connection to the internet is provided through the Redstone Arsenal Campus Area Network. Therefore, all persons accessing the Internet via MSIC computer systems are subject to Army and Redstone regulations and policies as described below: |
Armed Forces Medical Intelligence Center Mission AFMIC's mission, always critical to protecting the health of deployed forces, has grown even more important recently with support to Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom and the global war on terrorism. At the same time, the center is increasing its use of new technologies to transform its delivery of timely, forward-leaning, customer-focused medical intelligence. As part of the DIA, this tri-service organization produces finished, all-source medical intelligence assessments, forecasts and databases on foreign military and civilian health care capabilities and trends, worldwide infectious disease risks, global environmental health risks, and militarily significant life science issues, to include biotechnology and nuclear, biological and chemical medical defense advancements. AFMIC is the only organization in the world with this comprehensive medical intelligence mission. As such, it has a diverse customer base, from operational and tactical commanders, preventive medicine personnel, and medical planners and researchers to the policymakers in the DoD, the White House staff and other federal agencies. The current (2007) director is [United States Air Force] Colonel Anthony Rizzo |
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) National Security:
The Department has four overriding National Security
priorities: insuring the integrity and safety of the country's nuclear
weapons; promoting international nuclear safety; advancing nuclear non-proliferation;
and, continuing to provide safe, efficient, and effective nuclear power
plants for the United States Navy.
Cyber Security Protection: Cyber Security programs protect the information and systems that the Department depends on as DOE increasingly relies on new technology. The Department works to preserve the integrity, reliability, availability, and confidentiality of important information while maintaining its information systems. Managing Operations Security: Managing security operations for DOE facilities in the national capitol area, as well as, developing policies designed to protect national security and other critical assets entrusted to the Department is an important responsibility. Preventing the spread of weapons of mass destruction: DOE plays an integral part in nuclear nonproliferation, countering terrorism and responding to incidents involving weapons of mass destruction. We provide technology, analysis, and expertise to aid the United States government in preventing the spread or use of weapons of mass destruction. |
Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR) The Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR), drawing on all-source intelligence, provides value-added independent analysis of events to Department policymakers, ensures that intelligence activities support foreign policy and national security purposes; and serves as the focal point in the Department for ensuring policy review of sensitive counterintelligence and law enforcement activities. INR's primary mission is to harness intelligence to serve U.S. diplomacy. The bureau also analyzes geographical and international boundary issues. INR is a member of the U.S. intelligence community. |
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Our Mission
Our Priorities
Marine Corps Intelligence Activity (MCIA) The Marine Corps Intelligence Activity, located at Hochmuth Hall, provides tailored intelligence and services to the Marine Corps, other services, and the Intelligence Community based on expeditionary mission profiles in littoral areas. It supports the development of service doctrine, force structure, training and education, and acquisition.
Marine Corps Intelligence
Educational Foundation, Inc.
Office of Naval Intelligence
The Office of Naval Intelligence has moved beyond our history to meet today’s challenges. We have organized our people,equipment, doctrine and training to better serve our maritime customers--the joint war fighters, the Department of the Navy, and the maritime intelligence requirements of national agencies and departments. ONI supports joint operational commanders with a worldwide organization and an integrated workforce of active duty, reserve, officer and enlisted and civilian professionals. At the National Maritime Intelligence Center (NMIC), ONI brings military and civilian employees into a single command to provide "one-stop shopping" for national level maritime intelligence. The NMIC also hosts the Marine Corps Intelligence Activity (MCIA) and the Coast Guard Intelligence Coordination Center (ICC) and the Naval Information Operations Center (NIOC).
Navy Information
Operations Command Yokosuka, Japan
U.S. Navy Information
Operations Command - Whidbey Island, WA
Navy Information
Operations Command San Diego, California
Total Electronic Migration System (TEMS) “Information superiority is fundamental
to the transformation of the operational abilities of the joint force.
The Joint Force of 2020 will use superior information and knowledge to
achieve decision superiority, to support advanced command and control capabilities,
and to reach the full potential of dominant maneuver, precision, engagement,
full dimensional protection, and focused logistics. The breadth and pace
of this evolution demands flexibility and a readiness to innovate.”
Chief Information Officer Networks and Information Integration (CIO-NII) |
Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR / IO) The AFRL International Office (AFOSR/IO) in Arlington, VA, recognizes all organizations involved as customers in the strategic planning, development, and execution of AFRL international activities. These organizations include all ten AFRL Technology Directorates and Corporate Board, the AFRL Research Council, SAF/IA, SAF/AQ, DDR&E, and others. Duties of AFOSR/IO include, but are not limited to: monitoring international policy changes and distributing relevant news within the AFRL; providing direct support to the AFRL in development of international plans and programs; supporting efforts to explore new areas of potential international cooperation; providing advice, information, and contacts on issues regarding export control and disclosure; interfacing with U.S. and foreign governmental organizations on behalf of the AFRL Technology Directorates; assisting the Technology Directorates in the development and maintenance of international interactions; maintaining a comprehensive database of AFRL international research activities; and acting as the liaison office for engagement of Western Hemisphere foreign countries. |
Military Sensing Information Analysis Center (SENSIAC) SENSIAC is a DoD Information Analysis Center operated by the Georgia Institute of Technology under contract to the Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC). Our objective is to facilitate the use of scientific and technical information in the Military Sensing Technology (MST) areas for the design, development, testing, evaluation, operation, and maintenance of DoD systems, military systems operated by allied and friendly nations, and the industrial and research base which provides and supports such systems. We foster communications within the MST community; create standards; and collect, analyze, synthesize, maintain, and distribute critical information within the field. SENSIAC provides information products and services to Government, organizations performing Government contracts or subcontracts, educational institutions, and infrastructure/tech base organizations involved directly and indirectly in the application of sensing technologies to the defense of the United States of America. In short, our job is to make your sensing related job contributing to the defense of the United States of America easier, faster, more efficient, and less costly than it would otherwise be. SENSIAC is an enabler of the progress of others. |
Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) Welcome to DTRALink. This is the official web site of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency. Our mission is to safeguard America and its allies from Weapons of Mass Destruction (chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and high yield explosives) by providing capabilities to reduce, eliminate, and counter the threat, and mitigate its effects.
Security and Intelligence Directorate (SID) Our Mission The Security and Intelligence
Directorate (SID) develops, manages, and implements programs that
facilitate the secure and successful accomplishment of DARPA's mission,
while protecting DARPA personnel, information, and property.
* Provide rational, threat appropriate,
and cost effective security services
Office of Advanced Systems and Concepts (AS&C) The mission of the Office of Advanced Systems and Concepts (AS&C) is to find, demonstrate, transition, and transfer the best operational concepts and technology solutions for transformational, joint, and coalition warfare. AS&C accelerates cutting-edge
technologies to the warfighter by:
AS&C Offices include: Joint Capabilities Technology Demonstrations (JCTD) Office, which exploits mature and maturing technologies and introduces new operational concepts to solve important military problems and facilitates transition of these new capabilities from the developers to the users. Comparative Testing Office (CTO), which administers the Defense Acquisition Challenge (DAC) and Foreign Comparative Testing (FCT) programs. DAC solicits ‘challenges’ to existing technologies to provide companies, individuals, and Defense acquisition programs an on-ramp for increased introduction of innovative and cost-saving technologies.Office of Technology Transition (OTT), which formulates policies and establishes and manages programs that affordably transition advanced technologies from R&D to weapons systems. OTT also assists in the commercialization of defense technologies. Programs include: • Technology Transfer (including TechLink and TechMatch programs)Program Resources and Integration (PR&I) Office, which manages funding of all AS&C projects. |
U.S. Joint Forces Command’s (USJFCOM) Advanced Concept Technology Demonstrations and Joint Capability Technology Demonstrations U.S. Joint Forces Command’s (USJFCOM) Advanced Concept Technology Demonstrations (ACTD) and Joint Capability Technology Demonstrations (JCTD) accelerate and facilitate the application of mature advanced technologies to provide near-term solutions to meet joint requirements. USJFCOM's role includes user-sponsor and operational manager for select Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) ACTD/JCTD programs which provide new and transformational operational capabilities designed to benefit the joint warfighter. The Joint Concept Development and Experimentation Directorate (J9) manages and oversees the command's ACTD/JCTD program. |
Network-Centric Operatons (NCO) Welcome to Network-Centric Operatons Check out our NETWORK CENTRIC OPERATIONS (NCO, formally NETWORK CENTRIC WARFARE) initiatives. Here, you'll have access to the first of our open source NCO Case Studies, information on our NCO Short Course and we're continuing to build our postings for our Education for Transformation (E4T) and Transformation Research Programs (TRP). The four facets of our E4T program are the Transformation Chair Program (TXC), the Transformation Research Program, our continuing series to Transformation Short Courses and our Transformation Leadership Certificate Program (TLCP). The first 2 programs (TXC and our short courses are maturing while the TRP is in the formative stages and we'll soon be developing the concept of our TLCP. Systems, Capabilities, Operations, Programs and Enterprises (SCOPE) Model for Interoperability Completion announced at December Plenary NCOIC announces the delivery of a major net-centric assessment tool. This model can be used as a descriptive or a prescriptive tool to assess the qualities of a set of capabilities as they currently exist (“as-is”), or to define the objectives for a set of capabilities to be built or evolved in the future (“to-be”). Applications of the model are complementary, as both a descriptive assessment and a prescriptive goal-setting help to determine critical gaps or shortfalls. Organizational Transformation Certificate Program The IRM College at the National Defense University offers a graduate-level Certificate Program in Organizational Transformation. Courses in the Program can be taken individually. Completion of eight courses is required to receive a Certificate in Organizational Transformation. The Program includes courses on defense and national security, and homeland security and national preparedness. There are three core courses on Transformation as Strategic Alignment, Leading Strategies for Disruptive Innovation, and Multi-Agency Information-Enabled Collaboration. |
Defense Aquisition University (DAU) Welcome to the Defense Acquisition University Training Center A Department of Defense resource that supports the Acquisition, Technology and Logistics (AT&L) workforce global access to certification, assignment specific, international and executive training courses Acquisition, Technology and Logistics (AT&L) Announcement It is with great pleasure that the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology introduces a new website ( This web site is easily indexed by search engines and contains excellent information about our Acquisition and Technology organization, goals, initiatives and upcoming events. All of the information on the site is available to the DoD workforce as well as the general public. Browse through the site, offer suggestions to the webmaster, and witness first-hand how the "Will to Change" is making a difference for the Department of Defense's community!
Defense Science Board (DSB) About the DSB... The Department of Defense is embarked on efforts to transform the nation's armed forces to meet the demands being placed on them by a changing world order. There is a growing threat of missiles, information warfare and biological, chemical, and nuclear weaponry, different than the cold war era threat, but equally troublesome. Similarly, there is the need to begin creating the military of the future - one that takes full advantage of revolutionary new technologies. Further, the Department must modernize and transform the business of defense, getting the best value for the taxpayer's money. As the Department develops new strategies and new concepts within the context of these objectives, the wise counsel and advice of the Defense Science Board will be critically important. Over the last 50 years, the Board
has ably served the nation in numerous ways by providing innovative solutions
to myriad technological, operational and managerial problems. In the transformation
processes needed to ensure success in the military and national security
endeavors, such wise counsel will be of even greater value to the Department.
As a former member of the Board, I am confident that the record of the
Defense Science Board accomplishments over the past four decades will continue
in the future. I look forward to working with all of the members of the
Board in the challenging days that lie ahead.
John J. Young Jr.
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