Gacona, Alaska ..
Jack Wrote:
In the RL32544 pdf titled: High Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse (HEMP) and High Power Microwave (HPM) Devices: page15, reference 37 is........ 37 Rosalie Bertell, “Background on the HAARP Project,” Global Policy Forum, Nov. 5, 1996, http://www.globalpolicy.org/socecon/envronmt/weapons.htmIf you look at the frequency ranges in the HEMP and HPM devices, they fall within the HAARP frequencies. So this is the direct connection we've been looking for between HAARP and beam weapons. Let's hear them dispute THIS! And from seperate agencies......One from DoD and the other, an independant report to Congress from Clay Wilson, Specialist in Technology and National Security Foreign Affairs, Defense, and Trade Division, citing the Background.... pdf. The "Background...." pdf is from Dr. Rosalie Bertell Phd, the anti-nuclear nun as they call her and founder of this org.: http://www.ccnr.org/bertell_bio.html |
Jack Wrote:
Even if HAARP has only a small role in direct energy weapons, Titan has a big role. The following are bits from the pdf. "Titan’s current interests focus on compact, efficient and reliable directed energy weapon systems, and the advanced subsystems and components that enable the same." "Titan has developed a large number of modulators for
a variety of laser and HPM DEW applications, with voltage ratings from
tens of kilovolts to several megavolts and average power levels from tens
of kilowatts to multi-megawatts."
DEW TECHNOLOGY AT THE TITAN CORPORATION David Price, Edward Goldman, David Nett, Sidney Putnam,
Doug Weidenheimer
Abstract The Titan Corporation has been developing directed energy technologies since the early 1980’s. Over this time Titan has provided advanced power supplies for electromagnetic gun and laser research while making broader contributions in the field of high power microwaves (HPM). Titan’s HPM work expanded from initial efforts fielding and operating the first gigawatt-level oscillators for susceptibility test applications, to research and development maximizing the peak and average output powers and overall efficiency realized from such systems. As interest in HPM technology has spread globally, Titan has leveraged this core competency and provided the HPM equipment for nearly all of the major European effects test facilities. Titan’s current interests focus on compact, efficient and reliable directed energy weapon systems, and the advanced subsystems and components that enable the same. Specific subsystems of interest include pulse forming networks, intermediate energy storage and power conditioning elements. These subsystems are designed for reduced size and weight while still meeting severe service, platform integration, lifetime and thermal management constraints. Specific components under development at Titan include laser-gated solid-state switches and both high peak and high average power, frequency-agile, HPM oscillators. Status and recent results from this research are presented. SOURCE:
Titan PDF
Pulsed Power
L-3 Communications,
Pulse Sciences is a wholly owned subsidiary of L-3 Corporation,
Jack Wrote: The Titan Corp. consists of several companies they acquired. They are now one family going by: L-3 Communications, Pulse Sciences. Formerly Titan PSD, Maxwell, Physics International. They also acquired California Tube Laboratory. L-3's Advanced Pulse Power division has this to say: "L-3 PS began as the pioneers in Nuclear Weapons Effects (NWE) simulator engineering, fabrication, installation and operation. This experience led us to the development of pulsed power hardware for other military and industrial applications. We count high voltage Marx generators, high energy capacitor banks, inductive voltage adders, laser drivers, EMP & HPM generators, and special modulators for rock-crushing, decontamination, irradiation, or other processes among the devices that we have designed and built to provide keystone solutions to new problems for our domestic and international customers." Holy cave dweller! No one is safe now.
"We design and build high-average-power, power supplies and modulators for military and industrial applications including ride-thru systems, rectifiers, laser drivers, klystron transmitters, magnet drivers and novel power modulators. This core competency will become increasingly important to our nation’s security as our three services come to increasingly rely on power electronics for propulsion and weapon systems." And: "L-3 PS excels in the technology of very intense pulsed x-rays, or “radiation simulators”. Our company was founded in part because of our knowledge of flash x-ray technology and we have been at the forefront of the field ever since. We have designed, developed, and fabricated most of the largest radiation simulation facilities in the world. These systems range in peak power outputs from 0.1 to 30 terawatts. We also operate the Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s (DTRA’s) “West Coast Facility” for aboveground NWE testing." For additional information contact:
Now who does this look like? The resemblance is uncanny. SOURCE: http://www.titan-psd.com/html/PulsedHighTrans.htm
This is the best resolution available on Google Earth |
US Air Force Admits to Using HAARP
For Weather Modification in Defense Hearing Published on May 16, 2014 Senator Murkowski asks questions about the impending dismantling of the HAARP facility in Alaska. Basically the defense related research has been done, and nobody wants to pay the $5 Million a year to keep it running for academic research. |
Jack Wrote:
In the acknowledgment section of RSI03945 pdf page 3972 - [PDF][Archived] "We are also grateful to the sponsors of our own research on microwave generation. This work was supported by the Office of Naval Research, by the Department of Energy, and by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research" (in the framework of the Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative Program)." Isn't it coincidental that these three agencies are
also the "official" overseerers of the HAARP program? As well as DARPA,
DoD involvement and numerous other universities and agencies.
Review of high-power microwave source research Steven H. Gold
This article reviews the state-of-the-art in high-power microwave source research. It begins with a discussion of the concepts involved in coherent microwave generation. The main varieties of microwave tubes are classified into three groups, according to the fundamental radiation mechanism involved: Cherenkov, transition, or bremsstrahlung radiation. This is followed by a brief discussion of some of the technical fundamentals of high-power microwave sources, including power supplies and electron guns. Finally, the history and recent developments of both high-peak power and high-average power sources are reviewed in the context of four main areas of application: ~1! plasma resonance heating and current drive; ~2! rf acceleration of charged particles; ~3! radar and communications systems; and ~4! high-peak power sources for weapons-effect simulation and exploratory development. © 1997 American Institute of Physics. @S0034-6748~97!01511-6#
The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program E.J. Kennedy, P. Rodriguez, and C.A. Selcher Information Technology DivisionIntroduction: Electromagnetic waves in certain frequency ranges are absorbed or refracted by the ionosphere, an electrically conductive region of the upper atmosphere beginning at an altitude of approximately 80 km. Radio waves of sufficient energy density are capable of temporarily modifying its electrical and physical properties within a small volume, enabling a new type of interactive research having application to a variety of Navy and DOD missions. The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, jointly sponsored by the Office of Naval Research, the Air Force Research Laboratory, and DARPA, is constructing a new interactive ionospheric research facility in Gakona, Alaska, to conduct both basic and applied research in this scientific discipline. We present a description of the major components of the HAARP Gakona Facility including technical detail of its current and planned performance capabilities. We also present some results from three research areas: extremely low and very low frequencies (ELF/VLF) generation, artificial optical emissions, and space research. Facility Description: The HAARP Gakona Facility is located in a relatively remote region of south central Alaska where a variety of ionospheric conditions may occur, ranging from quiet to mid-latitude to auroral. The major feature of the facility is the high frequency (HF) phased array antenna, currently consisting of 48 elements. When completed in 2006, this array will consist of 180 elements with performance parameters as shown in Table 1. |
Jack Wrote:
From abstract: This report outlines the design, functions and operation of the HAARP Diagnostic Satellite Scintillation (SATSIN) system that will be used to characterize the structure and dynamics of F region ionospheric irregularities created during HF heating.
Accession Number : ADA300875
Descriptive Note : Scientific
rept. no. 1,
Abstract : This report outlines the design, functions and operation of the HAARP Diagnostic Satellite Scintillation (SATSIN) system that will be used to characterize the structure and dynamics of F region ionospheric irregularities created during HF heating. When in routine operation, the SATSIN system will be located so that the propagation path from satellite radio beacons passes through the heated volume created by HAARP. The signal, altered in phase and amplitude by the irregularities, is received by the SATSIN array of eight antennas and is processed to extract the spatial and temporal characteristics of the scintillation. From this information, the strength, shape and motion of the in situ irregularities generated by HAARP can be implied. The hardware and software components of the system are reviewed, and the installation and operation in conjunction with the HAARP network are outlined. SATSIN System Manual - [PDF][Archived] Jack Wrote:
Title: Lightweight focusing reflector for space
Title: Artificial ionospheric mirror composed of a
plasma layer which can be tilted
Artificial Ionospheric Turbulence
and Radio Wave Propagation
(Sura/HAARP) Title: Artificial Ionospheric Turbulence and Radio
Wave Propagation (Sura/HAARP)
Accession Number : ADA471091
Summary Page The main objectives of the project are: (1) integrated experimental, theoretical and computer simulation studies of non-linear plasma phenomena, produced in the upper ionosphere by powerful HF radiation and giving rise to plasma density irregularities with a wide range of crossfield (relatively to geomagnetic field lines) scales from centimeters to tens of kilometers, (2) investigation of an influence of these irregularities on characteristics of HF and VHF radio waves passed through the ionosphere disturbed volume (IDV), and (3) control for long distance propagation of HF radio waves through an ionosphere wave-guide channel by means of radio wave scattering from small-scale field-aligned irregularities (the SURA–HAARP experiment). In the framework of the project 8 heating campaign at the Sura facility have been carried out in all. Obtained in this campaign experimental data as well as data obtained in earlier performed measurements allowed to study in detail the following points:
(ionosphere heating at the local plasma frequency by beating two high-power electromagnetic waves). In these experiments the bispectral method was used for the spectral analysis of received signals. New experiments aimed at the study of AIT features when additional X-mode pumping is used were also performed. Experimental results, obtained in the framework of the project, give new knowledge about AIT features and allow elaborating in more details its empirical models, as well as to study peculiarities of HF radio wave long distance propagation under different ionospheric conditions. SOURCE: Artificial Ionospheric Turbulence and Radio Wave Propagation (Sura/HAARP) - [PDF][Archived] |
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