Florida's Underwater Caves and Springs ..Existing Water Filled Sinkholes ..
Blue Grotto is actually a sinkhole with good visibilty. Depths reach 100 ft. Upon entering the sink you will encounter a very large cavern with writing on the walls. At a depth of 30 feet there is a fresh air bell so you can take off your mask and breath some fresh air. Continuing down, there is a large shaft that slopes down at a 90 degree angle. At around 90 feet you will encounter silt that can be easily stired up. There are lights at 30 ft to illuminate the cavern. The owner, is very friendly and also manufactures dive, wreck and video lights... Source: http://underwaterflorida.homestead.com/grotto.html
(Looking skyward at the mouth of the cavern from 35 feet down) (Jan 10, 2007, Williston, FL) |
Safe Cave Diving is passion
and an art. Cave Diving passion can be defined as
a definiteness of purpose,
knowledge of one's wants, and a burning desire to
explore it. View some
of Florida's caves and springs - home of the
world's best cave diving
This is the undiscovered Florida. A place where water and life begin from a source that bubbles up directly from the ground. Florida Springs flow the purest, clearest, and freshest water in the world with underwater views that are absolutely breathtaking. Ponce De Leon once thought Florida Springs were the "fountain of youth" when he first discovered them. There are over 600 freshwater springs throughout central and northern Florida. Some can be explored over 200 feet deep and over a mile underground. Others can barely be seen with their small flow of water. Some are deep in the woods and covered in dense forest. Others are Florida state parks that are visited by thousands of people per day. The average temperature of a Florida spring is 72 degrees year round which makes it excellent for scuba diving, cave diving, and snorkeling. The springs are fed through Florida's natural underground aquifer (a river that runs beneath Florida) dumping millions of gallons of water daily. The limestone rock filters the water making it crystal clear. Listed are just some of the many springs that can be visited in Florida. Each spring includes a description and directions how to get there. Enjoy! Northwest: Cypress SpringsNorth:
Branford Spring Cow Spring Devil's Den Econfina Creek Ginnie Springs Green Cove Springs Ichetucknee Springs Little River Springs Madison Blue Spring Peacock Springs Poe Springs Royal Springs Running Springs Troy Springs
Blue Grotto Blue Springs (Orange City) Crystal River and springsDeLeon SpringsFanning Springs Hart Springs Juniper Springs Manatee Springs Paradise Springs Rainbow Springs Sanlando Springs Silver Glen Springs Telford Spring Wekiva Springs ![]() Related Links: |
A first magnitude spring, over
100 million gallons of water gush forth daily at
Manatee Springs. In winter,
manatees swim upriver to spend the night in the
warm waters of the headspring.
Popular for snorkeling and scuba diving, the
headwaters of the spring are
also a great spot for swimming. The spring run
forms a sparkling stream
that meanders through hardwood wetlands to the
Suwannee River - Manatee
State Park
A unique aspect of the Florida
black water rivers, particularly the Suwannee
and its tributary, the Sante
Fe River, is that these dark waters receive some
of the clearest water
in the world from the springs of the Florida
aquifer. The mixing zone of
this crystal-clear water with the tannin-stained
water of the rivers looks
fairly unusual from underwater, as shown in the
picture below. - NASA
.. |
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