~ Moon of Jupiter
Discover Volcanoes And
Evidence Of Ancient Microbial
Activity On Jovian Moon
Geological Formations And Structures Discovered on
Europa Amazingly Identical to Those Found On Earth
trailing hemisphere in approximate natural
color. The prominent crater in the lower right
is Pwyll and the darker regions are areas where
Europa's primarily water ice surface has a
higher mineral content. Imaged on 7 September
1996 by Galileo spacecraft. Courtesy: NASA
PRLog (Press Release) - May 26, 2010 -
Pittsburgh, PA The debate as to whether
Earth holds the only life forms in the Solar System
may have been intensified based on recent findings
and photographic evidence produced by a team of
independent scientists. Working from first
generation photographs and NIMS data supplied by
NASA Goddard Space Center and NASA Jet Propulsion
Laboratory a team of former NASA, NOAA and
independent scientists have confirmed the presence
of geological structures and volcanic activity
common in similar hostile environments on Earth on
the Jovian moon, Europa. The evidence
consists of numerous photographs and other
scientific data gathered by the Galileo Space Probe
which left Earth on October 18, 1989 and dove into
Jupiter’s atmosphere on September 21, 2003.
of Life Forms Movile Cave, Romania and On
Europa North of Pwyll Crater
The team is led by former NASA
Scholar/Scientist Dr. Joseph A. Resnick,
Inventor of Stealth Radex Technology.
Resnick functions as Chief Scientist for
NxGenUSA Corporation of Pittsburgh, PA. and
Principal Investigator for the Europa-Bio
Project. Dr. Richard Archer, CEO of
DarkSolar Corporation of Denver, CO is an
Astrobiologist, a former US Naval Officer and
functioned as an Environmental Modeling
Scientist for NOAA at USC where he developed the
S’“O Algorithm enabling study of climatic
variations in sediments and strata. Dr.
Archer functioned as Chief Astrobiologist for
the Europa-Bio Project. The third team
member, Mr. Ron Stewart, Inventor of the
proprietary photographic analysis programs used
to generate comparison data, is an expert in
sonar radiometry, digital imaging technology and
functioned as team’s Chief Optical Physicist and
Radiometric Analyst. The process used to
analyze the raw NASA photographs, invented by
Stewart, enables true color, spatial relation
and fractal enhancement amplification and pixel
recognition based on a proprietary process that
identifies elements and compounds contained in
the photograph. Elements contained in any
photograph, radiograph, aperture radar signal,
etc., may be analyzed using this technology.
The Pwyll Crater
on Europa.
Credit: Elizabeth Turtle Planetary Image
Research Lab, Lunar and Planetary Lab,
University of Arizona
Working with spectroscopic data and first
generation photographs a unique algorithm was
utilized enabling amplification and increased
resolution in raw images resulting in the
ability to magnify targeted areas of study
producing remarkable pictorial images.
Working from NASA’s raw image of Europa an area
located in ‘the chaos’ region falling along
Europa’s equatorial plane was first identified
as an area likely to contain geological and
biological structures commonly found on Earth
where extremophiles are found. An example
of such area is the Movile Cave in Romania,
believed to have been ‘hidden‘ for more than
five million years, which contains 43 different
species of extremophiles, with 33 of these being
endemic. Europa‘s ‘chaos region‘ is marked
with elevated lines, ridges and deep valleys
confirmed both visually and electronically to
comprise of large chunks of ice and fissures,
containing a particular red-colored area known
as the ‘River of Blood’. These types of
structures are found to traverse the entire
surface of Europa, similar to banding on Earth,
with some areas containing more intense red
coloring, indicating, for example, the presence
of Iron Oxide or other areas being
yellow-colored indicating the presence of
Sulfur, for example. In either case these
elements are capable of providing nutrient
sources for cryptophiles, thermophiles or
piezophiles, organisms capable of surviving in
extreme temperature non-oxygenated environments.
Europa is one of several ‘ice planets’ with its
crust believed to be as deep as 20 km in
thickness with warm, liquid water oceans
contained beneath the ice-covered surface.
Three particular areas on Europa were
selected for study and comparison with similar
places on Earth by virtue of structural and
compositional similarities and differences with
each containing differing albedo, Langumuir
lines and regions of upwelling and
downwelling. The first study area above
the Equator in the left hemisphere was
selected and anticipated to have lower
temperatures than other areas. The second
area of study located below the Equator and
slightly above the Pwyll Crater was expected to
be slightly warmer than the first area.
The third area of study traverses the Equatorial
plane and was selected in order to establish a
temperature base line and to provide additional
information when more formal White Papers are
presented for Peer Review.

Crater on Europa (NASA/JPL
Galileo PIA 01175)
images of an impact crater name Pwyll
have been recovered from Europa, one of
Jupiter's planetary satellites now being
studied through the Galileo spacecraft.
The crater contains a central peak,
which is typical for moderate sized
impact basins.
The computer-generated topographic
image of Pwyll Crater in fig.1
clearly shows the central peak (B),
crater ring (C), ejecta (E), and outflow
deposits (F) of this impact feature of
26 km. diameter.
The first area examined
was located on the side of a deep fissure
in The River of Blood region located along
the equatorial plane. The second
area examined was located in the ‘chaos’
area slightly to the northeast of the
Pwyll Crater, one of the more noticeable
impact craters found on Europa. The
third area located along a protracted
fissure estimated to be approximately 1200
km in length and more than 400 km deep in
some areas traverses diagonally on
Europa’s surface from a point slightly
above the equatorial plane proceeding in a
northeast direction. In this area
study confirms the presence of at least
two (2) active volcanoes with the primary
volcano having an approximate depth of
1300 meters with a significant sulfur
deposit located on the southern rim of the
Sites on Earth possessing similar
environmental, elemental and structural
properties were selected for study. These
were a location containing a large sulfur
deposit located in Yellowstone National Park,
USA, the Movile Cave in Romania and Blood Falls,
Antarctica. Photographs, climatological
and geological data were supplied by USGS for
all sites.
Blood Falls
pouring into Lake Bonney. A tent can be
seen in the lower left for size
Image Credit : United States Antarctic
Program Photo Library
The River of Blood location, Europa, was
compared with the Blood Falls Antarctica region
on Earth. The ‘chaos’ area, Europa, above
the Pwyll crater, was compared with the Movile
Cave, Romania, on Earth. The third area,
protracted fissure containing active volcano,
Europa, was compared with the large sulfur
deposit, Yellowstone Park, USA.
pattern is not typical of craters on
Earth except for the newly discovered
crater in the North Sea.
Courtesy of NASA
“The optical analysis comprising spectral data
and photographic elements yielded striking
visual results”, Resnick said. “The geological
formations found on Europa are identical, in
every observable instance, to those geological
structures found on Earth when compared to those
discovered on Europa. On Earth, at Blood
Falls, for example, or, in fact at all three
locations, venting from volcanism, off gassing
and biological activity combine to result in the
formation of fumaroles having structures and
shapes exactly like those discovered on
Europa. Based on the visual evidence alone
one could make a very strong case for the
presence of some type of biological activity on
Europa”, Resnick said. When asked whether
the team’s preliminary findings supported a
claim to stating that ‘life existed on Europa’
Stewart said, “The fact that identical
structures are found on both celestial bodies in
climatic conditions supportive of and containing
endemic chemotrophs, oligotrophs it would be
pretty hard to conclude or to argue
otherwise. To confirm our preliminary
findings we are calling on all Scientists to
become involved. With regard to 'life on
Europa', how else can we account for or explain
the presence of the fumaroles on Europa?”
When asked the same question Dr. Archer stated,
“ We can only conclude that based on this
preliminary subjective data that some type of
biological activity is at play on Europa.
The only way to be 100% certain is to send a
probe to Europa, one that could undertake
requisite assays to test for lipids, DNA, other
biomarkers, etc. Then we‘d know for
For Additional Information
All Photographs Copyright (unless otherwise
attributed), 2010, R.Stewart, J.Resnick, R.
Archer, DarkSolar Corporation, NxGenUSA
Corporation, All Rights Reserved under UCC
1-207, Inclusive, Globally and Universally.