The NASA Moon Photos Part 2

Witness Says NASA Photos Show Structures on Moon

[June 26, 1995] -- Many readers of CNI News are aware of recent claims by Richard Hoagland regarding evidence of artificial structures on the moon. Hoagland, best known for his studies of "the Face on Mars," says that he has acquired photos and "insider testimony" proving NASA knowledge of massive extraterrestrial artifacts on the moon. While Hoagland is passionate in defending his data, many critics feel his claims are ill-founded.

However, an independent source has come forward claiming to have seen clear NASA photos of structures and machinery on the moon. Writing in the June/July issue of the newsletter "Houston Sky," industrial engineer Vito Saccheri says he arranged in 1979 to view an incredible set of photos at the NASA Space Center in Houston. The photos showed beyond the slightest doubt, Saccheri says, that the moon is littered with alien structures.

But is Saccheri a reliable witness? "Houston Sky" editor Gayle Nesom says, "Vito is one of the few people whose story I could accept based just on his word... Credibility is a given in Vito's work. The success of his business -- he owns a technical investigations company -- rests on expertise, reputation and integrity... As someone whose advice I have relied on over the last two years, he has been rational and dispassionate, conservative in his ufological assumptions, and utterly dependable. To me, he is as credible as they come."

Saccheri says he first looked into the claim of moon structures after meeting another engineer named Lester Howes in 1979. Howes showed Saccheri a book titled "Somebody Else Is On the Moon," written by a former NASA scientist named George H. Leonard. Leonard went so far as to claim that President Kennedy's historic initiative to put Americans on the moon before 1970 was driven by a series of secret discoveries made from earth-based telescopes during the 1950s, virtually proving activity on the moon. Leonard was a photo analyst for NASA and argued that because NASA space missions were publicly funded, the public had a right to see the photo evidence. On his own, he published a number of photos in his book, but they were so small that details were blurry. However, he described what was visible in the huge original prints, and he published the identifying code numbers of the photos.

After reading Leonard's book, Saccheri agreed to go with Lester Howes to Houston's NASA headquarters and ask to see the photos.

In the "Houston Sky" article, Saccheri details many days of run-around and negotiation he and Howes went through with NASA officials. It seems that no one had ever asked to see those photos before. It seems that NASA had to check with someone in Langley, Virginia. But persistence, the fact that both Saccheri and Howes were credible engineers, and perhaps the letter of the law, all came together at last; and the two men found themselves in NASA's photo archive, said at that time to house over two million images. The librarian, a man named Roger, was apparently impressed that Saccheri and Howes had made it through a process designed to turn the curious away. In the end, he provided access to materials even more startling than the photos.

What follows is quoted, with permission, directly from Saccheri's "Houston Sky" article.

"Roger announced that the photos were ready for our inspection. There were, however, strict rules: we were to get three eight-hour business days. We were not allowed pens, pencils, paper, calculators, camera, or recording devices of any kind. Nor could we be left alone with the photos. We were allowed only the book and a magnifying loupe. We would be escorted in and out for lunch and bathroom breaks. If we agreed to these terms, he said, we could begin at nine o'clock the next morning. We arrived at eight.

"This time, we were escorted in by two men. We found five extra-long conference toom tables set up in a U shape. We had expected to find only the pictures listed in Leonard's book. To our amazement, there were thousands of photos...

"The photos were huge, approximately 32 by 24 inches, with a dull grey, almost dull-black look. On the back of each, technical information was recorded, such as the probe's height above the moon's surface while it was taking the picture, the angle of approach, and the location of the sun in relation to the capsule...

"To this day, I can remember these views: A boulder that seemed to have been rolled uphill, leaving its tracks in the side of the hill; obvious machinery on the surface, showing bolted sections; three dilapidated 'bridges' crossing a chasm that reminded me of the Grand Canyon; pipe fittings that looked like four-way Ts (or Xz) that could be seen in every photo, some with their ends turned up or down as they hung over the edge of a crater; three surprising pyramids that prompted me later to closely study the Egyptian Giza pyramid complex; apparent pipelines criss-crossing the surface, running to and from craters; a UFO rising from the surface and photographed directly above a crater; and perhaps the most memorable, the unmistakable figure of a rectangular structure placed squarely in the biggest crater pictured -- the structure looked either very old or under construction, but the crater had to be miles wide, and the camera angle gave a perfect three-dimensional view.

"The clarity and resolution were unlike that of anything I had seen before or since, and I shudder to think that this was only the beginnings of the spy-in-the-sky technology that has evolved since then...

"On our last I was escorted back to the main room, I noticed a false panel that was slightly ajar and peeked inside. Floor-to-ceiling bookshelves were filled with three-ring binders. Roger volunteered that most of the binders were filled with the details of NASA's scientific experiments conducted in space. The rest, he said, were simply transcripts of the manned space flights, including the moon landings. Since he had gotten to know us over the three days and had enjoyed seeing the photos himself, he gave me a wink and a nod and allowed me to enter the room unescorted...

"I decided to browse some transcripts and flipped casually through a few... Then my eyes caught it: 'Houston, we've got a bogey at two o'clock.' And there was more: 'Roger that, Apollo. Switching to alpha. Roll eight degrees and begin sequence...'

"Though I knew instinctively what it meant, I couldn't believe what I was reading. I raced through the pages and other mission transcripts and found similar dialogue:

"'Mission Control, we've got Santa Claus coming over the hill...'

"'Roger, Apollo. Hold your fix. Switching bravo. Do you copy?'

"'Roger, Houston. Bravo link...'

"These guys were reporting UFO activity, but I couldn't remember ever hearing this during live broadcasts of lunar missions in '69 and '70. I was too dumbfounded to say a word and too scared to tell Les or Roger... we had no clearance to see these documents...

"When I met moon photo researcher Marvin Czarnick in 1995, I learned that he had helped develop some of the technical systems used at NASA... He knew that code words like 'alpha' and 'bravo' referred to special switching stations around the country that 'switched' broadcast reception away from Houston and Mission Control directly to CIA headquarters in Langley. This was my missing puzzle piece. I knew then for certain who it was that had the master list of photographs...

"That the moon could be occupied by others who periodically visit the earth makes perfect sense to me. I remember in the 1960s, after President Kennedy mobilized NASA, that the talk was about beating the Russians to the moon and using it as a station, or stepping stone, to the stars. In those days, there were great debates on who would get the mining and mineral rights...

"Today, we no longer talk about using the moon as a base of any kind. Instead, we talk about using space stations. Why?"

[Editor's Note: The only space mission to the moon in the past 20 years was the recent highly classified, Defense Department funded Clementine unmanned probe, which photographed the entire surface of the moon using the latest technology. Almost none of those photos have been released to public view. Clementine is the only known Defense Department mission ever to leave earth orbit.

CNI News thanks Vito Saccheri and "Houston Sky" editor Gayle Nesom for the preceding article. "Houston Sky" was one of the best newsletters published in this field. Unfortunately, it ceased publishing in mid-1996.]

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