Lunar  Anomalies
by Steve Austin
Page 002
"The Valley of Secrets"
King Crater
Image Credit NASA/JPL

"This oblique view looking north across the northern part of the crater King was taken by the Apollo 10 crew. The very dark patch on the northern wall of King near the center of the photograph was first observed on that mission and has since been the subject of detailed visual study and orbital photography."

Text Credit: NASA History

Image Source NASA

In the image above taken directly from a NASA website, we can see that they have and ARROW marking the area we see as vegetation. The following details are taken from several versions of King Crater and are the collected views of several people including Steve Austin and John Lear...

Apollo 10 took several shots of King Crater and they range from AS10-30-4349 to AS10-30-4364
LPI Apollo 10 Catalog but the images here are so poor they are worthless.

King Crater

The image above is taken from NASA publication NASA SP-246 "Lunar Photographs From Apollo 8,10 & 11". Below are some highlighted clips of the areas of interest... (Click image for larger view)

Much of this crater appears covered with 'Vegetation' but we chose to high light this spot as the NASA scientists also consider this an area of interest.


This unusual 'Structure' shows remarkable detail and appears in three different views of the Apollo images. It lies in the 'V' of the central peaks

A 'Tube' on 'supports' covered by 'vegetation'...

King Crater

This view of the central peaks was taken by Apollo 16  - NASA Source Below we see the same 'structure' very clearly

Originally posted by olegkvasha ATS Post ID 3786518

Usually I struggle to see these structures on the moon. However if you look to the bottom left of the image, you will see this: 

This to me looks like a tower like object casting a shadow on the surface. I have not adjusted the image except for the resize on the right. 


Originally posted by mikesingh ATS Post ID 3786852

Rich, I think that's a good find! :up: But heck, some would say that it could be just Moon rocks! I've enlarged the image and and this is what it looks like, at least to me!

And this is what emerges...


King Crater

This is a third view... once again the object is visible...

Anomalies by Steve Austin

RC-1  Strange Object in King Crater look like some type of intact or exhaust cevice..
RC-2  Vegetation - Looks like bent over trees. I can just make out their trunks...


RC-1  Mushroom Shaped structure covered with vegetation
RC-2  Square shaped opening on mountain wall
RC-3  Several rectangular buildings


RC-1  Saucer Shaped Object... may be a derelict flying saucer
Z-1  Long 'tube' or 'cigar' shaped object
Z-2  Hexagonal object with center and 'wings'

Z-2 and RC-1

King Crater
AS16-4996 (P)
Image Credit NASA/JPL

FIGURE 153 -This greatly enlarged part of a panoramic camera photograph shows a small area in the eastern part of the floor of the crater King. The large mass in the left part is one example of the many domed structures that occur in the floor of King. It is trisected by depressions in the shape of an inverted "Y" representing three faults; one trends north-south (1), another northeast-southwest (2), and the third northwest-southeast (3). 

Text Credit: NASA History
Image Source NASA

This very interesting object stands out and appears to be above the surface.... It has a very interesting shape and is highly reflective

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