The Saucer Projects
Project Silver Bug
February 1955

Full PDF FOIA file available here:

Contractor Estimated Performance

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Project Silver Bug
Source: Mechanix Illustrated Issue: Mar, 1956
Source: Mechanix Illustrated Issue: Mar, 1956
Project Silver Bug

SOURCE: Project1947 - Silver Bug

AVRO project "P.V. 704"
1956 - 1958
(P.V. standing for "Private Venture")
The six-engine viper test rig, not only a paper design, it's real!

The engine rig was designed to use up to six small Armstrong Siddeley Viper 8 turbojets to drive the giant impellers. The "six-Viper test rig" was a self-contained enclosed outdoor stand which consisted of the central section of the saucer vehicle, a control room, fuel supply and exhaust ducting.


SOURCE: AVRO project Y2 aka "SILVER BUG"

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