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PARA: Untersberg - The Mystery Mountain

Posted by Skyfloating, on August 24, 2008 @ 02:43 PM

Credit: Jennie at The Hills Are Alive... Travel Pod

In August 1987 three people entered a Mountain in Southern Germany to explore several caves. They did not return and neither the police nor mountaineers found any trace of them – except for their car parked at a parking place nearby. 3 months later they called their relatives from a ship in the red sea that was heading for Alexandria, Egypt. They claimed to have no knowledge how they had gotten there, that 3 months had passed or what had happened inside that mountain. In Alexandria they went to the Consulate and returned home. (More on this story page 12 of this thread).

Welcome to a tale of Time Portals, Elves, Fairies, Gnomes, Extraterrestrials, Subterranean Civilizations, The Holy Grail and Paranormal Phenomena surrounding a Mountain bordering Germany and Austria called "Untersberg". 

Ive personally visited this mountain twice on research expeditions and will relay my own experiences in later posts.


  1. Hitlers Obsession
  2. Missing People
  3. Time Travelling Dwarfs & Underground Tunnels
  4. Personal Experiences Part 1: Koenigssee
  5. Personal Experiences Part 2
  6. More Dwarfs and Time-Slip Phenomena
  7. Monument to commemorate deceased Kings made of Untersberg marble
  8. Green Fog
  9. More on the 1987 Time-Jump to Alexandria
1. Hitlers Obsession

Disclaimer: This section does not constitute an endorsement of Hitler but examines an obsession he had

On a 1992 visit to Austria, the Dalai Lama specifically asked to see the Mountain, calling it “a sleeping Dragon” and “The Heartchakra of the World” (chakra refers to an energy center in eastern terminology). 

But this was not the first world-famous person to know of the mountain. Hitler was obsessed with it, hoping to gain access to supernatural beings and power to turn a war that he was loosing.


Hitler built a House on top of a mountain on the border to Austria (called "Berghof") from which he could view the Untersberg (direct translation: Under-Mountain) all day. He believed the mountain and that which was inside the mountain to harbour mystical powers that would help him beat his enemies. 

Hitlers view from his living room at his home "Berghof"

So that he could pursue his obsession more intensely, he acquired telescopes, not made for the purpose of star-gazing but especially equipped for earth-gazing. This is Hitler beside one of the telescopes pointing at the Untersberg:

Hitler and a youth at the telescope

One reason he became intrigued by the mountain is because of reoccuring events, legends and tales of people gone missing, people experiencing missing time, encounters with elves and extraterrestrials and passageways to what Hitler called “the inner earth”. 

A recent expedition (August 2008) into the gigantic cave-system under the mountain revealed that it goes down so far, that its lowest point had not been reached yet. The cave explorers had to return from their expedition without knowing how far down it goes. According to a German newspaper report they had gone down 1056 meters before being forced to return at an abyss-like precipce. This had been accomplished by being able to pass an extremely narrow passageway that had been previously unpassable. They also discovered more than 800 new passageways and, believe it or not, a lake in 930 meters depth. They crossed it with a rubber boat. 

Editors Note: German newspaper report translation

One view from the inside:

Giant Ice Caves
2. Missing People

Similar to the Bermuda Triangle, hundreds of people have gone missing in the area, either

a) Never to be seen again or
b) Show up years later or in another place on earth, apparently having made a jump in time, space or both. 

Missing People have been so frequent that German and Austrian newspapers regularly carry stories on the Mystery. This one shows a police helicopter in search of a couple that recently (2008) went missing (and also addressing the time-leap theory):

August 25, 1987

Ancient Legends report of "little people" coming out of the mountain and "little people" flying aircraft from the mountain up into the sky. There are also many hundreds of ancient legends surrounding this mountain that involve the phenomenon of "missing time", as known in modern UFO-Abduction Reports. 

Addendum: See Here

3. Time Travelling Dwarfs & Underground Tunnels
Strangely, most of the old myths, legends and fairy tales surrounding the mountain (and there are hundreds of them, ranging back many centuries) involve;
  • Dwarves or "Little People"
  • Phenomena of Missing-Time or Time-Travel
This is unusual because the legends and tales from other areas do not feature dwarfs and missing time as their main plot. The following section contains ancient folklore and legend only even if the descriptions resemble the modern day "greys" of UFOlogy. 

The following excerpts are summarized and translated from 18th Century books on German Mythology by various authors. Some of them are also featured on plaques near the site and in historical accounts of museums. 

This is only a very small part of the old accounts, more to come;

  • Die "Untersberger Mandl" sind Zwerge und darum uralt, zauberfundig, meist gutmütig und hilfreich gegen die Menschen, aber auch falsch und boshaft, wenn sie erzürnt werden. Auf ihrem gedrungenen Körper sitzt ein großer Kopf. Klug blicken die Augen aus dem aschgrauen, faltenreichen Gesicht
This ancient germanic text found on an 18th Century Plaque near the mountain says that the "Untersberg People" are dwarfs, very ancient, knowledgable about magic, good-hearted but sometimes mischievous and mean. On their body they have a big head, smart eyes and grey skin. Editors note: "aschgrauen, faltenreichen Gesicht" ~ ash-gray, wrinkled face
  • Daß ist gewiß einer von den Untersbergern; bei dem versuch' ich mein Glück", dachte sie und ging schnurgrad auf den Zwerg los.. Wie sie aber ans Kreuz kam und eben den Mund auftun wollte, war das Männlein verschwunden. she wanted to approach the little person, he suddenly dissappeared.
  • In der Umgebung von Berchtesgaden erscheinen heute noch zum öftern kräftige "Buam", von keinem gekannt, ganz eigentümlich gekleidet the area of Berchtesgaden (Untersberg), strange people appear that nobody has ever seen before. They are also strangely dressed.
  • und manchmal hat ein Sterblicher den Marsch der Unterirdischen gesehen.
...this basically says that the the farmers in the area believed that the drwarfs came from "inside the earth" or subterranean dwellings. Editors note: "and sometimes a mortal has seen the march of the underworld."
  • Es trafen einmal zufällig sieben Holzknechte und drei Reichenhaller in der Früh um 4 Uhr auf dem Untersberg zusammen, alle willens, nach Salzburg zu gehen. Als sie miteinander fortwanderten, kam auf dem schmalen Fußwege ein Zug schwarzer Männlein daher, Paar an Paar, gegen 400 an der Zahl, sämtliche gleich gekleidet, zwei Trommelschläger und zwei Pfeiffer voran. Die Männlein marschierten rüstig vorüber, ohne sich irgend um die Zuschauer zu kümmern, zogen dann um eine Felsecke und waren nicht mehr zu erfragen
This says how some Lumberjacks met at 4 in the morning to travel to Salzburg (10 miles from Untersberg). As they walked, they witnessed around 400 "little people", all dressed the same wander into a crack in the mountain and dissappear behind it. Editors note: They marched in pairs and had two drummers and two pipers, and were not worried about being seen.
  • Zwischen Berchtesgaden und Salzburg ist der Pass "Am hangenden Stein". Zur Zeit der Franzosenkriege, wo Salzburg bald siesem, bald jenem Herrn gehörte, wurde der Beamte in tiefer Nacht aus dem Schlafe geweckt; ein Zwergmännchen, dergleichen er nie gesehen, stund am Fenster und forderte ihn auf, die Gitter zu öffnen. Er blickte um sich und gewahrte eine unabsehbare Menge ähnlicher Gestalten. Er wagte nicht den geforderten Dienst zu verweigern. Und nun begann der Durchmarsch der Untersbergmännchen. Voran zogen Jünglinge, wohl in einer Fronte von 10 Mann; ihnen folgten Männer, alle nach alter Art gekleidet und bewaffnet. Dann folgten Greise, ihrer Kleidung nach schienen sie Richter oder Räte zu sein, worauf der Zug, wie er begonnen, sich schloß. Wohl 2 Stunden dauerte der schweigsame Zug. Der letzte befahl, die Gitter wieder zu schließen. Am frühen Morgen erkundigte sich der Beamte bei den Landleuten des nächsten Dorfes. Einige hatten den Marsch deutlich vernommen und sie meinten, das bedeute neuen Krieg
This text talks about a time of the “French Wars” and a French soldier who was stationed at Untersberg. He was once awoken at night by a “dwarf person” like he had never seen before. This dwarf was standing at his window asking him to open the the gates leading to a certain pass of the mountain. As he looked outside he saw several similar small people and dared not to follow the instructions to open the window. The small people ignored his refusal and marched through the gates anyway. The next morning the guy asked the locals about these little people and was told by the neighbourhood that they had heard the commotion and march. Editors Note: "Er wagte nicht den geforderten Dienst zu verweigern." ~ He did not dare to refuse the requested service.
  • Die Gänge und Hallen des Untersberges funkeln und flimmern von Gold und Edelgestein. Auch auf seinen freien Höhen hat mancher Glückliche einen kostbaren Schatz gefunden. So weiß das Volk zu erzählen von Goldsand, Goldkohlen, goldenen Spänen und glänzenden Steinen.
This text reflects a common theme among the legends and stories: That the inside of the mountain is full of jewels, gold, glowing stones and other treasures. Editors Note: "Auch auf seinen freien Höhen hat mancher Glückliche einen kostbaren Schatz gefunden." ~ Also on it's free Heights, some lucky people have found a priceless treasure.

The following historical account from the 15th Century talks about missing time experienced by someone having entered the mountain. It also talks about Tunnels leading from a mountain under a lake called "Konigssee" (Kings Lake) to a church there. As I will later show there is evidence of tunnel-systems in the area and they knew that hundreds of years ago!

The "Kings Lake":

Lazarus Aigner

Im Jahre 1529 stand Lazarus Aigner*, aus Bergheim bei Salzburg gebürtig, bei dem Herrn Stadtschreiber zu Reichenhall in Diensten. Da fügte es sich einstmals, daß Aigner mit seinem Herrn, dem Pfarrer Martin Elbenberger und dem Pfleger den Untersberg bestieg. Unterhalb des Hochthrons fanden sie eine Art Felsenkapelle. Allda war in die Wand eine Schrift mit silbernen Buchstaben eingehauen, welche sie lange anschauten und lasen, ohne indes deren Sinn und Inhalt enträtseln zu können.

Als sie wieder zu Hause angekommen waren, wollte dem Herrn Pfarrer die rätselhafte Inschrift nicht aus dem Kopfe, und er bat des Stadtschreibers Knecht, Lazarus, nochmals auf den Untersberg zu gehen und die Schrift abzuschreiben.

Lazarus tat, wie ihm geheißen. Glücklich erreichte der die Stelle, fand auch die Schrift noch vor und schrieb sie genau ab, wie folgt:

S. V. R. G. E. T. S. A. T. U. M.
Indes war es Abend geworden, Lazarus überlegte, ob er bei eingebrochener Dunkelheit noch den Berg hinabsteigen oder besser auf demselben übernachten sollte. Er entschied sich für das Letztere. Das war Mittwoch Abends. Er schlief die Nacht sehr gut, stand am Donnerstag Morgens neu gestärkt auf und trat den Heimweg an. Eine Weile war vergangen, als plötzlich zu seinem nicht geringem Erstaunen ein barfüßiger Mönch vor ihm stand. Er trug einen großen Bund Schlüssel und betete andächtig aus einem Gebetbuche. Jetzt sprach er zu Lazarus:
Wo bist du gewesen und wo gehst du hin? Hast Du gegessen oder bist du noch hungrig?" Und da ihm jener erzählte, was ihn auf den Berg geführt, so sprach der Mönch wieder: «Ich will Dir zu essen geben und Dir auch offenbaren, was Du in dieser Kapelle gesehen und die Schrift bedeutet". Alsdann gingen sie ein Stück Weges aufwärts gegen den Hochthron und kamen durch eine große Klamm zu einer eisernen Tür, die der Mönch mit einem seiner vielen Schlüssel öffnete.
This says that in 1529 a guy called Lazarus Aigner took a hike up the mountain in the company of the mayor and parish priest of a nearby town. Below one of the peaks of the mountain they found a little chapel that was worked into the rock and silver inscriptions that they could not read or decipher. Having returned back home the priest couldn’t get the inscription out of his mind and asked Lazarus to return back to the place and copy the words. The inscription:  S. V. R. G. E. T. S. A. T. U. M.

Dusk had fallen and Lazarus thought it would be better not to go back down the mountain but stay overnight. That was on Wednesday evening. He slept well and woke up on Thursday morning feeling refreshed. Some time had passed on his way down when he encountered a barefoot monk carrying a keychain and reciting from a prayer book. Lazarus was amazed and ask him where he is from and where he is going. The monk told him he´d like to give him something to eat and also reveal to him what the silver writing found at the chapel means. The monk led the way to an iron door worked into the mountain and opened the iron door with one of his many keys.

Lazarus trat ohne Furcht durch dieselbe. Da sprach der Mönch also: «Lege Denen Hut allda nieder, so kannst Du wieder hinaus; und so du herinnen sein wirst, so sprich zu Niemandem ein Wort, es sage Einer zu Dir, was er wolle. Mit mir aber darfst Du reden und mich alles fragen. Merke auch wohl, was Du siehst und hörst." Nach diesen Worten schritten Beide durch das Tor. Da sah Lazarus einen großen Turm mit einer goldenen Uhr geziert. Der Mönch sagte zu ihm: «Schau an die Uhr, auf welcher Stunde der Zeiger steht und um welche Stunde es ist". Und es war sieben Uhr. Weiter stand ein schönes Gebäude mit doppeltem Glockenturm, einem ansehnlichen Kloster ähnlich, in üppig grünender Wiese. Ein dunkler Tannenwald umrahmte die letztere und ein monumentaler Brunnen spendete aus zwei Rohren frisches, erquickendes Quellwasser. Auf der Wiese standen Obstbäume voll der seltensten Früchte.

Lazarus trat mit dem Mönch in das Gebäude und gelangte in eine Kirche, die war so groß, daß er von der hinteren Kirchentüre auf kaum auf den Chor sehen konnte. Der Mönch führte ihn vor bis zum Hochaltar, hieß ihn da zum Gebete niederzuknien und tat desgleichen.

Lazarus entered without fear. The Monk asked him to put down his hat and never ever to mention the place to anybody but to listen and look carefully. Upon entering the space inside the mountain Lazarus saw a tower with a golden clock and the monk ask him to take careful note of the lock and what time and hour it showed. It was 7 o`clock. Lazarus describes buildings, trees, fountains, rare fruits, and a gigantic church or temple-like structure… (Im skipping sections of the story which describe a choir of people singing in that church and the monk leading lazarus through various buildings and structures and inviting him to dinner and wine)
Nach beendeter Mahlzeit und nachdem das Tischgebet gesprochen war, führte der Mönch den Aigner in die Bibliothek, deren Wände angefüllt waren mit Büchern in Baumrinde und Schweinsleder gebunden. Von da aus blickte Lazarus wieder ins Freie und sah viele Bischöfe und Herren in prachtvollen Gewändern, Frauen und Jungfrauen. Und da er fragte, wer dieselben wären, so sagte der Mönch: «Es sind alte Kaiser, Könige, Fürsten, Bischöfe, Ritter, Herren und Knechte, Edel und Unedelgeborene, Frauen voll Frömmigkeit und Herzensgüte, wie überhaupt nur gute Christen, welche den christlichen Glauben in der letzten Zeit des Bestandes der Welt erretten und verteidigen werden".

Darauf zeigte er ihm die Bücher und las ihm daraus vor. Lazarus fand in denselben auch die rätselhafte Inschrift, die er sich für den Pfarrer abgeschrieben hatte. Der Mönch las sie ihm auch vor, allein verstehen konnte er's nicht, da sie in lateinischer Sprache verfaßt war.

So kam die Vesperzeit heran. Glockengeläute rief die Andächtigen zur Kirche. Auch die Beiden gingen hin und beteten mit großer Andacht. Nach der Vesper erhielt Lazarus wieder Speise und Trank. Nach der Complet, die dem Abendbrot folgte, versammelten sich die Mönche, jeder mit einem großen Buche, an dem ein Laternchen befestigt war, und zogen paarweise nach dem großen Turm, in welchen Lazarus bei seinem Eintritt in den Untersberg gekommen war. Zu beiden Seiten in dem selben gab es sechs, zusammen also zwölf Türen.

«Durch diese Türen gelangt man" - so sprach der Mönch zu Lazarus - « in die Domkirche zu Salzburg, in die Kirche nach Reichenhall, nach Feldkirch in Tirol, nach Gmain, nach Seekirchen, nach St. Maximilien, nach St. Michael, nach St. Peter und Paul bei Hall, nach St. Zeno, nach Traunstein gegen Egg, nach St. Dionysien und St. Bartholomä am Königssee".

Diese Nacht gingen sie nach St. Bartholomä, ein schöner gewölbter Gang, so breit daß ihrer Drei und Drei nebeneinander gehen konnten, führte dahin. Als sie schon ein Stück des Weges zurückgelegt, sagte der Mönch zu Lazarus: «Jetzt gehen wir tief unter dem Königssee !" - Gegen Mitternacht kamen sie in der Kirche zu St. Bartholomä und sangen da die Mette. Nach derselben kehrten sie laudos, wie gekommen, wieder in den Untersberg zurück, wo sie eben recht zur Prim (6 Uhr Morgens) angelangten. In der nächsten Nacht gingen sie in die Domkirche nach Salzburg. Da währen sie indes bald vom Messner überrascht worden, wenn sie nicht rasch durch die hintere Türe und die sich öffnenden Türchen in den Mauern hinausgekommen wären.

Diese Nacht gingen sie nach St. Bartholomä, ein schöner gewölbter Gang, so breit daß ihrer Drei und Drei nebeneinander gehen konnten, führte dahin. Als sie schon ein Stück des Weges zurückgelegt, sagte der Mönch zu Lazarus: «Jetzt gehen wir tief unter dem Königssee !" - Gegen Mitternacht kamen sie in der Kirche zu St. Bartholomä und sangen da die Mette. Nach derselben kehrten sie laudos, wie gekommen, wieder in den Untersberg zurück, wo sie eben recht zur Prim (6 Uhr Morgens) angelangten. In der nächsten Nacht gingen sie in die Domkirche nach Salzburg. Da währen sie indes bald vom Messner überrascht worden, wenn sie nicht rasch durch die hintere Türe und die sich öffnenden Türchen in den Mauern hinausgekommen wären.

After the meal the monk lead him to a library. When Lazarus asked who all the people were that were living here the monk said that they are “old souls who had done well in their life and will defend mankind in the endtimes”. In the books Lazarus found the same inscriptions he could not decipher and didn’t understand any other books either because they were written in Latin. 

The monk also showed him 12 doors. Of these doors he said that they lead to 12 surrounding churches. They took one of the doors which led through an underground tunnel to one of the churches in a place called St. Bartholoma. This tunnel also lead under a lake called “Königssee” – Note: This church is famous for very strong geomagnetic anomalies, more on this later. 

The monk made note that they had to reach these churches secretly, without being detected by outsiders. 

I am skipping a part that describes visits to other churches and also Lazarus realization that some of the people inhabiting the mountain are deceased people and kings who died long ago.

Am siebenten Tage jenes Aufenthaltes im Untersberg sagt der Mönch zu Lazarus, nachdem, sie von der Kirche zu Unserer lieben Frau auf der Gmain nach Hause gekommen waren: «Lazarus, nun ist es Zeit daß Du wieder hinausgehest; oder willst du herinnen verbleiben, so magst Du es auch tun". Doch jener meinte, ihn verlange nach der Heimat; der Mönch gab ihm hierauf noch zwei Laib Brot mit auf den Weg und sagte: «Solches iß im Heimgehen und sei hinfüro fein demütig, derweil du lebest". Hernach führte er ihn zur Tür, durch welche er gekommen. Als Lazarus auf Verlangen seines Begleiters die Uhr schaute, zeigte der Zeiger genau dieselbe Stunde wie er gekommen - 7 Uhr. 

Wieder auf der Außenwelt angelangt, sprach der Mönch zum letzten Mal zu Lazarus: «Schau, mein Lazarus, daß Du Deine Erlebnisse im Untersberge Niemandem mitteilst, ehe 35 Jahre verstrichen, wenn Dir Dein Leben lieb ist. Vergiß nicht, was Du gesehen und gehört hast. Wenn die Zeit von 35 Jahren vorüber, so magst Du es offenbaren; denn es wird hernach große Not und Gott dem Allmächtigen viel abzubitten sein. Daß es aber auch Alles dann Kundbar werde, was Dir begegnet, beschreib alles genau und behalte es fleißig bei Dir". Und weiter sprach er: «Es werden sich gefährliche Zeiten in der Welt zutragen; aber Diejenigen, welche an Gott glauben und auf ihn fest vertrauen, werden von allen Greueln, Übeln und Beschwerden befreit sein. Nun gehe hin im Namen des Friedens, dereinst wirst Du wieder zu mir kommen". Dann verschwand der Mönch und Lazarus trat den Rückweg nach Reichenhall an Genau 35 Jahre nach dieser Begebenheit starb er, fromm und stark im Glauben, wie er gelebt. An Totenbette übergab er seinem Sohne die Aufschreibung und dieser teilte sie der Welt mit.

On the 7th day of his stay the monk gave Lazarus the choice to stay or go back home. Lazarus missed his home and the monk accompanied him out, asking him, once more, to look at the clock. It was exactly at the same hour it had been when he arrived: 7 o´clock. The monk explained that “no time had passed” although Lazarus knew 7 days had passed. The monk said: “If you wish to live, then don’t tell anyone what happened to you for 35 years. You may reveal it after 35 years. Now go in peace” 

Exactly 35 years later Lazarus wrote his story down, and died only a few days after. 

SOURCE: Geheimnissvoller Untersberg Teil I - Josef Schedel Mythen über den Untersberg (Oberbayern)

UPDATE: Additional Info

The church at "Koenigssee" from which, according to ancient legend, tunnels lead to and from Untersberg:

Koenigssee - Sommer St. Bartholomae ~ King's Sea, Summer at St. Bartholomae
4. Personal Experiences Pt 1: Koenigssee

Before I continue with reports of time-travel and dwarfs...

My profession (conducter of workshops for companies) led me to hold a 10 day workshop at the location of "Koenigssee", the lake which is about 15 miles south of the mountain. I booked myself in for an extended stay of 18 days. This was the first time I was there but I returned there privately a few years later. 

One of those days, I took a guided tour of the whole WWII set-up since the place had been one of the main bastions of Hitlers Empire. Residing on top of mountains did make strategic sense as incoming troops and planes could more easily be spotted. The tour-guide showed us various nazi-bases and buildings, all quite grandiose and megalomaniac in architecture. 

It is from the tour-guide that I learned that the entire area was full of bunkers and tunnel systems, leading through mountains, under lakes, under towns, etc. 

This is common knowledge among scholars and locals. What is less common knowledge is that, besides building new tunnels, Hitler made use of ALREADY EXISTING Tunnels in the area. At least according to my tour-guide and some locals I questioned. According to a few mystery-minded locals, tunnels were known to be here since hundreds of years ago.

As far as I can tell its not possible to reach the chapel/church St. Bartholomae (talked about and shown in a previous post, alleged location of an undeground tunnel to the untersberg) by foot...unless you´re a mountain-climber. You have to take a boat or ferry there. 

I did take a ferry there twice, on both visits. The ride takes about half an hour and on the way there the make a stop at a certian part of the lake they call the "Echo Rock". One of the ferry-guides takes out a trumpet, blows it, and the sound reverberates and echoes in the most awesome way in that you hear the echo about 10 seconds after the initial blow. Nothing mystical about this of course. But the guides then go on to tell legends and tales of the area in an attempt to entertain the guests. 

What I learned when arriving at the chapel is that the area contains some of the strongest magnetic anomalies found on the continent. And indeed, in walking around there (specifically: a 500 foot walk from the chapel) I experienced a dizziness and nausea like never before in nature. Leaving the area, the dizziness faded away. Returning back to it, the dizziness returned. Anyone who wants to can try it out themselves. The tour-guides and locals know exactly where that spot of land is. 

Upon my second visit to the chapel I decided not to return to the ferry with the rest of the tourists but to stay in the area and walk around it. I walked to the end of one side of it, thinking I might be able to walk back to the place I started off at with the ferry, but couldnt, for two reasons: First of all, the path ended and was replaced by a rough mountain cliff. Second of all, to my left side, there was barbed wire and a sign of the erman military reading "No Trespassing". Just why there was a barbed wire in military-caution on this otherwise lovely half-isle is still a mystery to me. If you ever go there yourself, walk all the way down to the end of the half-island and see for yourself. 

The Area on Google Earth:

Koenigsee - Note: North is to bottom
General Map of Area - Untersberg 47° 42′ 0″ N, 12° 59′ 0″ E
Koenigssee - Sommer St. Bartholomae
Koenigssee by wiens
5. Personal Experiences Part 2

The Untersberg is so huge it takes around an hour to drive around it. That is... if it were possible to drive around it. There´s one side of it that have no roads leading it or adjoining villages. That's a tough part to get to. The most accesible parts are the parts tourists are channelled to for mini-cave-sightseeings and a few paths in the woods. On my two visits there I spent the sum of 3 days walking and driving around the area. 

I did not see any of the dwarves mentioned in countless legends but always had a sense of excitement and oddity while wandering around there. My two extraordinay experiences involved vivid and lucid dreams at night in a Hotel there and spotting a glowing Orb descending behind some trees beside the mountain while walking through woods at the mountain side. This was at night, in the rain. The Orb was purple and something I will never forget. 

Blue Orb web image

Other than that I spent plenty of time reading plaques, museum stories, having tour guides and asking locals about the legends. The legends are widely known, but the dwarfs seem not have been seen since a century. None of the locals report any sightings. Most material on them predates the 20th Century. 

That wraps up my own experience there. I will continue with more old legends involving missing time.

Originally posted by Skyfloating reply to post by Vanitas

Yes, the thing with the Orb. Its not necessarily connected to the location I was at, because Ive had my fair share of strange sightings throughout my life at other locations too. Its a typical experience one might have when one is "in the mood" for such an event. A purple ball, maybe the size of a car, going down at a slow speed (like a balloon), out of sight behind trees. It was raining and dark. My excitement was magnified by the fact that I was actually walking alone on a path in the woods in the dark. It caused me to soon turn and make my way back to the street, deciding that I had seen enough for the day. 

You know, we call for this type of stuff to happen, but when it actually does, we´re sometimes not keen on more of it happening. Like "Yeah, very nice, but dont come too close!". 

It was translucent, pulsating. Otherwise I would have seen it as a balloon. 

6. More Dwarfs and Time-Slip Phenomena
...continued from previous posts on pre 19th-Century Legends

The story about a wedding group in St. Leonhard (a village at Untersberg) that had disappeared was written down in 1858 by German author Bernaleken:

»Einst zog ein reiches Bauernpaar samt seinem Gefolge aus einem Dorf in ein anderes naheliegendes, um dort bei den Eltern der Braut das Hochzeitsfest zu feiern. Lustig und fröhlich, unter Begleitung einiger Musiker, zogen sie die Straße entlang und kamen zum Untersberg. Nachdem sie hier angelangt waren, fing einer aus der Gesellschaft an zu erzählen, daß in der Gegend ein Kaiser mit einem bedeutenden Heere verschwunden sei und daß seit jener Zeit hier Geister erscheinen, welche die in dieser Gegend Wandernden beschenken.
This tells the story of a group of people who were celebrating a wedding by walking from one village to another playing music and being jolly. Having arrived at their place of destination, one of the groups members told a story about a King who´s entire staff of soldiers had dissappeared here. He said they had been "abducted by ghosts".
Sogleich fing der Bräutigam an, den Geist zu rufen und zu bitten, er möge sie mit etwas beschenken. Auf einmal öffnete sich der Berg und ein grau gekleideter, kleiner Mann mit silberweißen Haaren erschien, der ihnen eine Türe in das Innen zeigte. Die ganze Gesellschaft folgte ihm nach, und sie kamen in eine Reihe schöner Zimmer, in deren einem eine Tafel gedeckt war und Speisen und Getränke aufgetragen standen Die ermüdeten Brautleute und ihr Gefolge setzten sich zu Tische und ließen es sich schmecken. Nach dem Mahle bedurften aber alle des Schlafes, weil sie etwas viel getrunken hat ten. Beim Tische sitzend entschlummerten alle ruhig. Als sie erwachten, führte sie der Berggeist hinaus.
Thats when the groom starting calling for the Ghost to appear and send them gifts. Suddenly a grey-dressed dwarf came out of the mountain. He had silver hair and showed them a door leading to the inside of the mountain. The entire group followed and they witnessed several beautiful rooms and were invited to a festive board. The group, tired from there walk, sat down to eat and drink. That's also where they fell asleep. After they woke up, the small person in the grey suit led them back out of the mountain.
Bei Tage kamen sie an die Erdoberfläche, allein sonderbar alles hatte sich ihnen während dieser Zeit ganz verändert. Die in dieser Gegend Wohnenden verstanden ihre Sprache nicht überhaupt schien es ihnen, als seien sie in einem ganz fremder Lande. Nach mehreren Tagen kamen sie in ein Dorf. Sie fragten, wie es heiße, und erhielten den Namen ihres Heimatortes zur Antwort. Aber auch hier schienen sie nicht zu Hause zu sein. Sie suchten ihre Wohnhäuser und fanden sie nicht; denn an deren Stelle standen ganz andere, neugebaute Häuser.

Sie begaben sich zum Pfarrer und erzählten ihm alles, was geschehen war. Dieser schlug seine Bücher auf und fand wirklich, daß vor 100 Jahren ein junges Brautpaar nebst einiger Menschen im Untersberg verschwunden sei.«

But as they returned to the surface, everything had changed. They hardly understood the language of the people. Arriving at the village the ask what the name of the village is, which looked completely different, and they got the name of their home village as an answer. But they didn't feel at home there. Looking for their homes they found other, newly built homes. 

They went to the priest of the church and told him everything that had happened. The priest opened his books and found, that the married couple and group had disappeared 100 years ago. 

{{{This particular time-slip and dwarf story was written down in 1858, apparently describing something that happened "hundreds of years ago" that was recorded in the annals of the local church of St. Leonhard. I posted it representing at least several hundreds of similar stories from the area. The conservative catholics living in the area since hundreds of years, are known for meticulous recording of events and tales.}}}

SOURCE: Geheimnissvoller Untersberg Teil II - Josef Schedel Mythen über den Untersberg (Oberbayern)

Originally posted by Skyfloating reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

Maybe the barbed-wire and "no trespassing" sign (which can't be seen if you only follow the normal tourist route around that church... you have to stray off the beaten path to see it) was not actually military. Thats only my interpetation, recollected from memory. Fact is that there wasn't much else to go except back to the ferry/boat. I posted a google-earth image earlier that shows the location of the place "St. Bartholoma" at "konigssee". This is the location of the magnetic anomaly and also where, according to ancient legend, a tunnel leads to the untersberg. Looking at the google-earth image close-up you´ll notice no military area in sight. 

Koenigssee - St. Bartholomae - Credit: Hasting House

This is a newspaper article about a woman (american tourist) who had gone missing in 2004 at the Untersberg for three days until she was found by mountain-guards. Nothing unusual about this...except that the news reports claim she survived well and healthy at below freezing temperatures without anything to eat or drink for three days.

The young woman goes missing on the lower mountain.

News from Redaktion_LocalXXL
Berchtesgadener Land , Mi, 18.06.08 13:59 Berchtesgaden , Wed, 18:06:08 13:59

At Berchtesgaden Unterberg a 24-year-old American is missing since Monday 16 June. The woman did not return after a walk from the house Stöhr. All search activities since then were not successful. The young woman from Colorado, USA was at a height 1894 meters lodging house to visit with her friends, the innkeepers.  During the afternoon she was out with the hut land lady on the plateau. Approximately at 18.30 the women separated just minutes away from the cabin. The American wanted to go a bit, her companion returned to the house Stöhr. When the tourist did not show up by dark, the hosts began the search around the hut, but without success.

As of Tuesday morning, a 24-member search team of mountain rescue men and police mountain guides with four search dogs were deployed. They scoured the area around the house Stöhr, remaining snow fields, rim fractures and sinkholes (cavities in the rock). In addition, all current boarding trails and climbing routes to the mountain house were checked. In the evening, the view improved so much that even a police helicopter was used. From the air using thermal imaging cameras and searchlights, the Südabstürze[Southern faces] of the plateau were investigated. In addition, a SAR-military helicopter was also used. 

Around midnight, the search was interrupted and resumed at daylight on Wednesday. Despite all the efforts so far no trace of the missing women was found. It is feared that something has happened to the 24-year-old. The woman is dressed in black jogging pants, a yellow T-shirt, jean-colored fleece jacket and walking boots. She is wearing a brown headband. The missing person does not have a backpack or food. Hikers on the lower mountain, that have seen the missing person since last Monday afternoon and have noticed something else relevant to the case are asked to report to the police department Berchtesgaden by phone 08652/94670.

7. Monument to commemorate deceased Kings made of Untersberg marble
A mideaval artists drawing of the "Birnbaum" near untersberg. Notice all the dwarfs. 

This bavarian monument, called "Walhalla" (1842) was erected to commemorate deceased Bavarian Kings. The material (stone and marble) to build it was taken from the Untersberg. This is interesting because legends of the mountain often refer to deceased inhabitants and the rocks could have been taken from any other place than the mountain. Therefore the builders seemed to have ritualistic or invokative intentions when building. 

Walhalla bei Donaustauf circa 1840 Aus d. Kunstanst. d. Bibliogr. Inst. in Hildbh.
June 1989, Donaustauf, Germany Overlooking the Danube 10km east of Regensburg is an impressive Doric temple built by Ludwig I, and completed in 1842. Inside are hundreds of stone busts honoring great Germans throughout history. At the front of the hall, the biggest statue is that of Ludwig I himself. Source
8. Green Fog
Green Fog in Forest by bbsc30

Hermes placed His foot upon the skull of the vanquished Typhon. The next instant, with a blaze of unbearable glory that sent the neophyte staggering backward against a pillar, the immortal Hermes, followed by streamers of greenish mist, passed through the chamber and faded into nothingness.

Excerpt from "The Life and Teachings of Hermes Trismegistus"

In "The Philadelphia Experiment", those involved in time-travel describe the process being accompanied by a "greenish fog". The reason I bring this up is because this type of fog has been mentioned in the pre 19-th-century tales but also been witnessed by modern day locals. "Green Fog" is a part of the whole Untersberg-Saga. 

9. More on the 1987 Time-Jump to Alexandria

[Note: If some German ATS-member  can help me find the original newspaper stories that were printed in pre-internet times, that would be great]

As mentioned in the opening post there was an alleged time-jump of  one man and two women who dissappeared at the Untersberg and reappeared 3 months later near Alexandria. These stories appeared in normal newspapers as follows:

In August of 1987 the newspapers carried a story of these three cave-explorers dissappearing. No mention of time-portals or paranormal phenomena. Newspaper headlines were in the lines of "Cave-Explorers Dissappeared - assumed dead after cave accident"
(These reports directly contradict later attempted "debunks" by pseudoskeptics, claiming that these people never dissappeared in the first place).
In November of 1987 (3 months later), [i]normal[/i] newspapers carried another story: The "missing people" had reappeared in Alexandria. These reports mentioned possibilities of mysterious phenomena, time-jumps and time-portals and reported amnesia by the group of three. According to some of these reports, they did not know how they got there.

After returning to their home-city (Munich, about 130 miles from Untersberg) they suddenly changed their story, telling reporters that they hadnt time-travelled but that they had just left their white car standing at the parking place in Furstenbrunn (a village beside Untersberg) and then took a train to Salzburg (Austria) and from there to Villach (Austria) in order to go mountain hiking. The married couple and their friend then explained that they had "mistakingly" passed the austria-yugoslavia border (the third woman had  supposedly left her passport in the car at untersberg). Afraid of yugoslavian authorities they decided not to return, but to continue their journey to the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean. 

The most obvious indicator that this story is a lie is that it is virtually impossible to "accidentally" cross the border to Yugoslavia. Fact is that the train from Salzburg to Villach doesnt even come close to the Yugoslavian border by hundreds of miles. And even if it had, there were at that time (1987) strict border controls before passing into the country. And how likely is it that someone would travel to the Red Sea (Israel, Egypt) without a passport?

The search team who had been looking for them in 1987 did find a checkered blouse near a place they had been. It is common for cave-explorers to leave a piece of clothing outside the cave, should they go missing. 

However, this place was not a visible cave entrance but, according to legend, a cave-entrance that only opens on a certain public holiday (Himmelfahrt - Christs Ascension Day) - the 15th of August. The very day the group was at the Untersberg!

Unfortunately the group denied the blouse belonging to them. And conveniently, some other tourist called in at the newspapers, claiming it to be her blouse... albeit 3 months later. 

Newspaper-sources omit the names of the group for their protection (since they deny everything and want to be left alone), however... old newspaper archives (1987) should still carry them. 

So, we are supposed to believe that they "accidentally" travelled through half a dozen countries without a passport for 3 months.

It seems quite possible that they are either a) Keeping it secret for their own reasons or b) were forced to invent a cover-story. 

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