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(Edited and Additions by Pegasus)

Bucegi Mountains, Romania
The Mysteries Page Two
The Bermuda Triangle of Oltenia and other unsolved mysteries....ROMANIA 

Originally posted by lisa2012 ATS Post ID 10557277

The Bermuda Triangle of Oltenia and other unsolved mysteries....ROMANIA 

Somewhere around halfway between Rimnicu Vilcea and Targu Jiu, Polovragi, we enter the foothills of the Gorges "Olteţului Keys", keys that separate them from the Parang Mountains, a place that holds many secrets. 

Paranormal enthusiasts call the "Bermuda Triangle of Oltenia". Odd things have happened here in the past; even deaths of cattle in their herd eyes, the eyes of shepherds and sheep at a wedding feast, when food and drink volatilized on the table making some wedding guest crazy...

... stories about all these mysteries, but also about the existence of corridors throughout the area of the Carpathians, as well as in the Danube and Bucharest, can be heard live on land with increasingly frequency. 

However there are many unsolved mysteries, either because they are not spoken about, and deemed likely that the impact of information on people would be too high or because I still can not find answers ... or a "conspiracy of silence"!

Bermuda Triangle of Romania - Hoia-Baciu Forest

The following sites have many stories of sightings and strange lights;

I have had in thirty years ago when I was a teenager, three paranormal experiences in Hoia-Baciu Forest. When driving to a friends house who lived in the forest Baciu sheepfold. At one point we stopped on the crest the hill to watch the city. It had already night. At one point appears as a bright light suddenly, like a fire road, facing the city, which curve continuously. I ran to the woods to find the source of the lights, but it is away from us as we approached. Eventually disappeared, actually. The second experience was all through that period, one night when I was in the woods with a friend, Jeno. At one time it lit the whole forest that day, the sheepfold by power lines, the level of 1.70 to 1.80 meters. Raise their hands and some disappear into the darkness. Then, the situation has reversed. Top and bottom was lit remained in darkness. I have never come to an explanation related to this event. Third paranormal experience: I was in the courtyard of his father’s house, the Grigorescu neighborhood, near the forest Hoia. At one point there was a ball, rather than as two golf balls, floating through the air. It seemed like jelly, but not shaking. Down the hill, coming from Hoia at a constant height from the ground. I tried to hit with a bat, but avoided, as a being. Eventually passed the neighbors fence and I lost sight of… Hoia Baciu Forest by
Hoia-Baciu Forest

Hoia Baciu Forest Vs Devil’s Triangle (Bermuda Triangle)

    November 08, 2010 - The Hoia-Baciu Forest is located near Cluj-Napoca, Romania and is locally referred to as the Bermuda Triangle of Romania. The Hoia-Baciu Forest was named after a baci that disappeared in the forest with a flock of two hundred sheep. In the Romanian language a baci is a leader of a shepherd community. The search for this man went on for days and spanned out across several counties, but they found no trace of the man or his sheep

    Most of the locals are genuinely afraid to enter or come near the Hoia-Baciu Forest. They believe that most people to enter the forest never return. Those that have been fortunate to return from their visit into the forest have claimed to have suffered from various illnesses as a result of entering the forest. Many of the complaints include rashes, nausea and vomiting, migraines, burns, scratches, anxiety, and other strange bodily sensations.They have also witness several strange unexplained events which occur within the forest. The most common unexplained activity includes seeing mysterious orb-like lights, female voices, giggling, apparitions, and cases of people being scratched.

    The orb-like lights have been seen within the tree line. Some can be seen at ground level, yet others are up at the top of the tree line. When using a thermal, these lights don’t seem to be producing any heat signatures. Some accounts have talked about lights that shoot straight up in the sky from the forest.

    Haunted destinations: Hoia-Baciu Forest, Romania

    Hoia-Baciu Forest - This forest, sometimes called the "Bermuda Triangle of Romania," is located in the middle of Transylvania. It was called Baciu Forest after a shepherd (the chief of a given shepherd camp is called "baci" in Romanian) disappeared inside the forest with his 200 or more sheep. He was searched for everywhere, including in nearby counties, but nobody knew where he was or saw him after he entered the forest. In addition, further disappearances, as well strange sensations of sudden illness, headaches, dread, or other odd sensations has been reported by some visitors. Sometimes mysterious lights and orbs have been observed amongst the trees as well.

    Dark Destinations - Hoia-Baciu Forest, Romania

    I tried to go inside the forest for some more photos and I did, but just about 10 meters deeper. I tried to capture some strange mushrooms, I took about ten shots but I couldn't focus. All the time I was looking around and backwards to be sure that I still can see the people in the cleaning. I, myself couldn't understand why am I so afraid in the middle of the day. Finally I had to come out of the forest.

    It often happens to some of us that we hear strange and scary stories our whole lives about something. So scary stories that you shut them out of your mind. I can swear that I've totally forgotten all stories when I began my trip. Back home, it took me a week to think about it and to find the answer for being so scared to go deeper in the forest. There is no answer, now I remember. It happens to each and every human, entering the Hoia-Baciu forest.

    From ancient times, villagers found themselves assaulted by unexplained feelings of nausea, anxiety, feelings of vomiting, headache and even skin burns occurred to all who have stepped in the forest.. They don't like to talk about these things but they advice everyone not to go there.

    The Hoia forest is connected with the Baciu forest, mentioned as Hoia-Baciu forest but also as the "Bermuda Triangle of Romania". The forest is considered one of the most active spot in the world regarding apparitions and various unexplained phenomena like light observations of various shapes and colors, strange shadows, voices and human faces.

    Esoteric specialists from around the world, teams of famous scientists from Germany, France, the United States and Hungary managed to capture on film immaterial or material structures and forms appearing in front of curious, whether it was night or noon. Some are seen with the naked eye and some only on photos or videos.

    I hope I didn't scare you too, with my story.

    Walk in the Hoia forest-wildflowers

    Once inside Hoia Baciu forest or even travelling near the forest's edge, you have the feeling of being watched behind every tree, a sensation of unexplained anxiety. That's the first thing that happens to everyone and happened to me too.

    Dr. Adrian Patrut, president of the Romanian Society of Parapsychology , has been studying occurrences in the forest since the early seventies. He has devoted a good part of his life studying and investigating the paranormal phenomenology of forest.

    I would never, ever doubt that these things are really happening but I could accept explanations only from scientists, not ghost hunters. They have no explanation anyway.

    Here is the video with "Destination Truth" team's adventures: Note: Video blocked in USA due to NBC copy right claims

    Walk in the Hoia forest-part 2

    It's show time above the Hoia forest. It's sunset and storm just started.
    Almost each storm is a spectacular show of color or most often of lightning, especially at night.
    As I mentioned in my previous post, the Hoia-Baciu forest is considered one of the most active spots in the world regarding apparitions and various unexplained phenomena like light observations of various shapes and colors, strange shadows, voices and human faces.

    Look at the next photo, there is a shiny spot in the black circle. Is it just a raindrop on my lens? I took the photos in a continuous sequence, if it is a raindrop, it must be on the same spot at the next photo too.

    Hoia-Baciu Forest
    Storm above the Hoia forest-part 3
Secret corridors?

Originally posted by lisa2012 ATS Post ID 10557277

This will explain something that one of the members asked in Regards to Myths and Legends ......

Zamolxe-with-wolves "Zamolxe's Cave" (which is believed to pierce beyond the mountains, in Transylvania), so called old and reported in the literature of travel writers in the nineteenth century, like Grigore Alexandrescu (1842) and Alexander Vlahuta (1901). Above the cave are ruins of ancient cities. Arcinna, listed on the map of Ptolemy, the famous geographer of antiquity, the link between the cave and the city is making a secret gallery.

They say that man-god Zamolxis passed through secret Sarmisegetuza galleries. According to legend, the power that Zamolxis held was amazing, being able to change his appearance to that of the old couple. The cave of Polovragi, supreme god of the Dacians in deep to get out over the mountains to the city Sarmizegetusa. When cavers first looked into the cave about 100 years ago they were amazed to discover shod human footprints dating back 2,000 years, undoubtedly marks of the Gauls. Or something else?

Visiting the cave is reached before the throne Zamolxe, which says that the great bulk of the state. Legends talk about the well site that I feel most of the visitors see, but also about those who reject the cave. Then comes the place where the monk Pachomius, who visited the cave through the nineteenth century, drew the candle smoke darkened the image of Death. There are other wonders, faces the Gauls, mythological animals, and the ceiling "Tears of Zamolxis continue to fall". Certainly, we have that constant temptation to which it subjects the cave of treasure hunters in search of Dacian treasures. Often, the guides have found broken metal gates at the entrance. "Tourists" with metal detectors have been lost through the galleries without electricity. And did not come back! They say beware the curse of Zamolxis Dacian treasures hidden here... And the place is not singular ... About the curses that afflict those who find the treasure, you know... But sare such "acts" a curse in this context? Since nobody returns to tell!

The cave has 3 levels: the first one is for the tourists, shaped like an S; the next two are harder to cross. 

The first level has many names, the most known are Grota Pustnicului (The Monk’s vault- because some say that the cave was discovered by a monk, Father Teofil, after he had dreamed of the place and the way to it) or Grota lui Zamolxe (Zamolxe’s Vault) – Zamolxe is an ancient Dacian priest/god. It is said this cave was used by Zamolxe and his people to hide and pray when they were under attack.

At this level you can find one of its most peculiar attractions: somewhere in the stone there is a groove, like a pail, filled with water. The strange thing is that once the water is removed, it starts to “rain” from the ceiling, and it stops when the pail is full with water again. 

Another attraction is Hades Well, a coalpit inside the Ialomiţa Cave: nobody could explain yet why any kind of light just dies inside this groove. 

The second level hosts two Dacian thombs, and the third level a glaciar lake.

Bucegi Mountains Legends

Earth is alive in the Capital Bucharest Romania 

Those who worked in the subway tunnel say they saw and heard things hard to believe. Mircea Ioanid, who retired from working in the subway tunnel, recalled with some horror stories in the '80s what was witnessed in the dirt carried out of the underground workings.

"I was not the only one who lived such occurrences, but the only one left alive after all that happened. Because the earth has swallowed simply others. Earth was alive, literally. And I was the youngest driver and power, not as I feared, with a double, but when I recall those experiences now my hair raises on my head with fear." 

Ioanid claims that in 1982, one of the excavators unearthed a bizarre corpse. "It was around 2 meters and was wearing something strange, a sort of red robe and a black mask on his face. The skin was brown. What amazed us all was the feeling that the man was still alive. His eyes were wide open and his face, though handsome features, inspired fear. One of my colleagues even made a joke and said that it should look like Satan, if one exists. I do not know if it was a coincidence or not, but a few days later, this fellow found him dead. At autopsy, doctors said they had all the internal organs scattered, as if something exploded inside him. "

But what amazed the few workers who saw the corpse was that strange object in his hand that looked like a sledgehammer that ended more like a two-edged ax. "And also the hand gun revelation startled us, and especially the fact that I had never seen anything like that even seemed that he had been underground for hundreds of years, did not have any rust on it. The gun and the corpse were isolated by a specialist that came, but that night they disappeared, surprisingly... the Security Services came and we turned on all sides, we suspected that we understood the class enemies and I hid the body. But we passed it. Instead, my colleagues have gone, in turn, swallowed by the earth, without anyone to trace them in May. When I was with the two missing, I could not forget even now that he pulled the animal roar, screaming, trying to hang on nails with a touch of earth: "Do not let him take me My mother's mercy on me ..." I'm the only one they missed because I requested a transfer to another site."

Department Zero

Originally posted by lisa2012 ATS Post ID 10551848

Confirmation of these events is found even in a daily (newspaper) that recounts at length about the mysterious disappearance. It refers to two men from Braila who go on a trip and they find a metal chain and one of them touched it and disappeared;

In the spring of 1990, Caesar was appointed technical director of Department Zero, and in 1992 have been clarified the relationship between DZs and the Romanian Presidency. Head of state ordered the total subordination and politicization of dz; but Caesar presented some of the shocking realities that have been discovered over time and their enormous implications in the stability of the country, so that the President has given way to confusion like the old agreement, the is quasi-independent DZ.

In May 2003, Caesar was visited by an important character for one issue in particular, meeting the request came through SRI Romanian Secret Service. A helicopter brought this gentleman, tall, wearing a black suit and dress stylish, but arrogant. He had a cane with ivory handle and gold inlay. His face expresses strength and green eyes had a strange effect, radiating an unusual cold. It was presented as the senior Massini. He was very sure of himself and create the impression of a person who used to give orders. He was leading one of the most venerable major Masonic Lodge in Europe and was one of the most influential Masonic organization in the world: the Bilderberg Group.

Caesar realized that global Freemasonry sought to acquire in a short time control of a secret locations in the Bucegi mountains, excluding any form of publicity and wanting even concealing the existence of this site graduated from the power of Bucharest, the representatives of the elite had access there.

What could cause the Masons of the world's largest to focus all of great interest to Romania! There are some predictions made by two very big secret in the early Christian saints past and future of Romania in the context refers to all mankind. There is also a very valuable parchment vast library of the Vatican exhibit the same problem with the Romanian territory, a situation almost inconceivable mentality and ego states and major world powers.

The secret archives of the Museum of History in Vienna, is a very old document that sets extremely distant historical past and also fabulous civilization that existed at that time in Romania. Here we have all these different sources refer to the same things. There are many aspects that are correlated. Prophecy says it is a matter of just a few years later for signs that will draw attention to this area of the world.

Sunday, February 13, 2011
2003 IN BUCEGI MOUNTAINS:Romania... Linked to underground world

Mt Olympus of the Hyperboreans

Since I have discovered Osiris's origins which appear to be in the area of the lower Danube as the God Zamolxis, I have also had my own thoughts reinforced that the Egyptians came from this area also. This all relates to following the Sky Column or Pillar/World Axis/Polaris religion. The Djed Pillar is a representation of this. This is a religion that the Pelasgians adopted and then spread.

We have here therefore an important document from the Italo-Greek antiquity, a document which gives us an absolute certitude that the prehistoric Olympus of the theogony, the Olympus from the ends of the earth, according to Hesiod, was that mountain on which were the legendary columns of the sky, Atlas from the country of the Hyperboreans, Olympus atlantiacus at Calpurnius (IV. v. 83), today Omul Peak of Bucegi Mountains, near the Lower Istru, where there are, apart from the columns, the other monuments famous in the history of theogony, the figure of Zeus aigiochos and the cyclopean altars.

SOURCE: Is Atlantis origins in Hyperborea? Pillar of the Sky origins..
Reference: The Sky Column from the Carpathians as symbol of the Egyptian trinity

Mysterious Energy in Bucegi Mountains

Originally posted by lisa2012 ATS Post ID 10551891

Mysterious Energy in Bucegi Mountains.
These are some of the things happening there:

Bucegi is considered by specialists to be a powerful energy point. The place is claimed by yogis and seers. Hypotheses have been issued regarding the existence of underground galleries, divining tests were done. Research has shown that the area is filled with more energy than any other in Romania. Traian Trufin, museum conservator at the Museum "Cezar Petrescu" in logs, journalist and researcher of strange phenomena which he witnessed, tried to find some explanation.

Insomnia without fatigue

"In 1993, for two weeks, in the south of the city, people had insomnia, regardless of age. I thought that there were noxious emanations from the paper mill. Not by a long shot. It was strange that, although not sleeping, people do not feel tired. I have confirmed this at least 20 people."says the curator. Some locals have come to live the true state of euphoria. The events took place only at night. After you have plugged into scarecrows throughout the city, it stopped as suddenly as it had emerged.

Earthquakes at fixed hours

Then began the earthquakes. Paradoxically, they could not be located in the Bucegi, nor had any connection to the Vrancea seismic source. The series of earthquakes began in 1994 and lasted three years. "They occured at fixed times: 20 and 3 am. Every day, invariably. But they were not proper earthquakes. It is manifested by other laws. They only covered a small area Azuga-Busteni-Sinaia. Sometimes comprised only a quarter of an hour. One could hear the sound of the earth, as if it would have collapsed the ceiling of a grotto beneath your feet. There was no horizontal or vertical movement," says Traian. He counted over 100 such seismic events.

Cracks in the underground

No seismic station experts could understand it. Some chimneys fell from roofs, some cracks have appeared in walls of houses. Mysteries are continuing. Earth movements lasted three years. It was hypothesized that artificial production of earthquakes was due to underground blasting. But at that time there was no digging in the area. Seismologists have not found an explanation and specialists from the Institute of Physics of the Earth could only say that they were natural events caused by local fracture of the crust. "This is the resonance of the Vrancea earthquakes." At that time, no one even recorded an earthquake of high intensity. In Vrancea weak movements occur daily in the crust, under a high magnitude. But there earthquake measuring 3.4 on the Richter scale, says the curator, convinced that 6 years ago phenomena must be explained by other causes.

Electric People

There was a new phenomenon, almost universal in the region: the locaal inhabitants were charged in an incomprehensible way. People could not objects with their hands without being shocked. Touching the palm to your body burns, and people avoided tightening their hands. All this was amusing at first amused, but after a while they began to worry. "I had long finger marks on my skin from a friend who gave me a friendly pat on the shoulder, the friendly. The shirt was soaked his palm print on my back. My skin reddened. In the dark, when touching certain objects, sparks came out," he remembers.  [High static electricity phenomena][St Elmo's Fire]

Amplified radio signals

"I had some amateur radio headsets. They received a radio program. But I noticed that only in the logs. Output in the city, of Bucharest and Brasov, I could not received anything. I think there is a strong energy field that amplify signals in the area radio," said Traian. He also noticed other strange phenomena. Around the Cross on Caraiman halos often appear strange and even holograms.

Rainbow without rain

One morning, with a splendid sun, without a trace of rain in recent days, he noticed a huge rainbow, with an unusual glow. One end started in the Zamora district and the other was anchored at the Caraiman Cross. The rainbow had appeared in contradiction with natural laws of nature. Often, the mountain is surrounded by a milky cloud at the waist height of Caraiman. This compact ring is present only in the middle of the massif. It wrap the mountain peak and stays in the fog. "For two months, at the museum where I work, the lights flickered in a strange rhythm. Or only lit bulb filaments. I called the people at the network. I have found no damage, Traian says.

Corridors within mountain

Traian has his own theory. He believe that all anomalies in the records are caused by the existence of underground galleries in the guts of the mountains. These are huge underground tunnels and artificial character and were carved by the civilization of the nepamintene[aliens]. This place is the hot spot of experiences at the cross of Caraiman. This explains the thunder that accompanies earthquakes. Or the radio waves received are not emitted from the ether, but from these corridors. Who makes those strange amplifications in the end, who aimed at them strange radio communications, Traian can not answer.

Alien bases Bucegi

"My belief is that there is another world underground. Extraterrestrials know everything about the world from the surface. Their information is very broad spectrum. But I do not know what kind of activity takes place there and either do not want to communicate. Perhaps mankind still not ready to understand some things," says geologist. He hoped that events will increase and eventually become a way of communication between the two civilizations. Anyway, it's more than the absence of satisfactory explanations that were offered to scientists until now.

Cross on Caraiman

The Historical Monument was built between 1926-1928, at the insistence of Queen Mary, in memory of fallen heroes railway employees on duty during the First World War, fighting on the Prahova Valley. Located at an altitude of 2291 m, Cross Heroes has a height of 28 m, with two arms of the seven read meters each. It is mounted on a pedestal 7.5 m high, reinforced concrete clad in stone. It houses an electric generator which supplies the 120 light bulbs, how many 500 watts each. [Since the cross is grounded with an electrical system, it is likely that it acts as an antenna or focal point for these electrical phenomena in the area]

Valentina confirms cellars

Valentina visionary, the blind woman who can make a diagnosis in the U.S. by phone, says she discovered through her own methods an important stream of energy, which is the same quality as that of the Giza complex, and bathes our Bucegi Sphinx and its undiscovered underground communication with the pyramids of Egypt. "There is the history of mankind. But is not humanity two thousand years ago. It's a long time ago, very much before. Bucegi Sphinx is the protector of earth on which we live. In fact, in from the Bucegi Sphinx comes a very powerful stream of energy. When the scientists on earth will become obsolete, someone in the Bucegi Mountains will give over all records and documents and meaningful after those signs, you know what to do. But that will happen only after the stream of energy will weaken over,"says the clarevoyant who was never in Bucegi.

Carpathians, seen from space

Carpathian Mountains have a particular curvature. Aerial images obtained from a great height can lead us to thoughts of sinuous form of a giant snake that tries to swallow tail. Cosmonaut Dumitru Prunariu likened the Carpathians to a mother watching from space that keeps the baby in her arms. Comparison with the thought that leads to religious statements that say that Romania is a land protected by the Virgin Mary.

Mystery of the Sphinx from Bucegi

The mysterious rock formation in the Carpathians in Bucegi has a disturbing resemblance to the Egyptian Sphinx. Since time immemorial people have asked, particularly if her appearance was the effect of erosion, we are dealing with a man-made paper. From any angle it is viewed can be seen as an anthropomorphic representation. Romanian Sphinx of Bucegi is not only appearance but also its mysterious attributes. Visionaries say they have lived with it'sunique insights and experiences.

Varful Omu cone of light

Bucegi mountains were the Dacians favorite. Jobs spiritual worship gods. Omu top (2505 m) also has his quirks. Often they have seen a cone of light coming from this place.

Significant Find in Stone
Colt, Buzau county, Romania

A story:

"Archaeologists from the Museum of Buzau county, in cave dwellings in the Buzau Mountains, found a giant stone inscribed with signs belonging to an unknown civilization. The stone was called a significant find; it is in the form of a mushroom and is located at Brotari, a common Colt settlement, instead of another famous cave, cave Aghaton containing symbols from the Bronze Age till the early Christian period at the bottom.

Buzau County Museum Director, Doina Ciobanu, said "Absolutely strange signs in the shape of a triangle, star and square, certainly made by a human being, not found in any known writing to this point." Archaeologists buried the stone to prevent it being destroyed by tourists or other sensational amateurs. The writing will be presented in September to historians from around the world on the occasion of the International Symposium Sinferopol, Crimea, Buzau where historians are invited.


There exists a Church in Aluniş a stone resembling waves. The letters look indecipherable, similar to Cyrillic
or look like drawings or look like drawings, as in Fundu Cave - Nucu: akinakes swords. We know about this stone since I know someone rediscovered it by chance and left the door open a little. Scientists from Iasi and Bucharest skilled in heiroglyphs, have examined them, made comparisons to runic alphabet, Wulfila, Pelasgian writing,  local alphabet, etc.. but nothing was sure.

The Petroglyphs from Nucu should be cast in lead: they are in danger and they are just as valuable. At least the rock is covered with leaves ... that is hard to get moving! (offers some protection)


I was born in the commumty of Colt and I grew up and lived there the first 32 years of my life: toponym[script]  Brotari (B + rotari)d oes not exist on any stone any other palce away from the cave. The mystery (another one!) is that there are indications that the stone is apparently from the Leonardo Cliffs, and certainly, the Nucu river.

I found Wuilfila's alphabet on the net: the stone looks like tally marks, reminds you of an abacus. It should be carefully investigated: people are getting into ATVs., reach Dionysius, climb the ladder, shoot photos and return to the city to write articles, or praise, or give guidance on any forum.


SOURCE: - Romanian (English Transalation)

Related Links: 

The Church, partially built into the actual cave by Rotaru
The Church, partially built into the actual cave by Rotaru
Templar Cross on rock face, two of many by Rotaru
Templar Cross inside cave by Rotaru
Several Hermitages carved into the rocks by Rotaru
Hermitage carved into the rocks by Rotaru

SOURCE: Photos of the Petroglyphs from Alunis - Nucu River - including other feature lke the Church, ancient grave markers and the cave openings. over 250 images of the Petroglyphs

On Giants and the Illuminati

Originally posted by lisa2012 ATS Post ID 10552035

While digging on this topic on a Romanian website, I have realized that lots of the links were deleted. There was a TV Show on a Romanian Channel in 2009 "Uriasii au tunel secret in Bucegi" (Giants have a secret tunnel in Bucegi), Access Direct - Antena 1, 11 mai 2009

People commenting on this particular show realized there is no source for this particular show as nobody recorded it and put it on youtube. People started to dig so I came across the discussion of one particular gentleman that raised my eyebrows :

Andrei Sandu 
Romanian Source Blog would not help unless you speak Romanian but here is the link : RUFON

Hello everyone. I watched both shows. <snipped intro as not relavant>

Following those that are interested in the topic, I started doing some "digging". I talked to people I know and trust, elders who live or have lived in the area. I read, I dug all over the Internet, I was just a step from starting a solo expedition for that purpose. I stop now that I'm still outside Romania and time does not allow me to come into the country. Altogether, I found that the "legend" of giants in Romania is much older.They say the end of the Ceausescu era(?) would have found in Scaieni (Buzau),  Romania the necropolis of the giants. Elders who have dug in that area support this story. 

Very interesting is the fact that there is no photograph to prove it(by the way, all framed pictures on the net are fake). Those that were unearthed, nobody knows where they came from, and those that are still there, waiting to be unearthed. Regarding the book "Future with skull", it includes several items that are hard to believe. It is possible that certain aspects (such as the existence of tunnels, American involvement, etc.) may be true. But the description of the technology is childish and for that I'm not sticking my hand in fire. Yet some aspects of my research have attracted my attention:

  • After the fall of communism, Romania had very much riding on the desire to join NATO, EU and so on. It was only after 2000, that things began seriously moving in this direction, as if NATO had suddenly realized how useful it would be to place those military bases in Romania.
  • In 2003 it is alleged that the discovery was made under the leadership of Iliescu and Nastase. I do not want to judge things politically, but I believe Iliescu is still in power, and everyone knows what he did, but it seems that these people fail to bind him,, but it seems that these people fail to bind him, but it seems that these people fail to bind him, as if it would keep some back that are very high. Maybe these things have been the subject of negotiations between Romanian and American. Silence for freedom.
  • Very interesting is the story of monoatomic gold, a concept we know exists in reality. It seems that alchemists actually struggled to get it and their works were undertaken and continued by Freemasonry in all it's branches until today. There are some MLM type companies that have launched health products claiming to have this white powder in composition. It turned out later that they in fact contained a gold salt, soluble in water, which is very toxic to the nervous system in the long term, and not monoatomic gold.
  • The most interesting story of all, I have a bird over. Most links found on google about this story go to pages that have been deleted, the only ones that work are the various forums. The famous Youtube, where you can find almost anything, I have not found any record of Direct Access program or not even a documentary on the subject. I did not even find an enthusiast not any paranoid, crazy, or even swindlers who do uploads? Kinda hard to believe. Then... Wikipedia, a website that I respected, really gave a big screw up. When I searched "monoatomic gold" from the first letters typed directly expression told me that when a subject exists in their database. However, the site automatically redirects me to the page "gold" and that's all. Did not let me read the article. In fact will encourage you to try. (
In light of these facts, my conclusion is that the subject entered into the wrong hands, of amateurs in the media, the "Psychokinesis", "Sterilizing Radiation", "caterpillars mothers"(slang?) and other odd job that treats me very childishly in their desperate race for the audience. Yet I know from personal experience that every time you search for something and can not find it, there is someone working hard to cover his tracks.

The fact that there are witnesses who confirm the unearthed skeleton; the fact that the people of Busteni we talked to confirm certain events; the fact that I personally met a soldier on the mountain paths in the area in question (before the job was that, years ago) in a uniform that I have not identified yet, and although I saluted him, continued to ignore me and go as if he had very specific orders, All this and more entitles me to believe that the story is true. At least partially.";wap2

So this person met these unknown military in the region and he is not the only one

Note: The city of Buzău (Romanian pronunciation: [buˈzəw]) is the county seat of Buzău County, Romania, in the historical region of Wallachia. It lies near the right bank of the Buzău River, between the south-eastern curvature of the Carpathian Mountains and the lowlands of Bărăgan Plain. SOURCE

Mount Kogaionon
Sunset over Kogaionon © by dayseven

Kogaionon was the holy mountain of the Geto-Dacians, the place where Zalmoxis stayed in an underground cave for three years. After his disappearance into Kogaionon, he was considered dead by the Getae but after three years he resurrected and showed himself to the people, who became convinced by his holy preaching when he emerged from Kogaionon.

Strabo claims that a river with the same name flowed in the vicinity.

One modern translation of Kogaionon is "sacred mountain", which would be connected to a probable Dacian word kaga meaning "sacred", attested in two early 2nd century inscriptions from Tomis.[1]

Kogaionon's location is still under debate, but thought to be either in the area around the Dacian capital Sarmizegetusa (there is a 2291m summit there called Gugu and there are speculations that it could be the holy mountain; it may also have been Dealul Grădiştei where the ruins of the sanctuaries of Sarmizegetusa are located)[citation needed] or even the Ceahlău mountain, because every year on 6/7 August the shadow of the mountain forms a pyramid which is thought to have been made by the Dacians.


  1. Olteanu
  1. Dicţionar de istorie veche a României ("Dictionary of ancient Romanian history") (1976) Editura Ştiinţifică şi Enciclopedică, pp. 363
  2. Olteanu, Sorin. Καγα: an important Dacian word in Tomitian inscriptions.
SOURCE: Wikipedia Kogaionon
Paleo-Balkan Mythology
Thracian horseman" stele, "Histria Museum", Brasov(?), Romania

Paleo-Balkan mythology includes the religious practices of the Dacians, Thracians, and Illyrians. Little is known about the rituals and mythology of the Iron Age Balkans, but some of their gods are depicted in statuary or described in Greek sources.

One notable cult that is attested from Thrace to Moesia and Scythia Minor is that of the "Thracian horseman", also known as the "Thracian Heros", at Odessos (Varna) attested by a Thracian name as Heros Karabazmos, a god of the underworld usually depicted on funeral statues as a horseman slaying a beast with a spear.[1][2][3]


Known Thracian deities include:

  • Sabazios, the Thracian reflex of Indo-European Dyeus, identified with Heros Karabazmos, the "Thracian horseman". He gained a widespread importance especially after the Roman conquest. After Christianity was adopted, the symbolism of Heros continued as representations of Saint George slaying the dragon (compare Uastyrdzhi/Tetri Giorgi in the Caucasus).[2]
  • Zibelthiurdos (also "Zbelsurdos", "Zibelthurdos"): a god recognized as similar to the Greek Zeus as a wielder of lightning and thunderbolts.
  • Kotys ("Cotys", "Cottyto", "Cottytus"), a goddess worshipped with much revelry by Thracian tribes such as the Edonians in the festival Cotyttia. A cult of Cottyto existed in classical Athens. According to Greek sources her priests were called baptes or "washers" because their pre-worship purification rites involved bathing. Her worship included midnight orgies (orgia). Her name is believed to have meant "war, slaughter", akin to Old Norse Höðr "war, slaughter".[4]
Several Thracian deities show close analogy to the Greek cult of Dionysus, Orpheus and Persephone (the Dionysian Mysteries):
  • Bendis was a Thracian goddess of the moon and the hunt[5] whom the Greeks identified with Artemis, and hence with the other two aspects of formerly Minoan goddesses, Hecate and Persephone.
  • Semele (cf. Phrygian Zemelô)
Known Dacian theonyms include:
  • Zalmoxis, identified by some with the thunder-god Gebeleïzis,[6] an important god of the Dacians[7] and Thracians [8]
  • Derzelas (also "Darzalas") was a chthonic god of health and human spirit's vitality.
Kogaionon was the name of a holy mountain of the Dacians.


The mythology of the Illyrians is only known through mention of Illyrian deities on Roman Empire period monuments, some with interpretatio Romana.[9] There appears to be no single most prominent Illyrian god and there would have been much variation between individual Illyrian tribes. The Illyrians did not develop a uniform cosmology on which to center their religious practices.[10]

Some deities are known exclusively from Istria,[11] such as Eia, Malesocus, Boria and Iria. In Liburnia, Anzotica is identified with Venus. Other local theonyms[12] include Latra, Sentona and Ica. Bindus, identified with Neptune, was worshipped among the Japodes.[13] Further north, the hot springs of Topusko[14] were dedicated to Vidasus and Thana, identified with Silvanus[15] and Diana. From the eastern Balkans, the cult of the Thracian horseman spread to Illyria during the early centuries CE. The god Medaurus[16] mentioned in a dedication at Lambaesis in Africa by a Roman senator and native of Risinium appears to be identical to the horseman, being described as riding on horseback and carrying a lance. The Delmatae had Armatus as a god of war.[17]


  1. Lurker, Manfred (1987). Dictionary of Gods and Goddesses, Devils and Demons. p. 151.
  2. Nicoloff, Assen (1983). Bulgarian Folklore. p. 50.
  3. Isaac, Benjamin H. (1986). The Greek Settlements in Thrace Until the Macedonian Conquest. p. 257.
  4. Also cognate: Irishcath "war, battle", early German Hader "quarrel", Greek kótos "hatred", Old Church Slavonic kotora "fight, brawl", Sanskritśatru "enemy, nemesis", and Hittitekattu "spiteful". See Orel, Vladimir. A Handbook of Germanic Etymology. Leiden, Netherlands: Brill, 2003: 165.
  5. Theoi Project - Bendis
  6. Hdt. 4.94, Their belief in their immortality is as follows: they believe that they do not die, but that one who perishes goes to the deity Salmoxis, or Gebeleïzis, as some of them call him.
  7. Harry Thurston Peck, Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities (1898),(Zalmoxis) or Zamolxis (Zamolxis). Said to have been so called from the bear's skin (zalmos) in which he was clothed as soon as he was born. He was, according to the story current among the Greeks on the Hellespont, a Getan, who had been a slave to Pythagoras in Samos, but was manumitted, and acquired not only great wealth, but large stores of knowledge from Pythagoras, and from the Egyptians, whom he visited in the course of his travels. He returned among the Getae, introducing the civilization and the religious ideas which he had gained, especially regarding the immortality of the soul. Herodotus, however, suspects that he was an indigenous Getan divinity ( Herod.iv. 95)
  8. XCV. This Zamolxis, as I have been informed by those Greeks who inhabit the Hellespont and the Euxine, was himself a man, and formerly lived at Samos, in the service of Pythagoras, son of Mnesarchus; having obtained his liberty, with considerable wealth, he returned to his country. Here he found the Thracians distinguished equally by their profligacy and their ignorance; whilst he himself had been accustomed to the Ionian mode of life, and to manners more polished than those of Thrace; he had also been connected with Pythagoras, one of the most celebrated philosophers of Greece. He was therefore induced to build a large mansion, to which he invited the most eminent of his fellow-citizens: he took the opportunity of the festive hour to assure them, that neither himself, his guests, nor any of their descendants, should ever die, but should be removed to a place, where they were to remain in the perpetual enjoyment of every blessing. After saying this, and conducting himself accordingly, he constructed a subterranean edifice: when it was completed, he withdrew himself from the sight of his countrymen, and resided for three years beneath the earth.—During this period, the Thracians regretted his loss, and lamented him as dead. In the fourth year he again appeared among them, and by this artifice gave the appearance of probability to what he had before asserted. XCVI. To this story of the subterraneous apartment, I do not give much credit, though I pretend not to dispute it; I am, however, very certain that Zamolxis must have lived Many years before Pythagoras : whether, therefore, he was a man, or the deity of the Getse, enough has been said concerning him. These Getse, using the ceremonies I have described, after submitting themselves to the Persians under Darius, followed his army. - Herodotus page 117 Published by P.P. Berresford, 1828
  9. Wilkes, J.J. The Illyrians, 1992, p. 245, ISBN 0631198075. "...Illyrian deities are named on monuments of the Roman era, some in equation with gods of the classical pantheon (see figure 34)."
  10. Wilkes. "Unlike Celts, Dacians, Thracians or Scythians, there is no indication that Illyrians developed a uniform cosmology on which their religious practice was centred. An etymology of the Illyrian name linked with serpent would, if it is true, fit with the many representations of..."
  11. Wilkes. "...dominant Illyrian deity and some were evidently worshipped only in particular regions. Thus several deities occur only in Istria, including Eia, Malesocus, Boria and Iria. Anzotica was the Liburnian Venus and appears in the traditional image of the classical goddess."
  12. Wilkes. "Other local deities were Latra, Sentona and the nymph Ica, praying in relief sculpture), Knez 1974 (ritual vessel), Baçe 1984 (temple architecture in Illyrian Albania)."
  13. Wilkes. "...including altars dedicated by chiefs of the Japodes at the shrine of Bindus Neptunus at a spring near Bihaé (see figure 30). The first reported contact between Japodes and Romans occurred..."
  14. Wilkes. "North of the Japodes, the altars to Vidasus and Thana dedicated at the hot springs of Topusko reveal the local Roman Illyrians..."
  15. Wilkes. "...identities of Silvanus and Diana, a familiar combination on many dedications in the territory of the Delmatae."
  16. Wilkes. "...the short cloak streaming out behind. The Illyrian town Rhizon (Risinium) on the Gulf of Kotor had its protective deity Medaurus..."
  17. Wilkes. "...Armatus at Delminium (Duvno) who was evidently a war god of the Delmatae, and the Latin Liber who appears with the..."
  • Wilkes, John. The Illyrians. Blackwell, 1992.
  • Tacheva, Margarita. Eastern Cults in Moesia Inferior and Thracia (5th Century BC-4th Century AD), 1983, ISBN 9004068848.
Related Links: SOURCE: Wikipedia Paleo-Balkan mythology
A Thracian tomb painting at the Aleksandrovo kurgan, Bulgaria - Hypothesis for identification as Zalmoxis
Zalmoxis (Greek Ζάλμοξις, also known as Salmoxis, Σάλμοξις, Zamolxis, Ζάμολξις, or Samolxis Σάμολξις) was a legendary social and religious reformer, regarded as the only true god by the Thracian Dacians (also known in the Greek records as Getae Γέται). According to Herodotus,[1] the Getae, who believed in the immortality of the soul, looked upon death merely as going to Zalmoxis (who is also called Gebeleizis by some among them[2]) as they knew the way to become immortals.


Herodotus was told by the euhemeristic Pontic Greeks that Zalmoxis was really a man, formerly a disciple of Pythagoras,[3] who taught him the "sciences of the skies" at Samos. Zalmoxis was manumitted and amassed great wealth, returned to his country and instructed his people, the Getae, about the immortality of the soul. Zenon reiterates the idea that Zalmoxis was Pythagoras' slave. Pontic Greeks considered that Zalmoxis had a subterranean chamber constructed (other accounts say that it was a natural cave) on the holy mountain of Kogaion, to which he withdrew for three years (some other accounts considered he actually lived in Hades for these three years). After his disappearance, he was considered dead and mourned by his people, but after three years he showed himself once more to the Getae, who were thus convinced about his teachings: an episode that some considered to be a resurrection. Thus he can be seen a life-death-rebirth deity, parallel to Tammuz or Jesus.

"Zalmoxis had a tattoo-mark on his forehead which Greek writers, unaware of its religious significance, explained by saying that he had been captured by pirates, who branded him for the slave-market" (Herodotus: 5.6.2). The tattooing was done as a mark of dedication to a god. Tattooing was likewise practiced by Dacians (Pliny).[4]

However, Herodotus, who declines to commit himself as to the existence of Zalmoxis, expresses the opinion that in any case Zalmoxis must have lived long before the time of Pythagoras (Pythagoras died around 495 BC). Yet, the archaism of Zalmoxis's doctrine points out to a heritage from before the times of Indo-Europeans.[5]

According to Herodotus, Zalmoxis traveled to Egypt and brought the people mystic knowledge about the immortality of the soul, teaching them that they would pass at death to a certain place where they would enjoy all possible blessings for all eternity.

Plato says in the Charmides dialogue that Zalmoxis was also a great physician who took a holistic approach to healing body and mind; not just the body, as was the Greek practice.


After the death of Zalmoxis, his cult grew into a popular religion. During the rule of Burebista between 82 BC and 44 BC, the priest Deceneus imposes a series of reforms in Dacian cult, one of them being the restriction of wine consumption.

Iamblichus (280-333 AD): “For instructing the Getae in these things, and for having written laws for them, Zalmoxis was by them considered as the greatest of the gods” [6] Aristotle equates Zalmoxis with Phoenician Okhon and Libyan Atlas. It is possible that Zalmoxis is Sabazius, the Thracian Dionysus or Zeus. Mnaseas of Patrae identified him with Cronos (Hesychius also has Σάλμοξις ὁ Κρόνος).

In Plato, he is mentioned as skilled in the arts of incantation. Zalmoxis gave his name to a particular type of singing and dancing (Hesych) [4] His realm as a god is not very clear, as some considered him to be a sky-god, a god of the dead or a god of the Mysteries.

Lactantius (early Christian author 240 – 320 AD) about the Getae-Dacians belief in Zalmoxis provide an approximate translation of Julian the Apostate writing, that he put this word in [emperor] Traian mouth

We have conquered even these Getai ( Dacians ), the most warlike of all people that have ever existed, not only because of the strength in their bodies, but, also due to the teachings of Zalmoxis who is among their most hailed. He has told them that in their hearts they do not die, but change their location and, due to this, they go to their deaths happier than on any other journey."
Zalmoxian religion

Not all the ancient sources consider that Zalmoxis was a god.[7] Herodotus is the only source to suggest that the Getae were monotheistic: "...and they do not believe that there is any god but their own" (Herodotus).[8] According to some, ancient sources do not present any other God of Getae-Dacians than Zalmoxis.[5] Among others, Vasile Pârvan, Jean Coman, R. Pettazzon, E. Rohde and S. Paliaga consider that Getae-Dacians religion is monotheistic. Others consider it henotheistic. But Diodorus Siculus states that the Getae worship Hestia, following the teachings of Zalmoxis.[9]


"They think that they do not really die, but that when they depart this life they go to Zalmoxis".[8]
The ritual of sending a messenger to Zalmoxis (every five years) is explained by this belief. "The messages are given while the man is still alive".[8]

Music and dance

Music and dance were an important part of Zalmoxis teachings and this corresponds to the special importance given by Getae-Dacians to the music. Zalmoxis gave his name to a particular type of singing and dancing (Hesychius).


A number of etymologies have been given for the name. Diogenes Laertius (3rd century-4th century AD) claimed that Zalmoxis meant "bear skin". In his Vita Pythagorae, Porphyrius (3rd century) says that zalmon is the Thracian word for "hide" (τὴν γὰρ δορὰν οἱ Θρᾷκες ζαλμὸν καλοῦσιν). Hesychius (ca. 5th century) has zemelen (ζέμελεν) as a Phrygian word for "foreign slave".

The correct spelling of the name is also uncertain. Manuscripts of Herodotus' Historiae have all four spellings, viz. Zalmoxis, Salmoxis, Zamolxis, Samolxis, with a majority of manuscripts favouring Salmoxis. Later authors show a preference for Zamolxis. Hesychius quotes Herodotus, using Zalmoxis.

The -m-l- variant is favoured by those wishing to derive the name from a conjectured Thracian word for "earth", *zamol. Comparisons have also been made with the name of Zemelo, the Phrygian goddess of the earth, and with the Lithuanian chthonic god Zjameluks. However, this etymology is probably incorrect.

The -l-m- variant is admitted to be the older form and the correct form by the majority of Thracologists, as this is the form found in the older Herodotus manuscripts and other ancient sources. The -l-m- form is further attested in Daco-Thracian in Zalmodegikos, the name of a Getic King; and in Thracian zalmon, 'hide', and zelmis, 'hide' (PIE *kel-, 'to cover'; cf. English helm).

The other name for Zalmoxis, Gebeleizis, is also spelled Belaizis and Belaixis in Herodotus manuscripts.

Since the Getae-Dacian religious system was monotheistic aniconism centered around the God Zalmoxis, it is less likely that the believers in his resurrection would use a name meaning "hide" / "foreign slave", as the hostile ancient Greek non-believers related about him.

Popular culture

Romanian rock band Sfinx worked from around 1975 through 1978 on what became one of the most appreciated Romanian progressive rock LPs, Zalmoxe. It was based on lyrics by poet Alexandru Basarab (actually a pen name for Adrian Hoajă), which retold the story of Zalmoxis's existence. However, the album was banned on being released for about three years and was eventually shortened drastically by political censorship with the Communist regime.


  1. Herodotus. Histories, IV. 95 sq.
  2. History of Herodotus, Book IV. 94
  3. his possible connection with Pythagoras: Hdt. 4.95, Hdt. 4.96
  4. Shamanism by Andrei A. Znamenski
  5. Dialogues d’histoire ancienne (Persée revue) La divinité suprême des Thraco-Daces by Ph D Historian Sorin Paliga
  6. The Complete Pythagoras Edited by Patrick Rousell for the World Wide Web, A full-text, public domain edition for the generalist & specialist
  7. E.g. Hippolytus, Refutation of all heresies, c.2, 24; Porphyry, Life of Pythagoras, Jordanes. Iamblichus, Life of Pythagoras,c.30 says he was a man who became a god.
  8. The History of Herodotus by Herodotus, 440 BC. Translated by George Rawlinson
  9. Diodorus Siculus, Book 1, c. 94: "...among the people known as the Getae who represent themselves to be immortal, Zalmoxis asserted the same of their common goddess Hestia;..."
References: Related Links:
SOURCE: Wikipedia Zalmoxis
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