The Enigmas on Mars
Mars Express Color Images
Color Cydonia H1216

This image of Cydonia on Mars came to our attention on Keith Laney's site and the Anomaly was first spotted by Beth Vegh (Undo at ATS). Click on the image above for a larger view. The image is taken by the Mars Express orbiter... Color Cydonia H1216 and is also available along with many others at Keith's website.

The Cydonia Road Runner Complex
Why "Road Runner Complex"?
The above image is a wall mural on a building in California. Compare this with the image on Mars. The resemblance is remarkable, even to the position of the legs. Below is a picture of the actual bird.
Why "Complex"?
Notice the location of the "complex" Right in the center of a rectangular canyon with smooth sides, surrounded by pyramid like mounds. The area of most interest however in this case is rigt in the center... a semi-circle of round white objects connected by lines...
Greyscale View
Original Enlarged
Negative View
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