The Enigmas on Mars MO-05
NASA Mars Rover
Image Number Code

File name code

Below is a chart that will help you decode the 27 character file 
names associated with the Mars Exploration Rover mission. 
There is enough info below to allow you to make 
stereograms and construct color pictures and determine 
when and where the raw images were taken. Enjoy!


Character   Function

1    Spacecraft ID
        1 = Opportunity
        2 = Spirit

2    Camera
        F = Forward HAZCAM
        R = Rear HAZCAM
        N = NAVCAM
        P = PANCAM
        M = Microscopic Imager
        E - EDLcam (Descent Imager)

3 to 11   Spacecraft clock
        This is the number of seconds since January 1, 2000 
        at 11:58:55.816 UTC.

12 to 14 Product type
        Product types are differentiated as having camera-induced 
        distortion removed (geometrically "linearized") or not 
        removed (nominal), and, as being thumbnail-sized or not. 
        Four special flag characters follow:

        a) Beginning E - Type of EDR, which are raw with no camera 
           model  linearization or radiometric correction. If no 
           beginning E, then it is a Reduced Data Record (RDR).
        b) Ending T - EDR or RDR that is Thumbnail -sized.
        c) Ending L - If no beginning E , denotes an RDR that is 
           Linearized, except for Thumbnail sized RDRs.
        d) Ending N - If no beginning E , denotes an RDR that is 
           ThumbNail-sized and Linearized .

   Valid values for MER camera instrument input data products:
      Data Product           Identifier
      --------------------   ----------
      full frame EDR            EFF
      Sub-frame EDR            ESF
      Downsampled EDR           EDN
      Thumbnail EDR            ETH
      Row Summed EDR            ERS
      Column Summed EDR         ECS
      Reference Pixels EDR      ERP
      Histogram EDR            EHG

15 to 16 Site number
   Site location count (indicates rover's location).
   Valid values: 00, 01, 02,...99, A0, A1,..., A9, AA, AB...etc.

17 to 18 Drive number
   Position-within-Site count (indicates rover's position within site)
   Valid values: 00, 01, 02,...99, A0, A1,..., A9, AA, AB...etc.

19 to 23 Command sequence number (one letter, 4 numbers)
   Denotes a group of images that were all obtained within a 
   single command sequence.

   Valid values for character (position 1) in field:
      C - Cruise
      D - IDD & RAT
      E - Engineering
      F - Flight Software (Seq rejected)
      G - (spare)
      K - (spare)
      M - Master (Surface only)
      N - In-Situ instr. (APXS, MB, MI)
      P - PMA & Remote Sensing instr. (Pancam, Navcam, Hazcam, MI, 
      R - Rover Driving
      S - Submaster
      T - Test
      W - Seq triggered by a Communications Window
      X - Contingency
      Y - (spare)
      Z - SCM Seqs

   Valid values for integers (positions 2 thru 5) in field:

      0000 thru 4095 - Valid Sequence number, commanded by Ground

   If P in character position 1:
      0000 through 0499 - Misc. imaging setup/parm sequences
      0500 through 0999 - Unallocated, for possible future use
      1000 through 1499 - Hazcam sequences
      1500 through 1999 - Navcam sequences
      2000 through 2899 - Pancam sequences
      2900 through 2999 - MI sequences
      3000 through 3999 - Mini-TES sequences
      4000 through 4095 - Misc. PMA actuation sequences (deploy, etc.)

24    Camera eye
                R = Right
                L = Left
      M - Monoscopic (non-stereo camera)
      N - Not Applicable

25    Camera Filter (PANCAM only, 0 otherwise)
         LEFT CAMERA                     RIGHT CAMERA 
         1 = 739nm (338nm bandpass)               1 = 436nm (37nm Short-pass) 
         2 = 753nm (20nm bandpass)       2 = 754nm (20nm bandpass) 
         3 = 673nm (16nm bandpass)       3 = 803nm (20nm bandpass) 
         4 = 601nm (17nm bandpass)       4 = 864nm (17nm bandpass) 
         5 = 535nm (20nm bandpass)       5 = 904nm (26nm bandpass) 
         6 = 482nm (30nm bandpass)       6 = 934nm (25nm bandpass) 
         7 = 432nm (32nm Short-pass)     7 = 1009nm (38nm Long-pass) 
         8 = 440nm (20) Solar ND 5.0     8 = 880nm (20) Solar ND 5.0
See Filter Wheels on Pancam

    Microscopic Imager "Filter" positions:

    1. MI window/cover closed (500-700 nm response)
    2. MI window/cover open (400-700 nm response)

26    Product producer
      A - Arizona State University
      C - Cornell University
      F - USGS at Flagstaff
      J - Johannes Gutenberg Univ. (Germany)
      M - MIPL (OPGS) at JPL
      N - NASA Ames Research (L. Edwards)
      P - Max Plank Institute (Germany)
      S - SOAS at JPL
      U - University of Arizona
      V - SSV Team (E. De Jong) at JPL
      X - Other

27    Product version number
      Version identifier providing uniqueness for book keeping.

      Valid values: 1, 2, 3, ... 9, A, B, ... Z



A photo with the file name 2P126471340EDN0000P2303L5M1.JPG would be from Spirit (2), taken by the left PANCAM through the 535nm (green) filter. By matching the spacecraft times (in this case 126471340) with other pictures that have a similar time, you can find sets that were taken at the same time of the day. Use similar sets to build stereograms and color composites. This picture was downsampled (EDN) at site 0 (00) and position 0 (00) (On the lander in this case!) It was taken with command sequence P2303 for MIPL (OPGS) at JPL and is version 1.

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