The Enigmas on Mars 29
Egyptian Statue on Mars?
First Found by Amanda Reilly 
 17-5-2008 @ 06:19 AM
aka iammonkey at
Join the discussion on this image in this thread at ATS
On the 7th of May, 2008 I decided to look over a few NASA photos that I had saved. My intention was to find a few skulls and other odd shaped rocks. Instead, I found myself looking at what appeared to be an Egyptian statue carved into the face of Victoria crater’s Cape St Vincent. I sat on it for just over a week, not being sure weather to post it or not. The reason I eventually did is that this statue has a smooth surface, unlike its surroundings that are ruff. Just like the ones in Egypt. Of all the rocks, I have found in the past, this one gave me a head spin...

Here’s the link to the original.


The reason it stood out for me, is because it reminds me of the statues in Egypt. If you look above, below and on each side of the statue looking figure. You will notice the rock has a rough surface. While the figure is a lot smoother. Any way here it is.

Originally posted by internos, posted on 17-5-2008 @ 07:09 AM Post ID 4350048

This is PIA10210
Details of Layers in Victoria Crater's Cape St. Vincent

Original Caption Released with Image: 

NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity rover spent about 300 sols (Martian days) during 2006 and 2007 traversing the rim of Victoria Crater. Besides looking for a good place to enter the crater, the rover obtained images of rock outcrops exposed at several cliffs along the way. 

The cliff in this image from Opportunity's panoramic camera (Pancam) is informally named Cape St. Vincent. It is a promontory approximately 12 meters (39 feet) tall on the northern rim of Victoria crater, near the farthest point along the rover's traverse around the rim. Layers seen in Cape St. Vincent have proven to be among the best examples of meter scale cross-bedding observed on Mars to date. Cross-bedding is a geologic term for rock layers which are inclined relative to the horizontal and which are indicative of ancient sand dune deposits. 

In order to get a better look at these outcrops, Pancam "super-resolution" imaging techniques were utilized. Super-resolution is a type of imaging mode which acquires many pictures of the same target to reconstruct a digital image at a higher resolution than is native to the camera. These super-resolution images have allowed scientists to discern that the rocks at Victoria Crater once represented a large dune field, not unlike the Sahara desert on Earth, and that this dune field migrated with an ancient wind flowing from the north to the south across the region. Other rover chemical and mineral measurements have shown that many of the ancient sand dunes studied in Meridiani Planum were modified by surface and subsurface liquid water long ago. 

This is a Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity Panoramic Camera image acquired on [b]sol 1167[/b] (May 7, 2007), and was constructed from a mathematical combination of 16 different blue filter (480 nm) images.

Source: NASA Press Release Oppportunity 20071226a



Opportunity Panoramic Camera :: Sol 1167 (64 images)

Full-Res TIFF: (15.99 MB)

Full-Res JPEG: (1.641 MB)

Victoria Crater's Cape St. Vincent
Color Version Normal Resolution
Sol 1167

No luck yet finding the original color image of the super resolution version but I wrote a letter requesting info on that. As soon as I hear back I will post it...IF it is available

Some really odd pieces
What is this?
Originally posted by mikesingh posted on 18-5-2008 @ 03:04 AM Post ID: 4353196

As regards the image with that 'statue', it is undoubtedly extremely remarkable. Excellent find. Starred and Flagged! 

Some have mentioned that it can’t be a statue as there is a squarish block under the ‘face’. So? In art one does not need to accurately depict a figure with a chest, hands etc. It could be symbolic with the attention being paid only to the face.

As Zorgon had pointed out, why would NASA enhance the resolution of this image if they did not want to check out the details? They have, and that in itself is intriguing!

And of course, we have those unending proclamations and lectures by some that these are nothing but a case of pareidolia and seeing bunnies in the clouds! Thank you! 

OK, here's an enlargement of that 'statue' which I have ‘brushed’ up a little, reducing noise and enhancing the dark and light areas. Though it's been hauled through a few filters, the result is pretty fascinating all the same! Notice also how it has been recessed into what looks like a geometrically carved cavity! Are we seeing the vestiges of a long gone civilization? We'll probably never know until we get our boots out there!


However, the issue can be put to rest if we could get hold of hi-res images of the same area but from a different angle. I’m sure internos and ArMaP are on it already! 

Keep looking. The truth is out there!


Originally posted by iammonkey posted on 18-5-2008 @ 07:23 AM Post ID: 4353832
Reply to post by gottago

 Hi gottago. I can understand the point your making. But I’m going to beg to differ. I don’t think of mars as in “I believe civilization is still there.”  Rather there was. When I see things like this on mars, I think of a civilization that once was. But long gone as regards to road and plaza you won’t find roads and plaza around the Easter Island statues. The're in the middle of nowhere. For all we know there could be more around the other side. Or on other rock faces, we haven’t looked at yet. As regards to the lines crossing certain parts of the face. It does not in my opinion dismiss it as a statue. Example below (right). Also the Cube shape (left) that is similar to the one on Mars body wise. However, I do appreciate your interest and input just as much as every one else’s.

Originally posted by iammonkey posted on 18-5-2008 @ 07:40 AM Post ID: 4353901

There are statues around the world big and small that stand alone. Yes I know people would want more statues surrounding this one. I know I would. As regard the Mars connection, well I don’t believe in coincidences. We had the face on Mars, that some say resembles one in Egypt, the whole Cydonia thing, this picture, and let's not for get the pyramids. 

Originally posted by ziggystar60 posted on 18-5-2008 @ 04:06 PM Post ID: 4355685
Reply to post by ArMaP

Hi, ArMaP, I am very interested in your thoughts about the feature in the biggest red circle in this part of the Mars image. I don't think anyone has commented on this specific feature before:

Originally posted by iammonkey posted on 27-5-2008 @ 03:19 AM Post ID: 4392126
Reply to post by Parabol

Parabol what you said has forced me. Yes FORCED me to crack open another bottle of baileys and start on a family size bar of chocolate. Hope you feel guilty.:lol:

Seriously though, you say its plainly a rock. I don’t doubt that. But to me it’s a carved rock. And I think that’s why the thread has continued. (with the help of your post. Thanks for the bump.) No one has proved, or disproved this is just a rock. Although Vanitas has given me food for thought as well as ArMaP. Therefore, I’m still open to other possibilities. Now about lunica post. Showing the scale of things. As I said before, can we trust the information from NASA in regards to size? But for argument sake lets say there telling the truth. And it is very small.  I don’t see that as a good reason to dismiss it out right. Look at the size of these.

As regards the amount of time spent.  I really don’t have that much to spare. Some people play golf, read a book. I enjoy looking at Mars pictures. People already see us conspiracist as loonies. If threads on this site solely depended on evidence, there wouldn’t be many threads.

Many theories - including conspiracy theories - rely on the assumption of rational expectations. Under this assumption, events and decisions are explained by the rational responses of groups and individuals. 

(I wasn’t going to add the next bit because I just know their talking about me.)

For relatively rare individuals, an obsessive compulsion to believe, prove or re-tell a conspiracy theory may indicate one or more of several well-understood psychological conditions, and other hypothetical ones: paranoia, denial, schizophrenia, mean world syndrome.

Paralol if you want to stay sane do not read any further. No hard feelings.  All the best iammonkey.

Originally posted by iammonkey posted on 27-5-2008 @ 03:30 AM  Post ID: 4392142

Originally posted by zarlaan
Zorgon, or anybody else really. Does anybody have any pictures of ancient Egyptian sculptures that are carved back into a recessed cliff, wall etc?

Well done for pointing that out. 

From just about every picture I've seen the rock around the sculpture is pushed/carved back to bring the sculpture 'out' of the canvas. But, what we see here in this Martian picture is a "sculpture" that appears to be just the opposite..

With the exception of Buddha.

The red and blue size estimate and climber were added by Lunica in THIS POST. In the NASA report it states: "The cliff in this image from Opportunity's panoramic camera (Pancam) is informally named Cape St. Vincent. It is a promontory approximately 12 meters (39 feet) tall on the northern rim of Victoria crater, near the farthest point along the rover's traverse around the rim."

So if we are measuring only the promontary itself from top edge to base, not to the base of the crater floor... the yellow would be more correct... Unfortunately NASA is not clear on this 


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