The Enigmas on Mars 23
NASA Evidence From Mars

 Credit:  NASA/JPL
The image above is taken from a NASA Powerpoint Slide Presentation on Life on Mars....  The Cartoon is funny, but its also an "In Your Face" comment directly from NASA...  Below is the entire slide from the presentation.

Look very closely at the image above...

Under "Null"  You see the true color of Mars
See "The True Color of Mars"

Under "Exciting" You see the Rover on Mars
This is what happens to them when they are done their Mission...
Somewhere in the Nevada Desert... maybe behind John's House 
(Yes this IS an official NASA Photo ... just look at the label)

Under "Extraordinary"  Fossils on Mars!!!
This is from a NASA presentation!!! We are tracking down the originals in that image. No luck yet... I am sure they will NOT be easy to find!
See "Fossil Evidence on Mars"
See "Mike Singh's "Critter" Collection (Anotated)"

NASA: Dr Jim Garvin  - Mars_Search for Life Slide_Presentation PDF

The Garvin Trilobite

As of September 23, 2007 still no response from Dr. Garvin. The image above is a close up from the original powerpoint presentation by Dr Garvin. The circled area on the rock is supposed to contain a fossil as the inset shows.

Humphrey Rock Indicates Ancient Martian Water
Spirit :: Navigation Camera :: Sol 054

Well the team at Pegasus was able to locate the first of the images in question... Meet "Humphry", nicknamed by NASA

Humphrey Rock Indicates Ancient Martian Water
Credit: Mars Exploration Rover Mission, JPL, NASA

Explanation: How prevalent was water on Mars? Results from the Spirit rover now indicate that Gusev crater likely had a wet past, a result that comes shortly after Spirit's twin rover Opportunity uncovered clear evidence of past water at Meridiani Planum on the other side of Mars. Evidence uncovered by Spirit and released last week focussed on a large rock of unusual shape nicknamed Humphrey, shown above near the image bottom. Detailed inspection of the rock revealed a bright material filling internal cracks. Such material may have crystallized from water trickling through the volcanic rock. The amount of Mars once covered by ancient water remains unknown, as both rovers landed in regions thought likely to once be underwater. Spirit continues to roll across Mars, recently passing the 300-meter mark on its way to Bonneville crater. 


ArMap's Research
Searching for the Garvin Trilobite
Heading for Humphrey

Heading for Humphrey

This image of the rock called "Humphrey" was taken by the navigational camera on the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit during its 54th sol on Mars. The rock's name was inspired by Humphries Peak - the tallest peak in Arizona and part of the San Francisco volcanic complex. Standing approximately .6 meters (about 2 feet) tall, "Humphrey" is one of the largest blocks of what scientists believe is ejected material from one of the rover's long-term targets, the crater dubbed "Bonneville." Likely a basaltic rock, the fractures in "Humphrey" are thought to have been caused by the impact as it was hurled from the crater to its current resting place. Scientists are eager to investigate ejecta rocks, as they give a glimpse of the composition of materials that lie beneath the martian surface. Spirit's engineering and science teams are preparing to brush and then grind "Humphrey" with Spirit's rock abrasion tool. The hope is to remove as much dust as possible so they can examine the coating before grinding, and then study the exposed undersurface after grinding with the cameras and the miniature thermal emission spectrometer.

Release Date: 2/27/04
Text Sorce: NASA/JPL
Image Credit: NASA/JPL - 2N131157636ESF1129P1939L0M1

Humphrey in Color

Disappointing as it is, as we can see no trace of that 'fossil trilobite' in the rock that NASA says in most likely to be Basalt, thus of volcanic origin, not sedimentary (therefore could not contain fossils); why is that NASA shows us the slide saying there is?  Is it a joke, like their cartoon? Is it supposed to mislead us? Now this was prsented to a symposium of scientists so WHAT IS GOING ON?

Sampling Humphrey
Spirit :: Navigation Camera :: Sol 056

Well, while we are here we might as well drill some holes to see what is inside...  But wait... two images showing drill marks, yet they sure look a lot different... something is not right here...  The one above on day 56 shows 3 holes, while the one below on day 60 shows only one, and the closeup below in color shows the other holes are not beneath the dust...  Hmmm Curious...

Image Credit: NASA/JPL - 2N131344812EFF1151P1940L0M1

A Hole in Humphrey
Spirit :: Navigation Camera :: Sol 060

This image taken by the navigation camera onboard the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit shows a hole drilled by the rover in the rock dubbed "Humphrey." Spirit ground into the rock with the rock abrasion tool located on its robotic arm on the 60th martian day, or sol, of its mission. Scientists are investigating the freshly exposed rock with the rover's suite of scientific instruments, also located on the rover's arm. Spirit is on its way to a large crater nicknamed "Bonneville."

Release Date: 3/5/04
Image Credit: NASA/JPL - 2N131698647EFF1159P1940L0M1
Text Credit: NASA/JPL
Reference Nasa Photojournal - PIA05499

A Hole in Humphrey
Four Frame Animation

A Hole In Humphrey

This animation was created by ArMaP a member of ATS to show the progression of the RAT drilling on Humphrey

A Hole in Humphrey
Spirit :: Navigation Camera :: Sol 060

A Hole In Humphrey

This false-color image taken by the panoramic camera on the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit shows the rock dubbed "Humphrey" and the hole drilled into the rock by the rover. Spirit ground into the rock with the rock abrasion tool located on its robotic arm on the 60th martian day, or sol, of its mission. Scientists are investigating the freshly exposed rock with the scientific instruments on the arm. Spirit is about halfway to a large crater nicknamed "Bonneville." This image was made by combining data from the camera's different wavelength filters. The particular filters used were chosen to enhance features of scientific interest.

Release Date: 3/5/04
Image Credit: NASA/JPL
Text Credit: NASA/JPL
Reference NASA Photojournal - PIA05501

The Garvin Artifact
NASA's Chief Scientist Reveals Artifact in Rover Images

 Credit:  NASA/JPL
The image above is taken from a NASA Powerpoint Slide Presentation on Life on Mars....  See the Slide Two under "Unfathomable" 

Now my problem is that while Humphrey was easy to spot, the image containing Dr. Garvin's artifact is not, as all it shows is a bunch of rocks... and Garvin was not kind enough to provide us an image number... I wrote him and there was no response... Maybe someone else would have better luck.. I am not exactly unknown at NASA :P

So what is the purpose of this presentation?

Is it a joke? They should have said so... Maybe they did at the conference... but I see no evidence of that..'

The fossil is obviously a fake... so that proves NASA does indeed deliberately confuse the issue... a point I do not understand that everyone misses...

IF the artifact is indeed in that Rover image, it would be a smoking gun, gold plated and worthy of the Smithsonian...

But with  the fact that Spirit: All 110,007 Raw Images and Opportunity: All 106,848 Raw Images; its going to take a  very, very long and tedious search to match those rocks and either find the artifact; or prove its not really there...

But we need to find it... this would convince everyone...

Happy Hunting

Maybe we should offer a reward...


NASA: Dr Jim Garvin  - Mars_Search for Life Slide_Presentation PDF

ArMap's Research
Searching for the Garvin Artifact
White Boat Rock
Spirit :: Navigation Camera :: Sol 060
Image Credit: NASA Mera -WhiteBoat Rock

This is a composite red-green-blue image of the rock called White Boat. It is the first rock target that Spirit drove to after finishing a series of investigations on the rock Adirondack. White Boat stood out to scientists due to its light color and more tabular shape compared to the dark, rounded rocks that surround it.

NASA Press Release 15-Feb-2004 Sailing to White Boat

Well there we have it. The anomaly in the NASA presentation by NASA Chief Scientist Dr Jim Garvin is NOT THERE in the public archives of this image. Thanks to ArMaP from ATS for dogged search and finding it for us...

So we have two possibilities... The presentations was a joke... an inside joke as they don't say that; a deliberate hoax so when it got out we would have just one more 'anomaly' to find; OR the images released to the public are NOT the same version NASA has.

Now all you skeptics wanted CLEAR photos and CLEAR proof... well here it is...

Image Credit: NASA # 2p129573638eff0361p2582wo2
Image Credit: NASA # 2p129573638eff0361p2582yc7
Image Credit: NASA # 2p129573638eff0361p2582cq3
Image Credit: NASA # 2P129573596EFF0361P2582L5M1
Much Ado about Fossils
Opportunity :: Microscopic Imager :: Sol 034

The image above is one of the best case images so far for fossils in Martian rocks. This one was posted on Richard Hoagland's site Enterprise Mission and he goes into great detail on issues surrounding this discovery. Below we have highlighte the three main areas of interrest... From my years of experience hunting fossils in the field I would say these were indeed fossils...

Image Credit: NASA/JPL - 1M131201699EFF0500P2933M2M1

Opportunity also took a second set of three images on that day... It too has a drill...

Image Credit: NASA/JPL - 1M131212713EFF0500P2959M2M1

Another Point of View
Richard Hoagland ? Enterprise Mission

According to Enterprise Mission, this set of 6 images (3 with the fossil, 3 with the holes) shows that NASA destroyed the fossil evidence. On this point we disagree. There are three main points that I see that makes me think this.
A) The rocks are totally different textures... the top one shows round bumps in the material and the bottom one id flat with dendrites...(the black leafy marks)
B) The cracks and crevices do not match up
C) The angle and spacing of the fossils and the holes do not match...

You can visit Richard's site and see his evidense for yourself and compare that with our evaluation.

That being said, if indeed NASA did grind down the fossils, there would be a very good reason... to analyse the dust created and see if it contained and trace of organic material, as a true fossil would.  And those that would say what a waste.. well IF these are fossils  in one little rock, then there would be hundreds of them in other rocks. Here on earth we also grind down some fossils to analyse there makeup.

It seems Richard and his co-researchers have the same sense of humor as NASA 

© 2004 Steve Troy
© 2004 Steve Troy
The Last Laugh
What? ANOTHER Face on Mars?
© 2007 Ron Schmidt
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