Unsolved Mysteries
British Broadcasting Corporation
Mystery Surrounds Humming Noise
Investigations have begun into the high-pitched drone 

A mysterious humming sound has kept people in a Suffolk town awake for the last seven weeks. 

The hum, which has been heard in Sudbury overnight, has led to 50 people contacting Sudbury Town Council. 

Lord Philips of Sudbury said: "If someone had said to me a spacecraft had landed on the meadows last night I would have said 'well I heard it'." 

A council spokeswoman said Babergh District Council was attempting to identify the noise. 

"We have all got theories behind it - some out of this world and some are logic, but no-one really knows what it is" - Bradley Smith, community warden

Sue Brotherwood, Sudbury town clerk, described the noise as a "high hum". 

"The district council are doing their best to identify the source and have sent people out to try to hear the hum, she added. 

Local community warden Bradley Smith was one of the first people to hear the sound. 

He said: "Originally I thought I was hearing things. 

"I was speaking to a dog walker who brought it to my attention and asked what it was. 

"No-one knows what it is at present. 

"We have all got theories behind it - some out of this world and some are logic, but no-one really knows what it is. 

"It's a high pitched drone, continuous between about six at night and five in the morning and dependent on what age you are, determines what you interpret it as." 

Mysterious Hum
YouTube Link

Posted by BlasteR, on August 21, 2008 at 02:40 GMT 4845507

That's really my thoughts as well. A while back I discovered this.. 


It's extremely interesting to read, and many of the anomalous results seem to cause him to conclude, at least, that due to the structure and nature of these VLF sounds that they could be involved with some kind of man-made experimentation. But why into the ground?? 

If I'm not mistaken, I do believe HAARP can also create humming noises like this. I think I heard about this in a recent youtube video...

YouTube Link

And low frequency sounds have been discovered many times just before major earthquake events. Although I don't even know if its possible for people to hear a constant hum for days on end before an earthquake. At least I've never heard of such a thing. 

There could be health concerns other than simply being driven nuts by a constant hum. I don't think people really fully appreciate the adverse health effects of long-term exposure to ELF and/or VLF frequencies. And since we can't hear these frequencies it makes you wonder. But just because these people are actually hearing an audible hum doesn't mean that the sound isn't accompanied by lower frequency noises that may or may not affect their physiology. So, I'd be really interesting in knowing whether or not this hum is at a very specific audible frequency or if it is accompanied with some kind of low frequency carrier. 


Posted by BlasteR, on August 21, 2008 at 22:30 GMT 4850922
reply to post by kindred

I also recently saw a TV special on the Northern lights which talked about how the ELF frequencies created by the auroras might become amplified by certain kinds of rocks in/on the surface of the earth. People have come forward claiming to have actually heard the auroras slightly as a hissing crackling noises (which sounds uncannily similar to amplified ELF recordings of the auroras). 

I live in Alaska. A couple years ago my stepdad told me a story about he was outside one night when the auroras were especially active. He said that he could actually audibly hear some kind of noise that seemed to coincide with the intensity and patterns of the auroras. SO... I know it's possible. 

"There's something going on," Hallinan said of the aurora's whisper. "It's scientifically unreasonable, yet people do hear it." 

Hallinan says the thin air of the ionosphere--where the aurora dances from 60 to about 200 miles above the earth's surface--can't carry sound waves. Even if it could, Hallinan says, we're so far away that it would take several minutes for the sound to reach us. 

Hallinan suggests a few possible explanations for auroral noise. He said the brain may sense electromagnetic waves from the aurora and somehow convert them to sound. Another theory is that electrical currents induced on the ground by the aurora (which also corrode the trans-Alaska oil pipeline) may create an audible electrical discharge from nearby objects such as spruce trees or buildings. 

It's somehow comforting that this part of the aurora borealis remains a mystery. The voice of the aurora will undoubtedly someday be captured on tape and explained, but if I ever hear it, I'll whisper back. Maybe Barron has something to tell us. 

SOURCE: http://www.gi.alaska.edu/ScienceForum/ASF12/1257.html

Which brings up the possibility that EMF energy is becoming amplified somehow biologically by the human brain, making the sounds audible from the inside-out, not from the outside-in. And if some people are really more sensitive to EMF energy than others (which seems to be the case) then obviously some people might hear it while others do not. 


Posted by BlasteR, on August 22, 2008 at 02:19 GMT 4851649
reply to post by leearco

If other people are hearing it, I would suggest bringing a hand-held recording device of some kind to try and record it. I'm really interested in what these things sound like. As I said before, Audibly hearing the aurora is one thing, but from what I've heard these kinds of humming noises sound artificial because of the repetitiveness of the sounds and their distinct patterns and tones. 

I know that scientists have captured these noises in the past. 

This news story is out of New Zealand from 2006. It has an embedded media player that you can play and listen to the sound that was recorded by scientists there (its at the bottom of the page). 

Mystery humming sound captured

Another related news story on this humming sound in New Zealand here: 

This is a youtube video about a humming sound experienced in Taos, New Mexico (I guess from 2007 but I'm not sure the exact timeframe). The guy with the tattoos on the face freaks me out a little...

YouTube Link

The "Taos Hum" on Wikipedia

I'm also seeing reports of people who have been experiencing this humming noise in Denmark recently.. 

We've been getting this too here in Copenhagen, Denmark about 7 months since it started everyday, late night and/or very early morning sounds like a minor earthquake, or large stones grinding, you can FEEL it, in the floor and HEAR it 


SOURCE: http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message579401/pg5

From what I understand, this sound has also been heard in Bristol, UK. 

The Bristol Hum is the most widely reported hum in the U.K. Some of the features of the Bristol Hum are: 
* Sounds like an idling diesel engine. 
* Most "hummers" are over the age of 50 
* At least one partially deaf person hears the hum without using a hearing aid 
* "Hearing" of radar signals can be ruled out, since aluminum foil enclosures do not attenuate the Hum. 
* If a signal generator and loudspeaker is used, a zero beat can be heard around 100Hz 
* Steel enclosures (such as cars, vehicles, some buildings) slightly attenuate the perceived hum, but only if greater than 1/8" wall thickness.
* J. Hall of Bristol UK committed suicide in 10/96 after having been driven crazy by the hum. 
* The Hum can be detected and recorded using coil detectors.

 SOURCE: http://www.mendhak.com/56-mystery-sounds-booms-and-hums.aspx

Similar noises have also been heard around 2006 in Auckland, Norway which drove people nuts.. 

Mysterious humming driving Aucklanders 'bonkers' 
Friday October 27, 2006 
By Kate Chapman 

A mysterious humming driving people to despair across Auckland has pricked the ears, and curiosity, of scientists trying to find the source. 

Massey University computer engineering scientists Tom Moir and Fakhrul Alam have been contacted by more than 30 people, most in Auckland and the North Shore, who claim to have heard a humming noise. 

The symptoms are similar to those suffered by people with tinnitus, commonly associated with a prolonged high-frequency ringing in the ear.

Most people can hear between 20 hertz and 20 kilohertz and the humming is around 56 hertz, according to Dr Moir's research. 

Not everyone could hear the sound, because of its low volume, he said. 

"We're all born differently - some people are better runners, some people are better hearers." 

An Auckland woman who heard the sound described it as a "low drone or rumble". 

The woman, who asked not to be named or have her suburb identified, said the noise had become so bad she was thinking about selling her home. 

"I absolutely love my home but last night I couldn't get to sleep before 5am. In desperation I even tried to put Blu-Tack in my ears," she said.

But nothing works. The noise is louder inside and during the night when there are no other sounds to mask it.

You can see the official news story on this HERE

Very interesting!! 


Posted by zorgon, on August 22, 2008 at 03:10 GMT 4851784


YouTube Link
The Hum

The Hum is a generic name for a series of phenomena involving a persistent and invasive low-frequency hummingnoise not audible to all people. Hums have been reported in various geographical locations. In some cases a source has been located. A well-known case was reported in Taos, New Mexico, and thus the Hum is sometimes called the Taos Hum. Hums have been reported all over the world, especially in Europe. A Hum on the Big Island of Hawaii, typically related to volcanic action, is heard in locations dozens of miles apart. The local Hawaiians also say the Hum is most often heard by men. The Hum is most often described as sounding somewhat like a distant idling diesel engine. Typically the Hum is difficult to detect with microphones, and its source and nature are hard to localize.

The Hum is sometimes prefixed with the name of a locality where the problem has been particularly publicized: e.g., the "Bristol Hum" or the "Taos Hum".


The essential element that defines the Hum is what is perceived as a persistent low-frequency sound, often described as being comparable to that of a distant diesel engine idling, or to some similar low-pitched sound for which obvious sources (e.g., household appliances, traffic noise, etc.) have been ruled out.

Other elements seem to be significantly associated with the Hum, being reported by an important proportion of hearers, but not by all of them. Many people hear the Hum only, or much more, inside buildings as compared with outdoors. Many also perceive vibrations that can be felt through the body. Earplugs are reported as not decreasing the Hum. The Hum is often perceived more intensely during the night.

Some people perceive the Hum continuously, but others perceive it only during certain periods. For some people, the perceived Hum can represent a faint sound and a mild annoyance, while for others who perceive the Hum's sound and/or vibrations more intensely it represents a nuisance that can seriously interfere with daily activities. Common consequences include a lack of sleep, as the Hum can keep some people awake or wake them in the middle of the night. Such cases have given rise to the expression "Hum sufferers."

On 15th November 2006 Dr Tom Moir, of the University of Massey in Auckland, New Zealand, made a recording of the Auckland Hum and has published it on the university's website. The captured hum's power spectral density peaks at a frequency of 56 hertz.


It is during the 1990s that the Hum phenomenon began to be reported in North America and to be known to the American public, when a study by the University of New Mexico and the complaints from many citizens living near the town of Taos, New Mexico, caught the attention of the media. However, in the 1970s and 1980s, a similar phenomenon had been the object of complaints from citizens, of media reports and of studies, mostly in the United Kingdom but also in other countries such as New Zealand.[4] It is difficult to tell if the Hum reported in those earlier cases and the Hum that began to be increasingly reported in North America in the 1990s should be considered identical or of different natures. During the last decade, the Hum phenomenon has been reported in many other cities and regions in North America and Europe and in some other regions of the world.


In the case of Kokomo, Indiana, a city with heavy industries, the source of the hum was thought to have been traced to two sources. The first was a pair of fans in a cooling tower at the local DaimlerChryslercasting plant emitting a 36 Hz tone. The second was an air compressor intake at the Haynes International plant emitting a 10 Hz tone.

Some possible explanations

Some explanations of hums, for which no definitive source has been found, have been put forth. These include:

Man-made noises

High frequency attenuation of distant industrial sounds or stereo subwoofers from homes, cars, music venues, Los Alamos National Laboratory. As sound moves through the atmosphere or ground, the high frequencies decrease in amplitude more rapidly than the low frequency ones, which subsequently travel greater distances. The low-frequency sounds can be amplified by walls and structural geometry, and sound like ambiguous rumblings or hums. Industrial machinery such as compressors, pumps and fans can also produce similar types of sounds. Although this is one of the explanations that first come to mind, ordinary microphones have failed to detect the Hum and investigations have failed to convincingly trace the Hum to such sources. Studies in the UK have addressed this issue.

Infrasound made by geological events

Infrasound from different possible sources, possibly geologic or plate tectonic in nature.

Pulsed microwaves

A phenomenon similar to the microwave auditory effect from pulsed microwave sources, possibly in combination with other factors. The thermoelastic mechanism may or may not be involved. Various types of electromagnetic sources could involve different physical or physiological mechanisms or a combination thereof. Some of the components of the electromagnetic environment, and examples of their possible combined effects, have been discussed in the annex to the report about the Hum by the experts hired by the city of Kokomo, Indiana.

Electromagnetic waves caused by meteors

A variant of the audio frequency electromagnetic emissions generated upon the entry of a meteor and its disintegration in the upper atmosphere. The disintegration of larger meteors in the upper atmosphere is known to release megawatts of power in the audio frequency range, primarily through the interaction of the resulting ionization trail with the Earth's magnetic field. See, for example Listening to Leonids for a description of the meteor audio effect. (It is also speculated that the "solar wind" may be causing a similar effect to the "meteor audio effect.")

Extremely low frequency communications systems

Communication systems, such as submarine communications systems that use extremely low frequency (ELF) radio transmissions. Proponents of this theory suggest the transmissions may somehow produce effects either directly or indirectly through mechanisms similar or different of those by which higher frequencies are detected.

Ionospheric heating systems

Large-scale effects of one or several of the ionospheric heating projects in Norway, the U.S. or Russia, such as HAARP in Gakona, Alaska.


Generated by the body, the auditory or the nervous system, with no external stimulus. However, the theory that the Hum is actually tinnitus fails to explain why the Hum can only be heard at certain geographical locations. Some people who claim to hear the Hum say that it is worse indoors. This would lean towards tinnitus, as tinnitus is generally worse in places with less exterior sound. There may exist individual differences as to the threshold of perception of acoustic or non-acoustic stimuli, or other normal individual variations that could contribute to the fact that some people in the population perceive the Hum and others do not.

While hypothesized to be a form of low frequency tinnitus  such as the venous hum, some sufferers claim it is not internal being worse inside their homes than outside. However, others insist that it is equally bad indoors and outdoors. More mystery is added as some only notice the Hum at home, while others hear it everywhere they go. Some reports indicate that it is made worse by attempted soundproofing (e.g., double glazing), which only serves to decrease other environmental noise, thus making the Hum more apparent.

The tensor tympani muscle making the eardrum tremble

As of 2005, a scientific hypothesis suggests the Hum originates on the eardrums of affected individuals by the tensor tympani muscle trembling. (The tensor tympani is a muscle within the inner ear for tightening the eardrum.) The 40-page hypothesis can be read in German on the pages of the German Association for Research about the Hum, IGZAB (InteressenGemeinschaft Zur Aufklärung des Brummtonphänomens). See: http://www.IGZAB.de . See de:Brummton-Phänomen.

SOURCE: Wikipedia

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