The Hyperdimensional Oscillator™

Technology To Access Other Dimensions Of Spacetime

Here at Life Technology Research International® we are continuously developing and evaluating new products and The Hyperdimensional Oscillator™ has certainly given us cause for excitement. The device incorporates several elements of futuristic Tesla technology, psychotronics and quantum physics to allow the user to access other dimensions of space time. 

Tesla and The Hyperdimensional Oscillator™ 

The Hyperdimensional Oscillator™ is based on the famed Teslascope ,the device that Nikola Tesla invented to communicate with other planets. In effect it is a transducer, capable of converting the high frequency of cosmic rays to an energy field which can interface with the human mind. We can use these energies for healing the human body, or simply allow them to guide and instruct us as Tesla did. The possibilities of The Hyperdimensional Oscillator™ are indeed limitless and our research has merely scratched the surface of this incredible technology. Like Tesla himself, we have been guided in our research by higher forces and channelled information which has enabled us to build the Teslascope in miniature using 21st century electronic componentry.

Who was Nikola Tesla?

In today's world of specialization it is hard to imagine that one man invented Alternating Current, the Radio, X-Ray photography, the basics of lasers, computers, robotics, remote control systems, ball lightning, fluorescent lights, broadcast energy, force-fields, earthquake generators, anti-war machines, UFO's, and a communication device to contact other planets. The giant Westinghouse Electric Company was founded around just a few of his patents. He is single-handedly the Father of the modern Electrical Utilities, Electronics, Communications, and Computer Industries. In addition, He was offered a royalty of $2 for every horsepower generated by the use of Alternating Current, which would have made him the Richest Man in the World, a billion times over! In his day he was called "The Greatest Inventor Who Ever Lived" and "The Man Who Invented the 20th Century"! 

In addition to his bitter battle with his inventor rival Thomas Alva Edison who helped Count Gugielmo Marconi allegedly steal Tesla's invention of the Radio, Tesla fought a losing battle with J.P. Morgan and his group for the Energy Control of the entire planet. Tesla was virtually written out of history by the wealthy Energy Cartel, and later by the United States Government; who had him working on Top Secret Projects like the so-called "Philadelphia Experiment". This combined Tesla's technology with Einstein's still-secret discoveries in physics causing a US Navy Destroyer called the Eldridge to disappear in 1943 into a parallel Universe with 493 men aboard. 

The Teslascope and contact with extraterrestrial intelligence.

But the strangest twist in Tesla's amazing history is the most bizarre Alien Contact story of all time. In 1898 while Tesla was doing research at his special laboratory funded by J.P. Morgan built at Colorado Springs, Colorado; he began receiving signals from other worlds. Back at the famous Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York in 1900, Tesla held a press conference that shook the world when he announced his discovery of those intelligent alien signals. If you've ever wondered why NASA built all those radio telescopes and then closed SETI, now you know. In 1937 a reporter interviewed Tesla on his birthday. He apologetically told the reporter that he had been so busy that he didn't get around to actually building his Teslascope communication device until 1917. But like all his 4,000+ other inventions, it worked perfectly, first try. Since then he had been in touch with other worlds at least 2 hours a day for over 20 years! The story was actually published in the newspapers in 1937, and no one seems to have picked up on it's significance. This was not just some lunatic or wino, this was the man regarded as the top scientist in the world in his day; a man who helped Einstein with his math! 

The creation of The Hyperdimensional Oscillator™ 

Life Technology Research International® have been granted access to documents and papers pertaining to the patent for Tesla’s original Teslascope and with the aid of our consultant electronics engineers we have been successful in creating The Hyperdimensional Oscillator™ ,a microcircuit which will duplicate the effects of the original device. The circuit is so advanced that it is actually a superconductor powered by scalar energies, the biophoton energy of the cosmos. The microcircuit is enclosed in a sturdy yet elegant metal container which is designed to be worn on the body as a pendant. It is through the interface of the human bioelectric field that we can access the energy and information carried by the cosmic rays that constantly surround us.

The Hyperdimensional Oscillator™ is a tool of healing and enlightenment. It has been gifted to mankind at this time to enable us to awaken and receive the transformational energies of the cosmos. 

The Hyperdimensional Oscillator™ only allows subtle energy movement in one direction, which is positive and gives a positive spin of energy.

The Hyperdimensional Oscillator™ also acts as a rectifier by keeping the body’s subtle energy field in perfect balance.

The Hyperdimensional Oscillator™ corrects and filters the cosmic energies flowing into the human body to bring increased harmony and balance to the body’s electrical system.

The Hyperdimensional Oscillator™ is specially prepared to emit cosmic resonant energy frequencies that synchronize and promote a healthy human bioenergy field.

The Hyperdimensional Oscillator™ facilitates communication with higher dimensions including entities commonly termed ‘Extraterrestials’ or ‘ETs’.

The Hyperdimensional Oscillator™ encourages and speeds up the development of the naturally present, but usually latent, psychic awareness leading to a greater feeling of connectedness and enhanced intuitive perception.

When worn on the center of the body (assemblage point or heart chakra), The Hyperdimensional Oscillator™ energy frequencies are picked up by the body’s electrical system; stabilizing, balancing and energizing the human bioenergy field. 

By emitting neutralizing and balancing frequencies, The Hyperdimensional Oscillator™ also helps to counteract the effects of harmful and stray electromagnetic fields (EMF’s) to which we are exposed everyday.

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Warning : 

As with some of our other powerful metaphysical tools, The Hyperdimensional Oscillator™ does have very unusual effects on the human organism. If any signs of discomfort or anxiety are experienced while wearing The Hyperdimensional Oscillator™ or if the transformational effects become unpleasant in any way, stop wearing The Hyperdimensional Oscillator™ immediately, have a break for a week or so until the mind and body return to normal and begin wearing it again for shorter periods of time, perhaps for a few hours or days at a time, depending on how well you adapt to the new energies. It can take the organism quite some time to adjust to all of the new subtle energy and hyper dimensional information being received and if the process occurs too rapidly it can cause minor discomfort for the user. We would recommend care and responsibility when using this device as it is a powerful tool of conscious creation and can allow us to rapidly manifest our goals and dreams.